

Aliens, ALL, Episode III (ROTS), Fringe

Tarfful was a male Wookiee chieftain and general who helped defend his native planet Kashyyyk during the Clone Wars. During the war, he led a band of Wookiees to answer a distress signal made by Chewbacca, who was imprisoned on the Trandoshan hunting grounds of Wasskah. Tarfful later participated in the Battle of Kashyyyk alongside Chewbacca and Jedi Master Yoda. (Source Wookieepedia)

Tarfful   Tarfful

Front Image
URL: https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51402693006_52ae042705_c.jpg
Source: Photoshoot

Back / Second View Image
URL: https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51402692916_9584dea8ed_o.png
Source: Photoshoot

7’/213 cm Minimum Height Required
Body Suit
Item Image
URL: https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51403674630_4053b0fd15_n.jpg
Source: Photoshoot

Required Details
● Complete hair suit using natural or synthetic fibers, either tied or using National Fiber Technology Hair. No fun fur or modified Rubies suits.
● Hair is mainly dark brown. The outsides of the knees, the belly, the middle of the chest, and the inside of the arms are a light brown/blonde.
● Hair [averages at least 6 inches (15 cm) or longer, but 8-10 inch (20.5-25.5 cm) long hair is preferred.
● Complete coverage is required; no bald spots or exposed skin/undersuit.
● Arm length must be proportionate to that of the overall body look. No T-Rex arms.

Additional Images

URL: https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51401947807_81133ec770_c.jpg
Source: Tour Suit

URL: https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51402692986_2ebb09fd49_z.jpg
Source: Photoshoot

URL: https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51402959148_d83137fd50_w.jpg
Source: Photoshoot

URL: https://i.imgur.com/ZlVoXnT.jpg

URL: https://i.imgur.com/ElhppQo.jpg
Source: Behind the Scenes Photo

Item Image
URL: https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51402692976_eff1266b05_m.jpg
Source: Photoshoot

Required Details
● Mask hair must match the suit.
● The mask must completely cover the head and neck, without completely obscuring the shape of the shoulders.
● The eyes, a smooth black nose, and a large jaw/muzzle must all be clearly visible.
● A slight moustache like feature and beard must be present as well. The mouth must have a slight frown when closed.
● The face, eye brows, and beard is light brown/blonde. The rest of the mask is dark brown.
● Nine or ten dreadlocks are attached to the top of the back of the head. Four hang down the front (two on each side) to about the bottom of the rib-cage. The remaining dreadlocks hang down to the lower back. Three decorative silver bands are present on each lock.
● The mask hair must be smooth and well groomed, not bushy, so that the mask’s shape and structure are clear.
● Static masks must not be frozen in an opened position. All static mouths must be fully closed.
● Eye makeup (shades of black or brown) must be worn around the eyes and completely cover any exposed skin.

Optional Details
● Although a functioning jaw and/or lip snarl is not required, the skin and lips of any mechanical masks must appear as one piece, rather than a separated jaw and face. This refers only to the mask’s outward appearance, not the underskull. Costumers should be aware that mechanical jaws and lips are complex projects requiring purpose-built components using special materials. They cannot simply be added to an existing latex rubber mask. Consult the costuming resources and fellow Wookiee costumers for advice on this project.

Additional Images

URL: https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51402692971_1ebf1ab4db_c.jpg
Source: Photoshoot

URL: https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51403770330_d0fdff11cc_c.jpg
Source: Archives

Item Image
URL: https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51403452464_704e2106f7_c.jpg
Source: Trading card

Required Details
● Dark brown, gray, or black gloves are to be worn.
● There must be enough overlap between the gloves and the wrists of the hair suit that no skin is exposed.
● Gloves may be made of leather, vinyl, cloth, or rubber.

Optional Details
● Claws/nails are encouraged, but not required.

Item Image
URL: https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51403452459_9c0613dcec_o.jpg
Source: Ryan Ricks Replica Toes

Required Details
● Feet must be completely covered with hair except for the bottom and the toes.
● Feet are either brown or black with black toenails
● Feet must have 5 toes with visible claws/toenails and are symmetrical right and left.

Item Image
Source: Costume Exhibit

Required Details
● Dark brown leather or faux leather harness with a Y-shaped, a V-shaped back, and a belt around the waist.
● The strap is approximately 3 inches (7-8 cm) wide with a narrow center strap securing evenly spaced large and small metallic boxes
● The boxes must have edge detailing.
● Decorative buckles must be present on the fork in the front “Y”, at the base of the “Y” where it connects with the belt, and along the back where it connects to the belt.
● Shoulder armor with wide gold and brown stripes and decorated with raised gold spiral circles with three “separate” plates must be worn.

Additional Images
URL: https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51403674545_ae54d3f0a6.jpg
Source: Photoshoot

URL: https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51403674540_688a1b6cbb.jpg
Source: ROTS Screenshot

URL: https://i.imgur.com/ve2zbuC.jpg

URL: https://i.imgur.com/Mzq82DZ.jpg

URL: https://i.imgur.com/VV7O8TI.jpg


Item Image
URL: https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51403674580_8d3d278564_c.jpg
Source: Costume Exhibit

Required Details
● Long-barreled “blunderbuss” style blaster that is roughly 3-4 ft (90-120 cm) long. The flared cylindrical barrel is over half the length of the blaster.
● Copper with gold accents
● A palm-sized gold sphere is mounted in front of grip
● Greeblies decorate the body of the blaster matching reference photos, including six silver woven tubes connecting the sphere to the barrel. A circular grip ring is attached below the handle at the start of the barrel.

Additional Images
URL: https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51402692966_5f7cb30531_c.jpg
Source: Costume Exhibit

URL: https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/51401947772_bb4986470e_z.jpg
Source: Photoshoot

Costume Resources

● Rebel Legion Wookiee Forums-http://www.forum.rebellegion.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=400
● GotWookiee.com