Anakin Skywalker – was a Force-sensitive Human male who served the Galactic Republic as a Jedi Knight and later served the Galactic Empire as the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Born to the slave Shmi Skywalker in 41.9 BBY, Anakin was conceived by midi-chlorians, the symbiotic organisms that allowed individuals to touch the Force, and he and his mother were brought to the desert planet of Tatooine to be the slaves of Gardulla the Hutt.
They soon ended up as the property of the Toydarian Watto, and Skywalker exhibited exceptional piloting skills and a reputation for being able to build and repair anything even at a young age. In 32 BBY, Skywalker encountered the Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and Padmé Amidala, and he helped them secure the parts they needed for their starship by winning the Boonta Eve Classic podracing event—only to learn that he had also won his freedom in doing so.
(Source: Wookiepedia)
1. Woolen outer vest, double breasted, dark brown with light brown accent pattern. Vest has wide mandarin-type collar
2. Taupe crinkle cotton long sleeve inner tunic
3. Brown and orange patterned neck scarf
4. Dark green cummerbund
5.Dark brown flat front pants
6. Dark brown boots, knee high, with spats and three straps on each leg
7. Short hair or Anakin’s cut from AotC. Costumer must be clean shaven
8. Padawan braid
1. Knee length weathered ivory travel cloak with white horizontal stripes and v-neck to chest. Sides should drape to just past the elbows when arms are bent
2. Jedi apprentice ponytail
PLEASE NOTE: The costume standards are a guide, yet are not an all inclusive outline of required elements. The judges will be looking for quality of workmanship, accurate execution and use of materials in addition to these general standards check lists. If you have a question about fabrics, colours, and parts choices for your build please contact the LCJs for your category about parts/materials you are considering before you start your build. (LCJ listing here)
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