
Clones of the Republic
Detachment Officer (DCO): GeneralSpeer
Detachment Executive Officer (DXO): NavySith
The Clones of the Republic is a detachment for all Clone troopers who were a part of the Galactic Senate before the fall of Order 66 and the Senate. Clone troopers ranged from the Clone Wars era, prequel movies, and other animated TV shows. COR is the home for all clones pre-order 66 and post-66 anti-Empire clones.
Notable Clones: Captain Rex, CMDR Cody, CMDR Wolffe, Bad Batch ( and Omega), Echo, Fives, Waxer, Boil, and over 145 other distinct clones.
COR Detachment Costume Standards

Docking Bay 94
Detachment Officer (DCO): Asteroid_Virus
Detachment Executive Officer (DXO): Jeweled Triumph
Docking Bay 94 is the home of the characters on the "fringe" of the Rebel Legion. DB94 is responsible for the smugglers, pirates, marauders, bounty hunters, and independent agents of the galaxy. This includes characters such as Han Solo, Chewbacca, Din Djarin, Jyn Erso, and Cara Dune.
DB94 Detachment Costume Standards

Droids of the Rebellion/Resistance
Detachment Officer (DCO): Ishy
Detachment Executive Officer (DXO): Alextreme
Droid Factory Detachment is the home for costumed Droid workers and allies of The Rebel Legion. The Detachment is the most recent to form, which became chartered and officially launched in the Legion during the early months of 2023.
DROID Detachment Costume Standards

We are "All the Jedi"
Detachment Officer (DCO): Callista Ming
Detachment Executive Officer (DXO): Ashlyn_Dubreas
The Knights of the Jedi Order (KJO) Detachment encompasses all Jedi characters and light side Force users. Our most popular characters include Luke Skywalker, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka Tano, Rey... and you! Many of our members have generic Jedi costumes, putting themselves in the role of background Jedi characters.
Characters who possess a lightsaber but are not yet Jedi (such as Jakku Rey and Farmboy Luke), who are dressed for non-Jedi things (such as Luke's X-wing and Snowspeeder pilot costumes), or who have left the Jedi Order but still serve the light (such as Citizen Ashoka) are shared with and judged by other detachments.
KJO Detachment Costume Standards

Command of the Rebel Officers and Commanders
Detachment Officer (DCO): tenebris
Detachment Executive Officer (DXO): instarlight
The Galactic Strategic Command Detachment (GSC) is the Rebel Officers and Commanders detachment of the rebel Legion. GSC is responsible for Officer Commander costumes from the Rebel Alliance, Galactic Republic, New Republic, and Resistance. Our costumes include Mon Mothma. Admirals Ackbar and Holdo, General Dodonna, Captain Cassian Andor, and Lt Connix. The detachment also has a range of generic generals, majors, junior officers, and communication officers.
Costumes that are NOT included in the Commanders Detachment are Jedi Commanders and Clone officers are supported by the Clones of the Republic Detachment.
GSC Detachment Costume Standards

Troopers of the Rebellion/Resistance
Detachment Officer (DCO): PArmstr
Detachment Executive Officer (DXO): Icehawk0079
The Rebel Alliance Infantry Detachment (RAID) are the regular soldiers and support personnel of the Rebel Legion. RAID is responsible for the non-clone ground and fleet troops of the Galactic Republic, Rebel Alliance, New Republic, and Resistance. Our costumes include Fleet Trooper, Hoth Troopers, Endor Commandos, and Scarif Marines.
RAID Detachment Costume Standards

Royalty & Senatorial of the Republic/New Republic
Detachment Officer (DCO): Nebreyska
Detachment Executive Officer (DXO): AlexandraIVann
The Rebel Legion Galactic Senate Detachment (RLGS) is the dignitary Detachment of the Rebel Legion. The RLGS is responsible for Royalty and Senatorial costumes from the Rebel Alliance, Galactic Republic, and New Republic. This includes Leias, Padmés, Handmaidens, Royal Guards, planetary governance, and all other dignitaries.
RLGS Detachment Costume Standards

"Welcome to the flight deck!"
Detachment Officer (DCO): Ced Starchaser
Detachment Executive Officer (DXO): The_Auto_Tech
From A-Wings to Y-Wings, Starfighter Command is the Rebel Legion detachment for starfighter pilot and gunner costumes in the Star Wars universe.
The RLSC detachment provides resources such as costume galleries and tutorials as well as challenging members to stay active through our Mission Tracker program.
RLSC Detachment Costume Standards

Rebels in Disguise
Detachment Officer (DCO): Lora Skywalker
Detachment Executive Officer (DXO): SassenachSkywalker
Rogue Detachment is the detachment for defectors and disguise costumes. In this detachment, you will find Bodhi Rook, Jyn Erso’s Imperial Ground Crew disguise, Mara Jade as Baroness Paltonae, Agent Kallus (Fulcrum), Obi-Wan in Mandalorian armor, and Lando as Tamtel Skreej to mention a few.
If a character is in disguise or has defected to the good side, this is where the costume belongs!
Some of our costumes are dual detachment costumes, so remember to check if a costume and character may fall into two detachments to be sure to apply to both. Eg. Obi-Wan in mandalorian armor (KJO) or Leia as Boushh (RLGS).
Want to make a costume, but see no costume standard yet? No problem, just come join us on the Rebel Legion forums and we will help you find your way.
Rogue Detachment Costume Standards

Human Supporters of the Rebellion/Resistance
Detachment Officer (DCO): evardell
Detachment Executive Officer (DXO): Snap616
The United Citizens of the Galactic Republic Detachment (UCGR) is the official detachment for human supporters. The UCGR is responsible for maintaining and advising the Legion command on costume standards for costumes from the Rebel Alliance, Galactic Republic, and New Republic (e.g., Willrow Hood, Narkina-5 prisoners, etc.), and providing the Legion with qualified individuals for the approval of all future human supporter costumes.
UCGR Detachment Costume Standards

Alien Supporters of the Rebellion/Resistance
Detachment Officer (DCO): Xadras
Detachment Executive Officer (DXO): PhantomEcho
The Wretched Hive (The Hive) is the detachment that welcomes all aliens of The Rebel Legion. The Hive is the primary home for costumes like Jawas, Tusken, Ewoks, Wookiees, and many other aliens. It is also a secondary detachment for several costumes that would fit primarily into other detachments including alien Jedi, and alien pilots, and also face characters like Ahsoka Tano, Plo Koon, Admiral Ackbar, and many others.
HIVE Detachment Costume Standards