
Aliens, ALL, Fringe, The Clone Wars


Kitwarr was a male Wookiee born in 15 BBY and enslaved by the Galactic Empire along with his father, Wullffwarro. He was forced to work in the spice mines of Kessel until he and his fellow Wookiee slaves were rescued by a small band of rebels led by the Jedi Kanan Jarrus. Kitwarr was chased by a stormtrooper, but Ezra Bridger, a Force-sensitive human, came to his aid. The two were cornered on a catwalk by Agent Kallus, but they were able to escape soon afterwards aboard the Ghost. Kitwarr was able to reunite with his father; they and the other liberated Wookiees were picked up by an Auzituck anti-slaver gunship.
(Source Wookieepedia).

Required Items

Height: 6’/183 cm Maximum Height Preferred for Younglings

Required Details

  1. Complete hair suit using natural or synthetic fibers, either tied or using National Fibre Technology Hair. Faux fur or fun fur is not acceptable, as it is not long enough. No yarn or shag carpet Wookiees. The Rubies Supreme Edition Chewbacca suits are NOT acceptable even with modification.
  2. Hair must be reddish overall with lighter, blonde on the wrists and ankles.
  3. Hair must average at least 6″/ 15 cm or slightly longer.
  4. Complete coverage is required; no bald spots or exposed skin/undersuit.
  5. Arm length must be proportionate to that of the overall body look. No T-REX Arms.

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Required Details

  1. The mask must completely cover the head and neck, without completely obscuring the shape of the shoulders.
  2. The eyes, a smooth black nose, and a pronounced muzzle must all be clearly visible. No flat faces.
  3. A slight moustache like feature is present as well.
  4. The overall shape must be rounded and more youthful than an adult Wookiee.
  5. The mask hair must match the main suit colour and be smooth and well groomed, not bushy, so that the mask’s shape and structure are clear.
  6. Static masks must not be frozen in a fully opened position. All static mouths must be closed.
  7. Eye makeup (shades of black or brown) must be worn around the eyes and completely cover any exposed skin.
  8. The Hasbro Electronic Chewbacca mask is not acceptable, even modified.

Optional Details:

Although a functioning jaw and/or lip snarl is not required, the skin and lips of any mechanical masks must appear as one piece, rather than a separated jaw and face. This refers only to the mask’s outward appearance, not the underskull. Costumers should be aware that mechanical jaws and lips are complex projects requiring purpose-built components using special materials. They cannot simply be added to an existing latex rubber mask. Consult the costuming resources and fellow Wookiee costumers for advice on this project.

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Required Details

  1. Dark brown, gray, or black gloves must be worn.
  2. There must be enough overlap between the gloves and the wrists of the hair suit that no skin is exposed.
  3. Gloves may be made of leather, vinyl, cloth, or rubber.

Optional Details:

  1. Claws/nails are encouraged, but not required.


Required Details

  1. Feet must be completely covered with hair except for the bottom and the toes.
  2. Feet are either brown or black with black toenails
  3. Feet must have 5 toes with visible claws/toenails
  4. Claws may be either sharp or squared off.

Costume Resources

  1. Rebel Legion Wookiee Forums-