Rahm Kota was a Human male who served as a Jedi Master and General during the Clone Wars. Born on a war-torn world, Kota fought in the trenches during the planet’s internal conflicts from the age of ten. At the age of eighteen, Kota met the Jedi Mace Windu, who had been dispatched to the planet to end the conflict peacefully. Discovering Kota’s Force-sensitivity, Windu took Kota back to the Jedi Temple on Coruscant to be trained as a Jedi. Despite being well over the traditional age of acceptance, Kota was schooled in the Force by Master Yoda. He took Falon Grey as his Padawan sometime before the Clone Wars, training him to Knighthood. During the Clone Wars, Kota was made a general in the Grand Army of the Republic. He did not believe that clone troopers were fit for battle, however, and refused to lead them. Instead, he commanded his own militia, comprised of volunteers.
(Source: Wookieepedia)
[box]1. Undershirt:Black or dark brown high-crew neck undershirt or equivalent dickey.[/box] [box] 2. Tunic:
Dark brown semi-fitted long sleeve tunic with kimono collar and 12-15″ sleeve wrist openings. Fabric may be crinkle or smooth textured and have red to olive tones.[/box] [box]3. Gloves
Dark grey or black fingerless gloves.[/box] [box]4. Pants:
Loose-fitting khaki or tan pants, stonewashed cotton or suede leather/ultra suede. Pants should have hidden/no back pockets and diagonal slash front pockets.[/box] [box]5. Boots:
Medium to dark brown knee-high weathered leather or pleather boots with 5 cross straps. Qui-Gon style boots with 6-7 cross straps are acceptable.[/box] [box] 6. Belt:
Dark brown weathered jedi belt with drop-curve in front, no pouches, food caps, or saber clip, and Obi-Wan or Qui-Gon style buckle on thinner overstrap.[/box] [box]7. Armour:
– Medium to dark brown 3-4″ wide strap armour harness extending from back center of belt line in a “V” up over the shoulders. Can attach to breast plate and/or continue down front to belt line.
– Rigid weathered silver breastplate with belly control-box extending from belt line to mid-upper chest.
– Rigid weathered silver shoulder bells extending from slightly above the shoulder to mid upper arm.
– Rigid weathered silver wrist gauntlets with narrow box/clip on one side, extending from wrist to mid forearm.
– Rigid weathered silver hand guards covering backs of hands.[/box] [box]8. Tabards:
Medium brown (red to olive tones) fabric tabards, extending from belt line to just above the knees.[/box] [box]9. Drapes:
Medium brown (red to olive tones) fabric split-cape drapes over shoulders, mid-calf to ankle length in back. 18-24″ wide at bottom, tapered or gathered/pleated to go over shoulders. Can either be extension of tabards or separate pieces.[/box] [box]10. Bandoleer:
Dark brown weathered leather bandoleer, slightly narrower than belt, with rectangular buckle at chest level and single flap-closure pouch at belly level, extending from over right shoulder to just above left waist, continuing up the back to the right shoulder. Bandoleer should be contoured to lay flat at left waist, and feature cross-etched lines throughout and a narrow center strap extending from the buckle over shoulder to lightsaber holster on back.[/box] [box]11. Holster:
Semi rigid/rigid brown saber holster attached to back of bandoleer. Should feature single leather strap around middle.[/box] [box]12. Lightsaber hilt:
Rahm Kota style lightsaber hilt. Can be holstered at back of bandoleer or hand-held. If bladed, must be green blade.[/box] [box] 13. Hair:
Hair/wig should be of medium length (below ears) or longer with at a minimum silver/grey/white highlights, and pulled in a top-knot high on back of head.[/box] [box] 14. Goatee:
Pointed chin-goatee with at a minimum silver/grey/white highlights.[/box]
All elements and features should closely match available visual references.
[box]1. Fully silver/white hair/goatee/eyebrows.2. Facial scars.
3. Weathered/frayed/worn cape ends.
4. Weathered/worn tabards.[/box]
Koda Vonnor’s Rahm Kota Project
Wookieepedia Rahm Kota Page
Auhor: Koda Vonnor (Bill Costigan)
Costume agreed by CSC:
Updated: 7 June 2017
PLEASE NOTE: The costume standards are a guide, yet are not an all inclusive outline of required elements. The judges will be looking for quality of workmanship, accurate execution and use of materials in addition to these general standards check lists. If you have a question about fabrics, colours, and parts choices for your build please contact the LCJs for your category about parts/materials you are considering before you start your build. (LCJ listing here)