hoth trench trooper

Hoth Trench Trooper (Ep V)

ALL, Episode V (ESB), Troopers


Hoth Trench Troopers featured in Empire Strikes back and could be seen trying to hold off the oncoming attack of Imperial forces whilst the Rebel fleet attempted to evacuate the Ice Planet Hoth.

hoth trench trooper



1. Accurate soft helmet in a white, beige or ecru colour
2. White framed goggles with with yellow or light amber lenses
3. Jacket in white or beige/natural colour with tan quilted top section
4. Backpack Vest in a beige or ecru colour
5. Tan coloured pants with quilted/padded knees
6. Accurate grey or tan coloured gaiters
7. White web belt with buckle detail
8. Greeblies on right front vest
9. White/Light grey gloves with med grey cuff and com device


1. Rank badge on vest

2.  Comm device/earpiece on hat
3. DH-17 blaster

  • Either RFT version or modified Hoth version)

4. White holster
5. Hoth Rifle
6. Backpack/Hardpack

  • Canvas covered boxes with black greeblies on a frame

7. Tan fabric pouch
8. Tan or black scarf

PLEASE NOTE: The costume standards are a guide, yet are not an all inclusive outline of required elements. The judges will be looking for quality of workmanship, accurate execution and use of materials in addition to these general standards check lists. If you have a question about fabrics, colours, and parts choices for your build please contact the LCJs for your category about parts/materials you are considering before you start your build. (LCJ listing here)