[magny image=”” title=”” description=”” align=”right” click=”1″ scroll_zoom=”1″ small_image=”×150.jpg” canvas_mode=”1″ maxwidth=”300px” zoom=”3″ dia=”250px” skin=”new-im-frame-simple,new-title-below,new-description-off,new-slider-below,new-im-magnifier-light new-im-magnifier-square” ]Kit Fisto was a renowned male Nautolan Jedi Master in the waning years of the Galactic Republic. During the Clone Wars, he served as a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic, as well as a member of the Jedi High Council.
(Source Wookieepedia)
[box]1. Accurate mask and hands[/box] [box]2. Cinnamon brown or gray-brown outer tunic, sash (obi), and tabards of the same material and color which extend to the bottom of the tunic in both front and back[/box] [box]3. Dark brown inner tunic[/box] [box]4. Off-white/Light tan “dickie” with mandarin collar to cover bottom of mask[/box] [box]5. Dark gray-brown pants[/box] [box]6. Calf-length dark brown boots[/box] [box]7. Brown leather belt with smaller inner strap held by silver button studs and silver rectangular buckle[/box] [box]8. Non-toy lightsaber hilt or custom lightsaber hilt[/box] [box]9.Covertech clip[/box]FORMAL REQUIREMENTS:
You must have at least one of the following items to be accepted:
- Dark brown hooded robe with wide sleeves
- 4 food Capsules in the following colors (Silver, Copper, Bronze, & Gold)
- 1 wide & 1 tall screen accurate pouches (modeled after Anakin AOTC pouches)[/box]
[box]- Kit Fitso hero lightsaber hilt
- Correct color lightsaber blade[/box]
[box]- Kit Fisto Tutorial [/box]
Credit: Donna Keeley (Grey Jedi) & Neil Shivelle (Aurabesh)
Updated by KJO DCO 03/30/2009