Clone Trooper, 327th Star Corps

ALL, Clone Troopers, Episode III (ROTS)

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The troops of the 327th Star Corps were distinguished by striped yellow markings running the length of their armor and, as a result of Clone Marshal Commander Bly’s ARC training, his troopers were allowed to don kamas and command pauldrons.

One unit within the 327th was K Company.

(Source: Wookiepedia)


NOTE: This clone wears Phase II (Episode III) armor with additional paint and accessories. Only those additional items are listed here.

[box] Helmet

  • Marigold color stripe down the center, starting in the rear above the grey band and tapering slightly toward the chin. [/box]


  • Chest – Marigold stripe down the center
  • Shoulders – Marigold stripe down the center
  • Upper Arms – Marigold stripe on the outside of the bicep, located slightly more toward the front
  • Forearms – Marigold stripe on upper/outside
  • Handplates – Marigold stripes down center
  • Knees – Marigold stripes down center[/box]


  • 2 Marigold stripes on the center-most raised rectangular details[/box]


  • 2 Marigold stripes. One on the boot strap and one just below the strap[/box]


  • Episode III style pauldron
  • One large shoulder plate approximately the width of the helmet and painted in a brown/sienna color
  • One black smaller shoulder plate approximately the same width as the distance from the neck and outer line of the armor at the shoulder
  • Mantle (or base) should be black

The 327th Star Corps clone may wear the pauldron to the left or right.[/box]

[box]Ammo Boxes

  • 3 ammo boxes are attached to a dark grey strap that is attached to the pauldron (on the opposite side of the large shoulder plate) and runs down to the belt. Outer area of boxes is white. Inner portion is raw sienna with a black square located towards the top.
  • 2 smaller ammo boxes are attached to the bicep (opposite the large shoulder plate) on a light grey strap. One box is located on the front of the bicep and the other is located on the outside. Outer area of boxes is white. Inner portion is raw sienna.[/box]


  • Brown and rectangular shaped with 4 inch “V” cut in bottom/center
  • Straps are attached to kama buckle with clips and are stitched to the inside of the kama[/box]

[box]Kama buckle

  • Buckle is located under the front/center of the belt. Kama straps are attached to the buckle with clips[/box]

[box]Pistols and Holsters

  • One holster on each hip, hanging from the belt
  • 2 DC-17 Pistols (see photo reference)[/box]