Rebel Legion Charter
Introduction (Mission, Vision, and Values Statement) for the Rebel Legion Charter
- I.1. Incorporation of the Rebel Legion
- I.2. Rebel Legion Subdivisions
- I.2.A. Bases
- I.2.B. Outposts
- I.2.C. Outer Rim
- I.2.D. Detachments
- I.3. Legion Command Council (LCC)
- I.3.A. Responsibilities of the LCC
- I.3.B. Qualifications for the LCC
- I.4. Rebel Legion Administrative Staff
- I.5. Rebel Command Council
- I.6 Regional Command Liaisons
- I.7. Rebel Legion Membership and Costume Group (RLMCG)
- I.8. Galactic Senate
- I.9. Governing Documents
- I.9.A. Rebel Legion Charter
- I.9.A.i. Proposal Process and Voting for Charter Amendments/Changes
- I.9.B. Standard Operating Procedures
- I.9.C. Detachment Charters
- I.9.D. Other Governing Documents
- II.1. Membership Types
- II.1.A. Active Legion Member
- II.1.A.i. Active Member Benefits
- II.1.A.ii. Costume Requirements
- II.1.A.iii. Activity Requirements
- II.1.B. Rebel Legion Reserve
- II.1.B.i. Reserve Member Benefits
- II.1.B.ii. Reserve Status Restrictions
- II.1.C. Archived Member
- II.1.D. Honorary Member and Friend of the Rebel Legion
- II.2. Forum Users
- II.3. Member Conduct
- II.3.A. Respecting Safety and Security Personnel
- II.3.B. Privacy Policy
- II.3.C. Allowed Compensation
- II.3.D. Personal Charity Sales and Projects
Article III: Elections and Voting
- III.1. Elections, Voting, and Transitions for Annual Rebel Legion Elections
- III.1.A. Application for New Membership During Elections
- III.1.B. Unit Election Irregularities
- III.2. Officers Elected By Other Legion Office Holders
- III.3. Elections for Unit Officers
- III.3.A Election Nomination Rules
Article IV: Rebel Legion Costumes
- IV.1. Costumes Accepted into the Rebel Legion
- IV.1.A. Basic Costume Requirements
- IV.1.B. Costume Eligibility
- IV.1.B.i. References for Standard Costumes
- IV.1.B.ii. Video Games
- IV.1.B.iii. Generic Character Costumes
- IV.1.B.iv. Figures
- IV.2. Costume Standards
- IV.2.A. Costume Eligibility without Costume Standards
- IV.2.B. Medical Device Exemption
- Iv.2.C. Mandatory Religious Garments Exemption
- IV.3. Application for Costume Approval
- IV.3.A. Costume Application Requirements
- V.1. Official Rebel Legion Events
- V.1.A. Event Terminology
- V.1.A.i High Profile Events
- V.1.A.ii Medium Profile Events
- V.1.A.iii Low Profile Events
- V.1.B Face-Character Costume Requirements for High and Medium Profile Events
- V.1.C. Costume Approval Board for High Profile Events
- V.1.D. Lending Costumes for All Official Events
- V.2. Unofficial Rebel Legion Events
- V.3. Rebel Legion Family Members at Events
Article VI: Public Relations, Merchandising, and Rebel Legion Support
- VI.1. Merchandising and Public Relations Materials Oversight
- VI.2. Public Relations Materials
- VI.3. Merchandise
- VI.3.A. Merchandising Requirements and Rules
- VI.3.A.i. Joint Club Merchandise
- VI.3.A.ii. Sales
- VI.3.A.ii.a. Interest Threads
- VI.3.A.iii. Prototypes
- VI.3.A.iv. Merchandise as Gifts and Prizes
- VI.3.B. Merchandise and PR Materials Archive
- VI.4. Rebel Legion Donations and Fundraising
- VI.4.A. Fundraising for Rebel Legion Club Expenses
- VI.4.B. Fundraising for Charity
Article VII: Misconduct, Responses to Misconduct, and Disciplinary Actions
- VII.1. Misconduct Definitions
- VII.1.A. Probation
- VII.1.B. Suspension
- VII.1.C. Temporary Suspension
- VII.1.D. Expulsion
- VII.2. Litigation and Disciplinary Processes
- VII.2.A. Litigation Involving Rebel Legion Officers
- VII.3. Examples of Misconduct and Related Disciplinary Actions
- VII.3.A. Unauthorized Loan of a Costume to a Non-Rebel Legion Member at an Event
- VII.3.B. Submitting False Membership Application and Qualification Information
- VII.3.C. Falsely Taking Credit for Another Person’s Work
- VII.3.D. Personal Profit from Rebel Legion Activities or Costumes
- VII.3.E. Selling Rebel Legion Merchandise Outside the Rebel Legion
- VII.3.F. Abuse of Rebel Legion Forum Merchandising Rules
- VII.3.G. Abuse of Rebel Legion Assets
- VII.3.H. Misconduct Toward Other People: Discrimination and Harassment
- VII.3.H.i Discrimination
- VII.3.H.ii Harassment
- VII.3.H.iii Sexual Harassment & Misconduct
- VII.3.I. Pedophilia
- VII.3.J. Criminal Acts
- VII.3.K. Abuse of Authority
- VII.3.L. Continuing Misconduct After Disciplinary Action
- VII.3.M. Misconduct at RL Events
- VII.3.N. Misconduct Outside RL Activities
- VII.3.O. Misconduct Online
- VII.4. Reciprocity of Disciplinary Actions by Other Clubs Taken Against Dual Rebel Legion Members
- VII.4.A. Submission of Request from Another Costuming Club
- VII.4.B. COG Investigation and Notifications
- VII.4.C. LCC Decision and Vote
- VII.4.D. Notification of Decision to Member
- VII.4.E. Notification of Decision to Others
- VII.5. Appeals
SOP S1: Rebel Legion Bases and Outposts
- S1.A. Restrictions of Units
- S1.A.i. Restrictions of Bases
- S1.A.ii. Restrictions of Outposts
- S1.B. Privileges of Units
- S1.C. Unit Online Presence and Activities
- S1.D. Base and Outpost Officers
- S1.D.i. Base/Outpost Commanding Officer (BCO/OCO)
- S1.D.ii. Base/Outpost Executive Officer (BXO/OXO)
- S1.D.iii. Base/Outpost Membership Officer (BMO/OMO)
- S1.D.iv. Base/Outpost Webmaster
- S1.D.v. Base/Outpost Translator
- Regional Captains
- S1.E. Formation of New Bases and Outposts
- S1.E.i. New Base Formation
- S1.E.ii. New Outpost Formation
- S1.F. Application for New Bases and Outposts
- S1.G. Activation and Probation for New Bases and Outposts
- S1.H. Member Affiliation to Units
- S1.H.i. Adoption
- S1.H.ii. Inactive Member Affiliation
- S1.H.iii. Retaining Original Affiliation
- S1.I. SOP Maintenance
SOP S2: Rebel Legion Detachments
- S2.A. Detachment Mission and Purpose
- S2.B. Detachment Charters
- S2.B.i. Links to Current Detachment Charters
- S2.C. Formation of New Detachments
- S2.C.i. Detachment Application
- S2.D. Detachment Membership
- S2.E. Detachment Organization
- S2.E.i. Local Detachment Sub-Groups
- S2.E.ii. Detachment Honorary Sub-Groups
- S2.F. Detachment Officers
- S2.F.i. Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO)
- S2.F.ii.. Detachment Executive Officer (DXO)
- S2.F.iii. Detachment Administrative Officers
- S2.G. SOP Maintenance
SOP S3: Rebel Legion Administrative Staff and Committees
- S3.A. Legion Commanding Officer (LCO)
- S3.B. Legion Executive Officer (LXO)
- S3.C. Legion Command Council (LCC) Representatives
- S3.D. Regional Command Liaison (RCL)
- S3.E. Captain of the Guard (COG)
- S3.F. Legion Membership Officer (LMO)
- S3.G. Legion Costume Judges (LCJs)
- S3.H. Legion Webmaster (LW)
- S3.I. Legion Public Relations Officer (LPRO)
- S3.J. Legion Merchandise Officer (MO)
- S3.K. Charter Review Committee (CRC)
- S3.L. Rebel Legion Membership and Costume Group (RLMCG)
- S3.M. Legion Event Coordinator (LEC)
- S3.N. Legion Charity Liaison (LCL)
- S3.O. SOP Maintenance
SOP 4: Absences and Vacancies for Elected or Appointed Administrative Officers and Positions
- S4.A. Temporary Notification of Absence
- S4.B. Resignation
- S4.C. Abandonments
- S4.D. Removal
- S4.E. Replacement
- S4.E.i. Special Elections for Base, Outpost, Detachment, and Detachment Sub-Group Commanding Officers
- S4.E.ii. Special Elections for a Member of Legion Command Council
- S4.E.iii. Special Elections for Legion Commanding Officer
- S4.F. SOP Maintenance
SOP S5: Proposal, Review, and Voting for Rebel Legion Policy and Procedure
- S5.A. Charter Amendment Proposal Review Process
- S5.B. Approved Charter Amendment Proposal Discussion
- S5.C. Approved Charter Amendment Proposal Voting
- S5.D. SOP Maintenance
SOP S6: Rebel Legion Member Census
- S6.A. Additional Contact Information
- S6.B. Census Privacy Policy
- S6.C. Uncounted Members
- S6.D. SOP Maintenance
- S7.A. Forum Rules
- S7.B. Forum Privacy Policy
- S7.B.i. Information Collection and Usage
- S7.B.i.a. All Site Visitors
- S7.B.i.b. Registered Forum Users
- S7.B.i.c. Legion Members
- S7.B.ii. Advertising
- S7.B.iii. Privacy Breaches
- S7.C. Legal Disclaimer
- S7.D. External Unit Forums
- S7.E. SOP Maintenance
SOP S8: Honorary Member and Friend of the Rebel Legion
- S8.A. Eligibility
- S8.A.i. Rebel Legion Honorary Member
- S8.A.ii. Friend of the Rebel Legion
- S8.B. SOP Maintenance
SOP S9: Costume Standard Creation, Revision, and Approval Process
- S9.A. Responsibilities
- S9.B. Costume Standard Requirements
- S9.B.i. Reference Images in Costume Standards
- S9.C. Writing New and Revised Standards
- S9.D. Emergency Costume Standard Fixes
- S9.E. SOP Maintenance
SOP S10: Costume Approval Process
- S10.A. Photo Requirements for Membership Application
- S10.B. Costume Approval
- 10.B.i. New to the Legion Costumes
- 10.B.ii. Respect during Judging
- S10.C. Modifications Required for Approval
- S10.D. Costume Submission Denial
- 10.D.i. Costume Judging Appeals
- S10.E. Costume Judging Disputes
- S10.F. Contested Costume Approval
- S10.F.i. Contesting Costume Approval by Unit CO
- S10.F.ii. Contesting Costume Approval by LMO
- S10.F.iii. Changes and Approval for Dis-Approved Costumes
- S10.G. Member Profile Costumes
- S10.G.i. Removing Costumes from Member Profiles
- S10.H. Informal Costumes (Discontinued)
- S10.I. SOP Maintenance
SOP S11: Merchandising and Public Relations Materials Requirements and Oversight
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Introduction for the Rebel Legion Charter - Mission, Vision, and Values Statment
Costuming — Charity — Community
The Rebel Legion is a Star Wars based costuming fan club. Our members create and wear costumes of the heroes and other characters aligned against evil from the Star Wars saga, which includes but is not limited to the films, comics, books, games, and television shows.
Our History
Much like the Rebellion in the Star Wars movies, an alliance of Rebel costumers was founded in mid-1999 by a handful of brave individuals who were inspired by the rise of the 501st and wanted to celebrate the heroes of the Star Wars saga. By 2001, Rebel Legion had grown in number and launched its own website and message boards. Although it started in the United States, the Rebel Legion is now an international club with a presence around the world. It has become the premier Rebel costuming group in the Star Wars community. From the Rebel Legion’s inception, it has been a volunteer club of costume enthusiasts who enjoy, express, and share their interest in costuming with other fans. The members of the Rebel Legion hold no rights to these characters and recognize it is a privilege to wear these costumes. The Rebel Legion also acknowledges that, while in costume, we represent the characters of the Star Wars universe and, as such, accept the responsibility to behave professionally and civilly while in public. This Charter serves to define what the Rebel Legion is and what it shall be, and to set down guidelines for the operations within this costume group.
Our Mission
The mission of the Rebel Legion is threefold. First, we promote the quality and improvement of Star Wars fan costumes. Secondly, we follow the lead of Lucasfilm Ltd. by giving back to the community through works of charity and volunteerism. Thirdly, we offer costume enthusiasts of the Star Wars hero characters a global community to enjoy, express, and share their costuming talents. Thus, we summarize the mission as Costuming, Charity, and Community.
Our Vision
The vision of the Rebel Legion is to continue to improve the quality of our members’ Star Wars costumes to that of movie grade, to foster goodwill worldwide through works of charity and volunteerism, and to promote a sense of camaraderie among all our members.
Our Values
The Rebel Legion values every member regardless of sex, race, religion, creed, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, or disability. We value the enduring passion and attention to movie grade detail that fans put forth into their costumes. Finally, we value the charitable goals set down by Lucasfilm Ltd. by giving all we can to the community.
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Assistant Captain of the Guard |
Assistant Legion Membership Officer |
Assistant Public Relations Officer |
Base Commanding Officer |
Base Membership Officer |
Base Executive Officer |
Captain of the Guard |
Charter Review Committee |
Detachment Commanding Officer |
Detachment Executive Officer |
Eastern Standard Time |
Frequently Asked Questions |
FotR |
Friend of the Rebellion |
Greenwich Mean Time |
Legion Command Council |
Legion Costume Judge |
Legion Commanding Officer |
Lucasfilm, Ltd. |
Legion Honorary Member |
Legion Membership Officer |
Legion Public Relations Officer |
LW |
Legion Webmaster |
Legion Executive Officer |
MO |
Legion Merchandising Officer |
Outpost Commanding Officer |
Outpost Membership Officer |
Outpost Executive Officer |
PR |
Public Relations |
Q&A |
Question and Answer |
RC |
Regional Captain |
Rebel Command Council |
Regional Command Liaison |
RL |
Rebel Legion |
Standard Operating Procedure |
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Article I: Organization
The Rebel Legion (RL) is an international organization administered by the Legion Commanding Officer (LCO), Legion Executive Officer (LXO) and Legion Command Council (LCC), but it recognizes that most activities will be on the local level. For this reason, the Rebel Legion is divided into Bases and Outposts to foster local identity and to encourage teamwork and camaraderie.
[1] See SOP S1: Rebel Legion Bases and Outposts
[2] See SOP S2: Rebel Legion Detachments
[3] See SOP S3: Rebel Legion Administrative Staff and Committees
[4] See SOP S4: Absences and Vacancies for Elected or Appointed Administrative Officers and Positions
[5] See SOP S5: Voting for Rebel Legion Policy and Procedure
I.1. Incorporation of the Rebel Legion
The Rebel Legion is registered as a non-profit corporation in the state of Missouri. To maintain this status, the Rebel Legion must submit a yearly report to the State of Missouri, due by the end of August, either via an appointed individual RL member, or an appointed committee of RL members.
I.2. Rebel Legion Subdivisions
The Rebel Legion is geographically divided into Bases and Outposts and thematically divided into Detachments. No Base, Outpost, or Detachment shall create rules or policies that are in direct contradiction to, or supersede the Rebel Legion Charter or SOPs. The Captain of the Guard (COG) maintains the current list of Bases and Outposts as well as information on the boundaries between them.
I.2.A. Bases
Bases are the primary operating unit within the Rebel Legion. Bases cover large distinctive regions, which host unique geography, language, borders, or other distinguishing characteristics (e.g., by country, province, state, or collections thereof) and have at least 12 members. Each Base is a hub of Legion activity and made up of Legion members who often attend events together in that region. The Base Commanding Officer (BCO) acts as the primary contact person for the region and coordinates Base activity and administration.
See SOP S1: Rebel Legion Bases and Outposts
I.2.B. Outposts
An Outpost is a regional hub of Legion activity, but without enough members to form a Base. It is made up of at least 3 Legion members who often attend events together in that region. The Outpost Commanding Officer (OCO) acts as the primary contact person for the region, and coordinates Outpost activity and administration.
See SOP S1: Rebel Legion Bases and Outposts
I.2.C. Outer Rim
Any RL member residing in a territory not covered by an existing Base or Outpost is a member of the Outer Rim. While technically a geographic subdivision of the Rebel Legion, the Outer Rim does not have any officers or organizational structure. The Outer Rim serves as a temporary designation for members in new regions while they work to form an Outpost. The Outer Rim is supervised by the Legion Commanding Officer (LCO).
I.2.D. Detachments
Detachments are global subdivisions of the RL organized by costume type (e.g. pilots, officers, clones, aliens). Detachments serve as an international hub for resources, costume construction support, and community in order to improve the quality and awareness of a particular costume category.
Detachments are also responsible for assisting the Legion Membership Officer (LMO) in writing, reviewing, and submitting new and revised costume standards.
See SOP S9: Standard Creation, Revision, and Approval Process
New Detachments may be formed when there are at least 20 RL members with costumes of a similar type that want a separate hub for costume resources and community. The LCC approves formation of Detachments by a majority/plurality vote.
Detachments may also form local sub-groups within Bases/Outposts.
See SOP 2: Rebel Legion Detachments
I.3. Legion Command Council (LCC)
The Legion Command Council (LCC) advises and assists the Legion Commander staff and Base/Outpost Command staff, as well as votes on all issues. Officers on the LCC consist of the following:
[1] Legion Commanding Officer (LCO)
[2] Regional Command Liaisons (RCL)
[3] Five (5) ‘at large’ Legion Command Council Representatives elected by the entire membership of the legion.
Additionally, the LXO, COG, and LMO act as observers/advisers, but have no voting privileges on LCC issues. Further Legion staff officers may be added as non-voting observers/advisors at the discretion of the LCC.
I.3.A. Responsibilities of the LCC
The LCC´s primary responsibilities are to advise the LCO on Rebel Legion business/matters and to assist the LCO in developing and implementing governing Rebel Legion policies and procedures. Their duties include the following:
[1] Participate in disciplinary proceedings as appropriate and act as the review board for any member submitted appeals, when permitted
[2] Approve administrative staff appointments made by the LCO and other members of the Legion administrative staff that do not require further ratification by the Rebel Command Council (RCC).
[3] Review and approve Detachment charter revisions
[4] Draft a quarterly summary of the LCC´s activities to be published in a forum thread under “Rebel Briefing” for the membership to read
[5] Review and approve changes to SOPs, where indicated
[6] Perform other administrative duties as assigned by the LCO
The responsibilities of the LCC are described in greater detail in SOP 3.
I.3.B. Qualifications for the LCC
To qualify for election to any position on the LCC, a RL member must have 2 or more years of active membership and meet at least one of the following prior experience criteria:
[1] One full-term experience in at least one qualifying elected Legion position
[2] At least 10 consecutive months in the same qualifying appointed Legion position.
The qualifying elected positions are as follows:
[1] Base Commanding Officer (BCO)
[2] Outpost Commanding Officer (OCO)
[3] Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO)
The qualifying appointed positions are as follows:
[1] Captain of the Guard (COG)
[2] Legion Membership Officer (LMO)
[3] Legion Public Relations Officer (LPRO)
[4] Legion Merchandising Officer (MO)
[5] Legion Webmaster (LW)
[6] Legion Costume Judge (LCJ)
[7] Legion Executive Officer (LXO)
[8] Base Executive Officer (BXO)
[9] Outpost Executive Officer (OXO)
[10] Detachment Executive Officer (DXO)
(Note: Time as an assistant or interim officer does not count.)
Except for election to the RCL position, if a member is elected to a position in the Legion Command Council they must step down from any other global Rebel Legion, Detachment, Base, or Outpost position(s). For example, if a BCO/OCO is elected as one of the five general members of the LCC, they must step down as Commanding Officer of their Base/Outpost. If an RCL is also elected to a BCO position within their region then they may retain that post, but must step down from all other global Rebel Legion, Base, Outpost, or Detachment positions.
I.4. Rebel Legion Administrative Staff
The Legion administrative staff consists of the voting members of the LCC and their non-voting advisors. Established administrative staff positions include all positions mentioned in section I.3 as voting or non-voting LCC members.
The LCC may appoint or approve administrative staff not listed in section I.3 to assist in carrying out RL functions and activities.
See SOP S3: Rebel Legion Administrative Staff CommitteesSee SOP
SOP S4: Absences and Vacancies for Elected or Appointed Administrative Officers and Positions
I.5. Rebel Command Council
The Rebel Command Council (RCC) is made of the elected members of the LCC, the LCO, and the Commanding Officers from each Base and Outpost in the Rebel Legion, who act as representatives for their members and voice their concerns. The LXO and COG do not hold any voting office on the Rebel Command Council. However, these two positions act as non-voting observers/advisers. The RCC is responsible for voting on all policies and issues that may come up. In discussions, the LCC members should do their best to represent minority voices to help balance the majority that the Base/Outpost Commanders represent.
I.6 Regional Command Liaisons
Regional Command Liaisons (RCLs) are voting members of the LCC elected from regional areas to ensure more global representation on the Council.
See SOP S3.D.: Regional Command Liaison (RCL)
I.7. Rebel Legion Membership and Costume Group (RLMCG)
The Rebel Legion Membership and Costume Group (RLMCG) serves to oversee operations and policy decisions regarding costumes in the Rebel Legion.
I.8. Galactic Senate
The Rebel Legion is a founding member of the Galactic Senate, which is dedicated to communication and goodwill between the major Star Wars costuming organizations and to protect their interests in the greater community. The Galactic Senate is composed of representatives from costuming organizations recognized by Disney/Lucasfilm Ltd. (LFL), including the Rebel Legion. The Rebel Legion will be represented in the Galactic Senate by the LCO and LXO.
It is Rebel Legion’s commitment to be part of and serve in the greater Star Wars Costuming Community and continue to work with LFL.
I.9. Governing Documents
All RL Councils, Officers, and Committees must operate within the bounds of the governing documents of the Rebel Legion described in this section.
I.9.A. Rebel Legion Charter
The Charter is the primary governing document of the Rebel Legion. It defines the whole organization and basic operations. The RL Charter can only be altered, updated, or changed by a simple majority/plurality vote of all Active Rebel Legion members after a prescribed proposal and review process.
In the event of a conflict between governing documents, the Rebel Legion Charter takes precedence over all other documents, including SOPs, Detachment Charters, Rules, and any other Rebel Legion directives.
I.9.A.i. Proposal Process and Voting for Charter Amendments/Changes
This Charter may be changed and amended by majority vote of the Active RL membership after review by the Charter Review Committee (CRC).
Any Active member may submit proposals for changes to the Rebel Legion Charter. Proposals may be submitted in writing to the chairperson of the CRC at any time of the year, except during annual elections. Proposals will then be presented by the chairperson of the CRC for discussion by the CRC and RCC. Based on this discussion, the CRC will then review, revise, and either reject the proposal or put it forth for member review and vote.
Charter amendments put forth for member vote are passed by simple majority/plurality vote of the Active membership, with no minimum voter numbers or percentage of total Active membership required. Amendments that do not pass may not be voted on again until/unless a substantial change to the text is made.
Proposals submitted to the chairperson of the CRC must include the reason(s) why it is thought to be needed and/or how it will improve the Rebel Legion overall. Each proposal should be as well-written and thought-out as the proposing member can make it, and not contain conflicting ideas/statements. Members are responsible for seeking any proposal-writing assistance from other members, Officers, Units, or members of the CRC.
The CRC is not responsible for creating amendment proposals. However, members of the CRC are permitted to submit proposals in their capacity as Active members.
See SOP S5: Proposal, Review, and Voting for Rebel Legion Policy and Procedure
I.9.B. Standard Operating Procedures
Standing Operating Procedures (SOPs) are additional rules, processes, procedures, guidelines, and instructions used to manage RL operations. The SOPs work in unison with the RL Charter but are still subservient to it.
Each SOP is maintained by designated RL officers, administrative staff, and/or committees (hereafter referred to as SOP review staff) as specified in the maintenance sections of the respective SOPs. SOP maintenance includes amendments, alterations, and repeal. Any SOP changes must be announced on the RL forums.
Amendments, alterations, or repeal of SOPs may also be proposed by any Active member to their Legion Council Representative on the RCC. The RCC will then discuss the proposed changes with the designated SOP review staff, who will then review, accept/reject, and draft any proposed changes to an SOP. Completely new SOPs are submitted to the LCC and will be enacted if they pass a simple majority/plurality vote in both the LCC and any additional bodies listed in the SOP Maintenance section of the specific SOP. A representative from the SOP review staff will then post the finalized SOP amendment in the voting sub-forum with a summary of the implications of the amendment to Rebel Legion procedures.
In case of conflict, directives in SOPs take precedence over all other governing documents except the RL Charter. Conflicts between different SOPs must be corrected by the designated SOP review staff of the affected SOPs.
I.9.C. Detachment Charters
Each Detachment will write and maintain a Detachment Charter that governs the membership, organization, and operations of the Detachment
See SOP S2: Rebel Legion Detachments
Amendments to Detachment Charters may be proposed to the Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO) by any active members of that Detachment. If accepted by the DCO, the amendments shall be approved by the LCC by a simple majority vote.
In the case of conflict, directives in Rebel Legion Charter and associated SOPs take precedence over Detachment Charters.
I.9.D. Other Governing Documents
RL Councils, Detachments, Bases, Outposts, and Administrative Committees may generate other governing documents and procedures to assist in and clarify any Legion operations. These additional documents are not binding to general membership, serving as guidance only.
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Article II: Membership
Every Active member of the Rebel Legion must fulfill the following requirements:
[1] Be a legal adult in their country (no younger than 18 years old)
[2] Own at least one high quality Star Wars costume that has been approved by the Rebel Legion
Membership in the Rebel Legion is a privilege, not a right. The Rebel Legion is an inclusive, equal-opportunity fan club. The Rebel Legion does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, religion, creed, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity, age (as long the member is a legal adult according to local law), or disability. Individuals who are under the age of 18 or under the age of majority in their country of residence are recommended to consider membership in the Galactic Academy.
See the following SOPs:
[1] SOP S6: Rebel Legion Member Census
[2] SOP S7: Rebel Legion Forums
[3] SOP S8: Honorary Members and Friends of the Rebellion
[4] SOP S10: Costume Approval Process
II.1. Membership Types
Rebel Legion membership falls into different categories, depending on how much a member currently participates in RL activities. These membership types are as follows:
[1] Active Members
[2] Reserve Members
[3] Archived Members
[4] Honorary Members and Friends of the Rebellion
II.1.A. Active Legion Member
An Active Rebel Legion member participates in RL-sponsored costume events and RL online activities. Every Active member must maintain a current email address on the Rebel Legion website and provide and update their current contact information with either their local Commanding Officer or other designated local membership representative.
See SOP S1: Rebel Legion Bases and Outposts
Active members must be counted in the annual census taken each January by the local Commanding Officer or designee. If an Active member has not completed the census by February 1st after the census, they will be moved to an inactive Reserve member status and their costume pictures moved to the members’ Reserve picture area.
See SOP S6: Rebel Legion Membership Census
II.1.A.i. Active Member Benefits
Active member benefits include the following:
[1] Forum user status
[2] Access to Legion members’ only and Base/Outpost Members’ only areas of the forums
[3] Member profile with costume pictures on the RL website
[4] Eligibility to attend LFL sanctioned events
[5] Voting privileges for Rebel Legion business, elections, and polls on the forums
[6] Buying privileges for Rebel Legion merchandise
[7] Eligibility to hold Elected or Appointed Offices in the Rebel Legion
II.1.A.ii. Costume Requirements
Every Active RL member must have at least one Rebel Legion approved costume. A member with only archived costumes will no longer be permitted to troop on behalf of the Rebel Legion until the upgrade/resubmission requirement has been met on at least one costume or a new costume is approved. All approved costumes will be displayed on the member’s profile on the Rebel Legion Forums.
If a member no longer owns or otherwise cannot or will not wear a particular approved costume any more, they should request to have it removed from their profile in the Legion Tech Support sub-forum. Approved costume(s) that a member no longer owns do not count towards the costume requirement for membership.
II.1.A.iii. Activity Requirements
Every member must meet the minimum activity requirements. Once Active Rebel Legion membership is granted, every member must complete at least one qualifying activity per calendar year (January to December) in order to maintain full member privileges and be considered an Active Member.
Qualifying activities include, but are not limited to, the following:
[1] Appearing in an approved Rebel Legion costume or apparel at a charity event, Lucasfilm Ltd. event, or LFL approved partner event
[2] Participating in Rebel Legion activities (table duty, group photo, parade, volunteering at a location) in RL-approved costume or approved RL apparel at a convention. Simply showing up at a convention in costume will not count as participation in this activity.
[3] Attending a Rebel Legion costume workshop (subject to local BCO/OCO approval)
[4] Assisting the Base/Outpost in a major activity that is approved by the local BCO/OCO (e.g., assisting Base/Outpost in the creation of large props or backdrops for events)
[5] Having your first costume approved during that year.
Minimum activity requirements will be administered justly and take into consideration that this is a hobby and that real life happens. In special circumstances, the Base/Outpost Commanding Officer may determine that a member is Active even if they do not meet the above minimum activity requirements. In the case of the Outer Rim, the Legion Membership Officer (LMO) makes the final determination.
The same event may not be used for two censuses in a row. If a member troops in January to stay active they can not use the same event the following census.
II.1.B. Rebel Legion Reserve
RL Reserve is the status of a member that has been unable to meet the minimum requirements for Active RL Membership. They still maintain at least one Rebel Legion approved costume. This member can return to Active status at any time, regardless of the amount of time spent as a Reserve member, by one of the following methods:
[1] Submitting at least one costume, with current photos, for judging and membership approval
[2] Attending one of the above events required for Active membership and notifying their Commanding Officer
See SOP S6: Rebel Legion Member Census
See Article II.A.iii: Activity Requirements
II.1.B.i. Reserve Member Benefits
A Reserve member retains these benefits:
[1] Forum user status
[2] Access to Legion members’ only and Base/Outpost Members’ only areas of the forums
[3] Member profile with costume pictures on the RL website
II.1.B.ii. Reserve Status Restrictions
A Reserve member loses the following membership privileges:
[1] Eligibility to attend some LFL sanctioned events
[2] Voting privileges for Rebel Legion business, elections, and polls on the forums
[3] Buying privileges for Rebel Legion merchandise
[4] Eligibility to hold Elected or Appointed Offices in the Rebel Legion An Archived member no longer maintains the minimum of one Rebel Legion Approved costume. To return to Active or Reserve status, an Archived member must submit a costume and have it judged and approved for Rebel Legion membership. An Archived member loses all membership benefits Active or Reserve status beyond Forum user status. Rebel Legion Honorary Member (RLHM) and Friend of the Rebel Legion (FotRL) status may be given to individuals for appreciation of performance in Star Wars media or contribution of artistic and literary work to Star Wars media. They may also nominate honorary titles in remembrance of the fallen (e.g., Star Wars actors, Star Wars artists, Star Wars writers, RL members, RL applicants). Other reasons for awarding Honorary Membership and Friend of the Rebel Legion status may also be considered. See SOP S8: Honorary Member and Friend of the Rebel Legion Forum users have access to and use of the Rebel Legion global forums, parts of which are available to the public regardless of membership status. Forum users may be RL members, people who want advice on how to make a Rebel Legion approved costume and gain full membership, or other interested Star Wars fans. Forum membership alone does not count in determining the time a person has been a member of the RL See SOP S7: Rebel Legion Forums All Rebel Legion members should strive to support and live up to the Mission, Vision, and Values statements of this Charter, whether at RL events, on RL forums, on official RL social media platforms, or in other public spaces. The Rebel Legion recognizes that its costumes represent characters from the Star Wars saga, and every member is expected to portray those characters in a tasteful and professional manner any time they are in costume. RL membership and costuming is a privilege, not a right. While acting as a member of the Rebel Legion, no member may deliberately/maliciously cause ill will within our club or in the Star Wars community that may endanger the Rebel Legion’s reputation and working relationship with other Lucasfilm approved entities. When representing themselves as members of the Rebel Legion, all members are expected to conduct themselves in a manner which is respectful to themselves and to others, and to take responsibility for their own behavior in all legion activities and interactions. This applies to face-to-face meetings, text or voice communication, online interaction on the RL forums, Base/Outpost forums, or on official RL social media platforms. In short: be nice. And we are here to have fun. Every Legion member is also expected to show respect for all users/visitors of the website and forum, handle all differences of opinion in a respectful manner, and comply with policies and procedures. Every RL Member must always follow the instructions of clearly identified safety and security personnel when acting in any official Rebel Legion capacity. The Rebel Legion has a strict Privacy Policy. No member may solicit or give out another member’s personal information without expressed consent. For certain events, it may be necessary to have members’ contact information. This will be done by the BCO/OCO or a designated Active RL member who is acting as event contact, with consent from the members involved. BCO/OCOs (or designees) may solicit local members’ contact information (see Article II.1.A. Active Legion Member) and census information (see SOP 6: Rebel Legion Member Census). They must protect this information in a secure location. No Rebel Legion Officer or member may give out another member’s personal information, including full legal name, without expressed consent from that member. Some event organizers may request contact information of participating members for security reasons. In these cases, the RL member acting as event point of contact may share member contact information with the explicit permission of each member involved. If a member feels that a request for personal information by another RL member or officer is inappropriate, they should contact the COG for clarification before sharing their information. See Article II.1.A: Active Legion Member See SOP S6: Rebel Legion Member Census See SOP S7: Rebel Legion Forums In accordance with directives from Lucasfilm, Ltd., no member may use their Rebel Legion-approved costumes for personal profit, either within or outside of the Rebel Legion. This includes, but is not limited to the following: [1] Paid Appearances (that have not been approved by Lucasfilm or their partners) [2] Selling photographs featuring a Rebel Legion Costume [3] Selling merchandise with photographic reproductions of a member in Rebel Legion costume (T-shirts, messenger bags, calendars, etc.) [4] Rent/lease any Rebel Legion approved costumes The following are exceptions this rule: [1] Expenses: A member may be compensated by the event host/organizer for out-of-pocket expenses incurred from participation in Rebel Legion events, but this may not exceed their expenditure (including but not limited to water, gas reimbursement, snacks/meals, park passes/entry to events). Such requests to event organizations should be made through the local Base/Outpost commander (or designee). Event organizers have the right to refuse requests for compensation, and RL members must respect that refusal. [2] Non-Monetary Compensation: A member may receive non-monetary donations (including but not limited to water, snacks/meals, park passes/entry to events), provided that these items are for personal use and not to be sold for profit. [3] Costume Contests: Entry of Rebel Legion costumes into contests is permitted. Members may keep any awards/prizes that they win in these contests. [4] Television and Film: the Rebel Legion recognizes that members must be paid for select television and film work due to labor laws. It is the responsibility of the production company, not the member, to obtain any necessary permissions to use the Star Wars intellectual property. Lucasfilm also requests notification from our members regarding any television or film production seeking Star Wars fans as costumed participants. The Rebel Legion does not have the authority to approve charity fundraisers outside of Legion events/projects. If members would like to use their costume for a personal charity fundraiser project (e.g. selling costume photo prints), they must apply for a letter of agreement through Lucasfilm. An application form may be obtained from the Rebel LCO.
II.1.C. Archived Member
II.1.D. Honorary Member and Friend of the Rebel Legion
II.2. Forum Users
II.3. Member Conduct
II.3.A. Respecting Safety and Security Personnel
II.3.B. Privacy Policy
II.3.C. Allowed Compensation
II.3.D. Personal Charity Sales and Projects
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Article III: Elections and Voting
The Rebel Legion uses a democratic practice in the selection of its leadership roles. The following is a description of the election and voting procedures to fill these offices. Elections for all elected positions are held once per year. These elections occur in September, unless otherwise These annual elections are mandatory for every Unit within the Rebel Legion.
Notice of upcoming elections will be posted on the forums and be sent out by a mass email one week prior to the election by the COG.
Candidates may not campaign for themselves in any way.
See SOP S3: Rebel Legion Administrative Staff and Committees.
III.1. Elections, Voting, and Transitions for Annual Rebel Legion Elections
Every Rebel Legion member with full Active status may vote in the annual elections. Election nominations begin the second Monday of September (12:01 AM) and conclude after 7 days (Sunday 11:59 pm).
Question and answer (Q&A) begins the third Monday of September (12:01 AM). The questions phase ends after 7 days (Sunday 11:59 PM), while answers may continue for two more days (Closing on Tuesday, 11:59 PM).
Voting begins the fourth Monday of September (12:01 AM). Polls are open for 7 days (closing the following Sunday at 11:59 PM).
Each election thread is run in the time zone of the person administering that particular election.
All nominations, Q&A, and voting must be on The Rebel Legion global forums in the appropriate Units’ sub-forums. Nominations, Question/Answer, and Voting for LCO and Legion Command Council Positions will be in the Election Forum.
The COG will oversee all election processes and archive all election results. If there is another tie for either the LCO or a LCC position then the COG will administer a simple majority/plurality vote from all BCO/OCOs to decide on the position in question.
The new administration takes office the Monday following the close of elections (this may fall on the last Monday of September or the first Monday of October, depending on the calendar year).
When a transfer of power occurs to new command staff, all RL media and materials, both material and digital, must be transferred from the old staff (at Administrative, Base, Outpost, and Detachment levels) to the corresponding new command staff. This includes, but is not limited to, websites/domains, banners, and convention materials.
III.1.A. Application for New Membership During Elections
During the month of September when elections are conducted, costume applications for new membership to the Rebel Legion will be reviewed and judged but all activation of new memberships will be delayed until after elections have concluded. Existing members submitting new costumes will be judged as usual, but they may not be added to any new Detachments during September.
Any potential member that submits an application during this time will be notified of the mandatory delay of membership approval. A potential member may contact their local BCO/OCO to request permission to participate at events in September.
In the event of a special election for a Legion-level, Base, Outpost, or Detachment position, the policy of not adding new members to said Unit (or the Rebel Legion as a whole) will apply during that special election. Only Active members will be allowed to vote.
III.1.B. Unit Election Irregularities
If an Active member suspects that an election held in their Unit is not a fair election (e.g., technological glitches preventing voting) or is in violation of any Rebel Legion policy (e.g., people voting in the election who are not allowed to) they may appeal to the COG. If the COG determines that there have been election errors, interference, or other violations of Rebel Legion policy, then they will intervene to make sure the election is run in a fair manner.
III.2. Officers Elected By Other Legion Office Holders
Some RL Administrative Officers are elected by other officers in the Rebel Legion, while others are appointed and confirmed by the LCC and/or RCC.
See SOP S3: Rebel Legion Administrative Staff and Committees
III.3. Elections for Unit Officers
This section describes the election process for Base, Outpost, Detachment, and Local Detachment sub-group Commanding Officers.
BCOs, OCOs, DCOs, and Regional Captains (RCs) should notify members of their Unit that elections are taking place.
III.3.A Election Nomination Rules
III.3.A.i Only active members of a unit may nominate officers for it. If a member other than the current office holder nominates themselves they must have someone else from the unit second them. Standing officers do not require a second.
III.3.A.ii Standing Officers must post whether they wish to hold office for another term or decline.
III.3.A.iii In all cases, no response (either from the current office holder or a member nominated by someone else) will be considered the member declining to stand for office.
III.3.A.iv If no nominations are made for a particular office by 12:00 AM in the time zone of the election administrator on the third Monday of September, then the officers holding these positions will remain in office as caretakers until a new officer is seated.
III.3.A.v If a standing Unit Commanding Officer declines to seek another term and no nominations are made for that Unit, the standing Executive Officer must accept or decline being promoted to Commanding Officer. If the Executive Officer declines or fails to respond, then the LCC shall appoint a new Commanding Officer or consider having the Unit absorbed into a neighboring Unit due to lack of leadership.
III.3.A.vii In the event of a tie in an election for a BCO/OCO/DCO, the Legion Commanding Officer, a Legion Command Council member, the Captain of the Guard or assistant will administer another election running for one week after the first. If there is another tie for the position then the COG will administer a simple majority/plurality vote from members of the Legion Command Council to decide on the position in question.
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Article IV: Rebel Legion Costumes
The Rebel Legion celebrates creating, owning, and wearing the costumes of the Hero, ‘Light Side,’ Rebel/Resistance, Republic, and neutral forces based on the licensed LFL Star Wars material. To capture the magic of these characters, our goal will always be to strive for the most accurate presentation and portrayal of these costumes.
[1] SOP S9: Standard Creation, Revision, and Approval Process
[2] SOP S10: Costume Approval Process
IV.1. Costumes Accepted into the Rebel Legion
IV.1.A. Basic Costume Requirements
Quality and suitability requirements include, but are not limited, to the following:
[1] Materials for the costume must look similar to items in the costume references.
[2] Materials and craftsmanship must be of high quality.
[3] A costume cannot simply be a collection of found clothing (i.e. a bathrobe and a karate uniform does not qualify as a Jedi costume).
[4] The costume should be high quality, clean, and in good condition (with weathering only when appropriate to the source material).
[5] All costumes must be within the confines of decency. (Decency is defined as being without profane or vulgar features or statements and must be appropriate for young children.)
[6] Costumes depicting humanoid characters require a minimum age of approximately 13 years old. Alien characters that appear younger than 13-year-old humans are not allowed, regardless of their age. Young aliens that can be portrayed by an average height human (e.g. Wookiees) may still be approved. If there is any uncertainty about a particular character or alien species, the RLMCG/LMO will make the decision of whether or not it is allowed for approval.
Some costumes, while approved for Legion membership, may be deemed inappropriate for certain events. The local command staff or event coordinator reserves the right to make this judgment as needed.
IV.1.B. Costume Eligibility
Rebel Legion costumes must be based on an official Star Wars source that is created, produced, distributed, or licensed by LFL/Disney. This includes all canon, Legends, and other official Expanded Universe media. Appropriate licensed sources for Rebel Legion costume references include, but are not limited to:
[1] Films
[2] Comics
[3] Pictures from books
[4] Games
[5] Television shows
IV.1.B.i. References for Standard Costumes
For a costume to be approved as in the Rebel Legion, it must have visual references as follows:
[1] Two or more images that collectively show the front and back of the costume head-to-toe or a 360-degree head-to-toe turnaround of the character
[2] Additional images are recommended to show details of the costume
[3] Resource material must come from any LFL/Disney licensed sources
[4] Additional costume details may come from a detailed text-based description but must have an accompanying visual reference to be considered for Rebel Legion approval. Costumes based only on text descriptions cannot be approved as Standard.
IV.1.B.ii. Video Games
For video game costumes, player-generated/edited costumes for game characters (those that are customizable) are not eligible for Rebel Legion membership. Any official in-game outfits for games that have full-body outfits or skins (KOTOR, Battlefront, etc.) are allowed. Outfits or skins from fan mods (e.g., KOTOR) or in-game color dyeing (SWTOR) are not allowed.
Accessories that are only sometimes present (often headgear) are optional.
For games that allow players to collect different clothing pieces to form full outfits (like SWTOR), only full sets with the same name for each piece are allowed for Rebel Legion approval. If the set doesn't have a belt, for example, you may not wear a different belt with it, because it doesn't go with the set.
For human characters, any hairstyle and any natural hair color, plus any unnatural colors that can be used in-game, are allowed.
For alien characters, you may only use alien species that are allowed as the player character or species that show up as NPCs wearing the same or very similar outfit. Alien details (e.g., Twi'lek skin color and lekku decorations) may only be options found in that game.
Decisions regarding the validity of a Video Game costume for approval will be overseen by the RLMCG and LMO.
IV.1.B.iii. Generic Character Costumes
The Rebel Legion accepts generic costumes. Generic costumes are costume types that are prevalent in the Star Wars universe, that are iconic and include costume components or uniforms that are easily recognizable as belonging to that character type. Costumes that allow for some variability include (but are not limited to): Jedi, uniformed pilots, uniformed troopers, Wookiees.
For these costumes, there are required components that are commonly seen with each character of that type, optional components that are seen on only some characters of that type, and room for variation (e.g., hair color and style).
IV.1.B.iv. Figures
Figures (including statues, toys, and action figures) can be used to supplement primary references for Standard Costumes, but only if they significantly match the original costume it is based on. The figures must also derive from an officially licensed source. Custom and fan-created figures are not acceptable for use. Details regarding Standard Costume references can be found in Article IV - IV.1.B.i. References.
Figures can also be used as the sole reference for a Minimally Referenced Costume, pending that the figure would meet all the required criteria of a Minimally Referenced Costume, as noted in Article IV - IV.2.D. Minimally Referenced Costumes. Figures are required to have an appropriate level of detail in order to extrapolate the proper reference in which to build a Minimally Referenced Costume on, meaning items such as Lego Minifigs, Disney Infinity figures, etc. would not be eligible.
The RLMCG and LMO have final approval on all usage of figures in regards to if they meet the criteria as a supplemental reference for a standard costume, or if they meet the criteria to stand as a sole reference for a Minimally Referenced Costume. For details on the approval process of Minimally Referenced Costumes, see SOP 10.H.i. Minimally Referenced Costumes Submission and Approval.
IV.2. Costume Standards
Costume Standards are listed in the Costume Standards Master List. They are meant to be used as a guide for building Rebel Legion approved costumes, and are used by Legion Costume Judges (LCJs) as a starting point for judging a costume for Rebel Legion membership. The Costume Standards of the Rebel Legion are not meant to be an all-inclusive list of components and/or a completely detailed description of costume components required for Rebel Legion membership. In addition to using the costume standards as a starting point for judging costumes, costumes are also judged by comparing them to the source material (reference images of the costumes seen in the costumes of the Star Wars universe).
See SOP S9: Standard Creation, Revision, and Approval Process.
IV.2.A. Costume Eligibility without Costume Standards
A costume may be approved without costume standards as long as it meets all the above eligibility criteria. When an applicant submits such a costume, they should include links to reference images to assist the LCJs in judging.
IV.2.B. Medical Device Exemption
While members and applicants should not wear any non-Star Wars items for approval photos or at official Costume Events, medical and assistive devices are always permitted (including glasses, walkers, braces, wheelchairs, canes, etc.).
Members are also allowed to have their service animals accompany them to events under this exemption. Members should adhere to regulations regarding service animals for their respective country. In regards to service animals and their relation to Friend of the Rebel Legion status and presentation, please see the Honorary Membership and Friend of the Rebel Legion guide.
IV.2.C. Mandatory Religious Garments Exemption
Similarly, if a member or applicant feels mandated by their religious beliefs to wear a head covering or other cloth garment such as a hijab, turban, or yarmulke, they are always permitted to have that garment incorporated as part of their costume. This does not apply to jewelry with religious symbols. When possible these garments should maintain an in-universe look and be in a coordinating color/pattern with the costume worn. Costumes should not contain real-world symbols.
IV.2.D. Minimally Referenced Costumes
A costume may be approved as a “Minimally Referenced Costume” if it does not have sufficient references (see IV.1.B.i. References for Standard Costumes) but we are able to reasonably extrapolate what the rest of the costume looks like. For a costume to be approved as a Minimally Referenced Costume, it must meet the following:
[1] Official references (including written descriptions) depict at least half of the costume (e.g., only front, only from the waist up of both front and back).
[2] The costume items and details that are not depicted can be extrapolated from (a) a continuation of the garments and details that are depicted, (b) other outfits worn by the same character, and/or (c) costumes worn by characters with similar costumes or affiliations.
The RLMCG and LMO have final approval on all Minimally Referenced Costume submissions and only active members may submit them for approval.
For details on the approval process of Minimally Referenced Costumes, see SOP 10.H.i. Minimally Referenced Costumes Submission and Approval
IV.3. Application for Costume Approval
Members wishing to have a costume approved to wear at Rebel Legion Costume Events, must submit photos of their costume for approval by LCJs. Each costume submitted to the Rebel Legion for membership is judged by the LCJ(s) for each respective costume category using the Costume Standards Master List.
LCJs cannot review their own costume(s) for approval. Another LCJ from that costume category must judge and then notify the LMO of the result. If an LCJ is the only one in that category, then the LMO will judge it.
If there remains a question in regard to an applicant’s costume submission, the LMO has final approval.
See Article V: Costume Events
See SOP S10: Costume Approval Process
IV.3.A. Costume Application Requirements
Persons submitting costumes for approval must fulfill all requirements for RL membership. For a first time applicant who is not a member of RL, costume approval establishes Active membership. Costume approvals for an Active RL member who already has at least one approved RL costume do not affect that person’s membership status.
Any costume submitted for approval for use at RL events must be owned by the applicant and may not be rented, borrowed, or shared with another member. "Standard"
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Article V: Costume Events
The Rebel Legion’s members participate in a wide variety of events and venues all over the world. For this reason, Rebel Legion events should adhere to a set of costume event standards along with a code of conduct. Our goal will always be the accurate presentation and portrayal of the characters from the Star Wars Saga. The Rebel Legion further recognizes that this hobby is also for fun and creativity. Therefore, the Rebel Legion makes allowances for the creative modification of costumes within the confines of decency, at the discretion of the local Base or Outpost Commanding Officer (BCO/OCO).
Rebel Legion events, with members appearing in costume, representing the Rebel Legion should adhere to the standards listed below.
This article is not currently associated with any SOPs.
V.1. Official Rebel Legion Events
An official Rebel Legion event is defined as an officially sanctioned gathering or appearance of one or more RL members with a specific goal. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following:
[1] Disney/Lucasfilm Ltd. promotional and organized events
[2] Escorting Star Wars celebrities
[3] Official parades
[4] Charity appearances
[5] Hospital visits
[6] Fundraising and awareness raising
[7] RL promotion
[8] Conventions with an official RL presence (e.g., recruitment table, panel, meetup)
There can be three types of official Rebel Legion events: high profile, medium profile, and low profile.
All decisions regarding costume types for events are up to the Event Coordinator, the Event Officer, and Legion Command Council (LCC).
Only members with approved costumes may attend official events in costume, except for the benefit of a charity as noted below. Special permission may be granted by a BCO/OCO for a new member with a pending application to attend an official low or medium profile event in costume. Non-members are also permitted to attend events out of costume as handlers at the discretion of the BCO/OCO.
See Article II: Membership
V.1.A. Event Terminology
[1] Host Representative: The person representing an organization, business, or convention that the Rebel Legion is working with for an event. This person holds the highest authority at an event (barring requests that contradict internal RL guidelines) outside of public safety officials.
[2] Event Officer/Coordinator: The Rebel Legion member who is in charge of the Rebel Legion’s involvement at a given event. The Event Officer may be the BCO/OCO, BXO/OXO, RC, or any member of the base/outpost that the BCO/OCO has approved for a specific event.
[3] The Working Floor: The table and floor space allotted by the venue to promote the Rebel Legion, LFL, organization, business, or convention. The Rebel Legion is given space at many events where other vendors and exhibitors have to pay. In return for this donation of space, we present the illusion of the Star Wars characters to the general public to help promote not only our group, but also the event itself.
[4] On Duty: This is when a member is in costume and is “working the floor” during the operating hours of the event or convention. All costume pieces should stay on and the representation of the character should be kept intact, unless there is a health or safety issue that would require immediate removal of a helmet or mask. Members who are working behind an information table may remove masks, helmets, or other communication barriers in order to answer guests’ questions. Masks or helmets may also be removed for a group photo, if directed to do so by the Event Officer.
[5] Off Duty: This is when a member has left the “working floor” for neutral areas at the event so that they may rest, repair their costume, converse, shop in the vendor areas, attend a presentation, etc. Costumers may remove parts of their costume or the entire costume while “off duty.”
[6] Handlers: Also called wranglers, squires, assistants, spotters, supporters, etc., these are people out of costume (but preferably wearing a Legion shirt, hat, or badge) who help members during an event. They help members overcome the visual and movement limitations of their costumes. They protect the safety, health, and comfort of costumers while members are “on duty.” They also help communicate instructions from the event’s coordinator and the RL event officer. Handlers do not need to be active Rebel Legion members, but must abide by all RL policies and rules while helping at the event.
V.1.A.i High Profile Events
This is an official Rebel Legion event that is usually organized/sponsored for the promotion of a Lucasfilm Ltd., or LFL approved partner. A costume from the movies or TV series is usually required unless otherwise requested.
V.1.A.ii Medium Profile Events
This is an official Rebel Legion event that does not involve Lucasfilm Ltd. and is for RL promotion, community support, or charity. Restrictions on the types of costumes allowed to troop these events may be placed by the event organizers.
V.1.A.iii Low Profile Events
This is an official Rebel Legion event for RL promotion with the purpose of fun and entertainment. The use of any Rebel Legion approved costumes are permitted. This may include costumes that were formerly approved with an “informal” status.
V.1.B Face-Character Costume Requirements for High and Medium Profile Events
For high profile and some medium profile events, there should be only one person portraying a face character visible at a time. At the discretion of the local unit command and the event coordinator, two or more people portraying the same character may be permitted at an event but they must never appear together. In this case, discretion is also given to local command as to whether these are the same or different versions of the face character. The LCC reserves the right to overrule local command on the matter of numbers and types of face characters.
V.1.C. Costume Approval Board for High Profile Events
If needed, a costume approval board may be set up for all high profile events. The board will include the BCO/OCO of the hosting Base/Outpost or Event Officer, the Event Coordinator, and the Legion Membership Officer (LMO). A member of LCC may substitute for any of those listed on the approval board.
When specifically requested by LFL, representatives of LFL may serve in this role instead.
V.1.D. Lending Costumes for All Official Events
A Member may lend their Rebel Legion approved costume(s) under certain conditions. This lending is subject to the following restrictions:
[1] For High Profile events a Rebel Legion member may not lend out their costumes to a non-member. All High Profile events are for active members only and with approved costumes.
[2] For Medium and Low Profile events, a member may lend Rebel Legion approved costumes to an active member or a non-member, with the approval of the Rebel Legion Event Officer and the hosting Base/Outpost CO. Lending is only allowed for events where additional costumers are needed for the benefit of a charity or community organization and after every effort has been made to get enough active members to participate. An active member has preference over a non-member in a borrowed costume. Any member or non-member in borrowed costumes must still meet all Rebel Legion requirements for that specific costume. The active member takes responsibility for the behavior and actions of any non-member wearing their borrowed costumes during the event. Prior to the event, all members and any allowed non-members accompanying them will be made aware of Rebel Legion rules/policies.
[3] In certain circumstances a member may borrow some parts of a costume to upgrade their costume for an event. The member must seek approval from their BCO/OCO and the event organizer a minimum of one week in advance of the event for an exemption.
V.2. Unofficial Rebel Legion Events
An unofficial Rebel Legion event is defined as a gathering of two or more members for camaraderie and fun. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following: public/private parties, conventions, parades, or wherever the Rebel Legion is not officially representing the club.
A relaxed code of conduct by members is appropriate for all non-official events.
Costumes formerly approved with an “informal” (discontinued) status may be allowed.
Children may be welcome at these non-official events but are the sole responsibility of their parent/guardian.
The default for any public appearance of the Rebel Legion is the use of Rebel Legion approved costumes; however the club’s code of conduct still applies. The final decision for costumed events is left to the LCC, Event Coordinator, or Event Officer.
V.3. Rebel Legion Family Members at Events
At any events where members may bring their children, the actions and safety of those children are the sole responsibility of the member who is their parent/guardian(s). The Rebel Legion claims no responsibility for the safety or actions of minors. Allowing members to bring their children is at the discretion of the Event Representative/Coordinator and the Event Officer. Minors (and their parent/guardian(s)) attending an event as a member of a partner club (e.g., Galactic Academy, Saber Guild) must abide by their organization’s code of conduct.
The Rebel Legion is cognizant of the health and safety of small children and pets. RL members may not ask to hold children or pets. However, if a member is requested by a parent or animal owner to hold a child or animal for a photo, they may agree to but should hold them carefully.
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Article VI: Public Relations, Merchandising, and Rebel Legion Support
The Rebel Legion recognizes that our organization requires promotion and donations on some level to support growth and maintain the club. The Rebel Legion is a non-profit club based on the copyrighted property of Lucasfilm Ltd./Disney and has no legal rights, as an organization, to profit from donations or the sale of merchandise that utilizes the intellectual property of Lucasfilm Ltd./Disney or its affiliates.
See SOP S11: Public Relations and Merchandising Materials Requirements and Oversight
VI.1. Merchandising and Public Relations Materials Oversight
All merchandise, public relations (PR) material, and promotional materials that are created for the use of the members of the Rebel Legion to promote the club will adhere to the standards as defined in SOP S11: Merchandising and Public Relations Materials Requirements and Oversight, and as described in the current Rebel Legion Style Guide posted in the Rebel Briefing forum, and as posted in the Merchandising forums by the following officers:
[1] Legion Commanding Officer (LCO)
[2] Legion Executive Officer (LXO)
[3] Legion Command Council Members (LCC)
[4] Legion Merchandising Officer (MO)
[5] Legion Public Relations Officer (LPRO)
VI.2. Public Relations Materials
Public Relations (PR) material is defined as any item whether printed, constructed, or digital, that is used to promote or advertise the Rebel Legion, RL Units, or used as a give-away.
VI.3. Merchandise
Merchandise is defined as any item that is sold to an individual for their personal use or collecting.
VI.3.A. Merchandising Requirements and Rules
Club merchandise can only be sold to designated persons. Merchandise and PR material (given to the public for free) cannot be sold, or traded/given for the purpose of resale to any others.
Designated persons include:
[1] Active Rebel Legion members (and their household)
[2] Active members of Galactic Senate affiliated costume clubs and 501st Legion.
[3] Lucasfilm Ltd. employees
VI.3.A.i. Joint Club Merchandise
The Rebel Legion permits the option of special joint-runs with fellow Lucasfilm Ltd. acknowledged costuming groups, provided the senior command staffs of the clubs agree and the run adheres to Rebel Legion Merchandising and Public Relations Materials Standards. Rebel Legion participation requires the approval of the LCC.
The guidelines for these merchandise runs are as follows:
- The Rebel Legion and its units may develop joint merchandise with other Lucasfilm Ltd.-acknowledged groups, The following groups are easily recognized: The 501st Legion, Droid Builders, Mando Mercs Costume Club, Saber Guild, Dark Empire, and the Galactic Academy. Other acknowledged groups will be considered on a per-item basis.
- Joint Merchandise must follow the same Rebel Legion merchandise rules, guidelines, and approval process as all other Rebel Legion merchandise requests.
- The other LFL-acknowledged group(s) involved must also approve the design before production, and agree to adhere to the Rebel Legion merchandise rules.
- Members of all groups involved in the item are permitted to purchase the item at cost per Lucasfilm Ltd. guidelines.
VI.3.A.ii. Sales
Club merchandise can only be sold for the cost of producing and shipping the items. Shipping costs include postage, packing material costs (if special envelopes/materials are required), and Paypal payment processing fees. No profit can be made from regular sales.
Club Merchandise is required to be sold exclusively within the main Rebel Legion Merchandise forum. Links to sales threads can be posted on off-site RL Unit forums, but must include a disclaimer that these sales are for active members and other designated persons only.
VI.3.A.ii.a. Interest Threads
Some sale leaders may choose to create an interest thread to determine if there are enough people to do a particular piece of merchandise and set prices before opening a sale thread. Members that express interest in purchasing merchandise in an interest thread prior to the start of the merchandise run must either purchase that merchandise or tell the sale leader that they cannot do so anymore once the sale thread opens.
Every member who posts interest in merchandise must make every effort to follow through with payment before the sale ends unless they give or have given advance notification to make other arrangements with the person doing the merchandise run. Or in a worst-case scenario, if the member cancels the purchase altogether, they must communicate that to sale leader.
Note that a RL member is not required to make any purchases that they post interest in, but they must communicate their desire to; a) change quantity, b) make a late payment, or c) cancel the order altogether. This will ensure that the correct pricing is posted in the interest or sale thread for members making a purchase.
VI.3.A.iii. Prototypes
Incorrect pre-production prototypes cannot be sold. They can stay with the member organizing the sale, be sent to the MO to be kept in the Rebel Legion archive, or given to Lucasfilm ltd.
Correct pre-production prototypes can be sold (following all merchandise rules), or sent to the MO to be kept in the Rebel Legion archive, or given to Lucasfilm ltd.
VI.3.A.iv. Merchandise as Gifts and Prizes
Merchandise may be given as gifts to Legion Honorary Members, Event Coordinators/ Representatives, and charities/community organizations the Rebel Legion works with.
Including Legion merchandise in gift baskets/raffles/event prizes must be approved by the MO prior to the event.
Items to be given away for promotional purposes must still follow all merchandise rules and RL Style Guide. The designation of “PR/Giveaway Item” must be made known during the sale, so members know they are free to give those items to the public.
VI.3.B. Merchandise and PR Materials Archive
An archive of merchandise and PR material is maintained by the LPRO and the MO, to keep copies of all merchandise produced, logos or graphics used in PR materials, and copies of all fliers, banners, cards, etc. used to promote the Rebel Legion in advertising or publicity.
This archive is accessible to the Legion Webmaster (LW), the LCC, the MO, to individual Base/Outpost/Detachment Public Relations Officers, and to the LPRO and their team.
VI.4. Rebel Legion Donations and Fundraising
VI.4.A. Fundraising for Rebel Legion Club Expenses
Over the years, the majority of the Rebel Legion’s funding has come from the various Legion, Base, and Outpost Command Staff teams. As our membership expands, the costs associated with web space, merchandise, promotions, etc. are unable to be solely supported by Command staff.
Club merchandise can be used to raise funds for pre-approved fundraising projects to support RL expenses. These expenses include, but are not limited to, the following:
[1] Website hosting expenses
[2] Honorary membership material costs
[3] Rebel membership award expenses
[4] PR materials costs
[5] Merchandise for Lucasfilm employees and the Rebel Legion archive
[6] Shipping costs for the above
Any Rebel Legion, Outpost, Base, or Detachment assets, which were paid for using Rebel Legion, Outpost, Base, or Detachment funds, are the property of that Unit.
A paypal account has been set-up at to collect donations to the Rebel Legion for the sole purpose of paying the costs related to Rebel Legion, Outpost, Base, or Detachment expenses. This account is controlled by the LCO, the LCC, and the MO, so no one person will have sole access.
Donated money for Rebel Legion, Outpost, Base, or Detachment expenses can only come from voluntary internal revenue raising within the Rebel Legion’s membership.
Donations from the general public or outside corporations may not support operations, promotions, or support of the Rebel Legion or any Rebel Legion Unit.
Members who contribute to Legion Level Fundraising Drives, will receive a small logo in their avatar area in the forums.
VI.4.B. Fundraising for Charity
Club merchandise can be used to raise funds for pre-approved purposes. These purposes can include fundraising for charity or the raising of funds to offset operational expenses. However, Base, Outpost, and Detachments are limited to two (2) fundraising projects per calendar year.
Before commencing a fundraising project, approval from the LCC is required. Full accounting records must also be kept during the project. In order to seek approval, a proposal will need to be submitted to the LCC outlining the following:
[1] What is being proposed to be sold
[2] The proposed mark-up
[3] The proposed period of sale
[4] An indication of how the funds raised will be used
In addition to the normal sales process, members purchasing items must be made aware of the reason for the fundraising sale, and where the money will be sent.
At the conclusion of the project all financial records pertaining to the project are required to be submitted to the LCC. The LCC and the MO also have the right to request updates on the project and to discontinue the project at any time.
100% of the proceeds of sales beyond merchandise production and shipping expenses must go to the approved charity, before the end of the calendar year. If this is no longer possible, the funds must be refunded to members who purchased merchandise during the sale or donated to a charity of the LCC´s choosing.
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Article VII: Misconduct, Responses to Misconduct, and Disciplinary Actions
The Rebel Legion recognizes that this organization is strictly volunteer and for fun, but also recognizes the need for rules and regulations to maintain order for the benefit of all members. This article outlines types of disputes and misconduct, the processes for resolving disputes and misconduct, and related disciplinary actions.
See SOP S7: Rebel Legion Forums.
VII.1. Misconduct Definitions
Member in good standing: an Active Member not currently under disciplinary actions.
Minor Offense: Offenses that have caused only minor difficulties for other members, club operations, club reputation, or charity/community partners.
Major Offense: Offenses that have caused major damages for other members, club operations, club reputation, Lucasfilm ltd. or Disney, or charity/community partners.
Any member breaking any SOP conduct rules or violating the tenets of this Charter may face disciplinary action. All disciplinary actions that are needed will be enforced in the best interest of all Rebel Legion members, the Star Wars franchise, the general public, and for the greater Star Wars community.
Misconduct may vary in severity, but any type of misbehavior and/or misconduct may lead to disciplinary action. The Rebel Legion observes three different levels of disciplinary actions for violation of the Rebel Legion Charter: Probation, Suspension, and Expulsion.
VII.1.A. Probation
This member’s activities are heavily monitored by their Base or Outpost Commanding Officer (BCO/OCO) and/or the Captain of the Guard (COG) for the duration of their disciplinary action. This member is not permitted to participate in Legion or Base/Outpost elections or polls, and must seek permission from the BCO/OCO and/or Event Coordinator to participate in events. This member may not purchase Rebel Legion Merchandise. If the member is an Officer or volunteers on a Rebel Legion Committee, the determination will be made during sentencing if they should be removed from their post(s). If they are currently the sale leader for a merchandise run, the determination will be made whether or not they will be permitted to continue to handle this merchandise run.
If this member is found guilty of another violation of the Rebel Legion Charter during their probation period, their account will be suspended for a length of time determined by the overseeing tribunal with the oversight of the COG.
VII.1.B. Suspension
This member is suspended from all Rebel Legion activities for the duration of their punishment. They are not permitted any activity within the Rebel Legion forums or off-site Unit forums. If the member is an Officer or volunteers on a Rebel Legion Committee, they will be removed from these posts. They are not permitted to participate in events organized by or representing the Rebel Legion. They may not purchase RL Merchandise.
They must turn over responsibility for merchandise runs in progress to the Unit or Legion Merchandising Officer (MO).
If a suspended member is found to violate the terms of their suspension, their suspension may be extended or the member may be expelled from the Rebel Legion.
VII.1.C. Temporary Suspension
Under extenuating circumstances, the Legion Commanding Officer (LCO) may temporarily suspend a member that is believed to be causing irreparable damage to the Rebel Legion. Temporary suspension is limited to 30-days, or the completion of a disciplinary hearing. Within 14-days from the start of the suspension, the LCC must review and begin a trial with the evidence and decide whether or not the member will retain membership, continue on suspension, lift the suspension, or in extreme situations, be removed from the Rebel Legion.
VII.1.D. Expulsion
This person is no longer a member of the Rebel Legion. Their costume profile page will be removed from the RL website. Their user account will be suspended. A member can only be expelled from the Rebel Legion by a majority vote of the LCC.
If a charged member refuses to comply with the restitution directives for lesser disciplinary action (such as probation or suspension), permanent expulsion from the club can result. In cases of a major offense, a direct move to a vote for expulsion can occur.
Depending on the violation that led to their expulsion, this person may be permitted to reapply for membership after a time decided by the overseeing tribunal. If readmitted, this member will be under a period of probation decided on by a majority vote of the LCC.
VII.2. Litigation and Disciplinary Processes
Any member in good standing may bring a charge of misconduct against another member from their Base/Outpost. They have 60 days from the date of the event (or discovery of a situation) to file a charge with their BCO/OCO and the COG. The COG will contact the plaintiff and ensure that they truly want to bring charges.
In special cases of discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment or abuse of authority, that often need to show a pattern of behavior, any member in good standing will have up to two years from the date of occurrence to bring charges to the COG for LCC consideration. This will allow members to be able to report issues that can be serial or repetitive in nature.
The special cases are defined in sections VII.3.H.i, VII.3.H.ii, VII.3.H.iii and VII.3.K and must meet one of those definitions to constitute discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment or abuse of authority.
All other aspects of the litigation and disciplinary process remain as specified in this section.
If a hearing is needed, the COG will set up a litigation thread in the Base/Outpost Litigation Forum for a tribunal consisting of the BCO/OCO, Base/Outpost Executive Officer (BXO/OXO), and Legion Executive Officer (LXO). That thread will be to present evidence, statements, discuss judgment, and vote on restitution, reparations, or punishment. The COG will act as counsel on all issues relating to the club Charter, ensure fairness on behalf of the plaintiff and defendant, and oversee documentation of the proceedings. During the hearing, the COG will work with both sides of the conflict to present witness statements and document evidence (forum posts, private messages, instant messaging and emails) relevant to the hearing to the Base/Outpost Command for review.
This hearing must run for at least fourteen days after it is called. After the fourteen days the BCO/OCO has the right to call for a vote at his or her discretion. A unanimous vote from the BCO/OCO, BXO/OXO, and the LXO will determine responsibility and any restitution, reparations, and/or disciplinary action required. At this level the harshest punishment that may be given is a one-year probation.
At the conclusion of the hearing the COG will document the terms of restitution, reparations, or punishment and move the entire thread to the Legion Litigation Archive and close the forum. The COG is responsible for reporting the outcome of the hearing to the Base/Outpost’s officers who will be affected by the ruling (Regional Captains, Event Coordinators, Base/Outpost Detachment Unit Command Staff, etc.).
In cases of a major offense, a move for expulsion must have the approval of the LCC.
In the event the conflict is between members of two different Bases/Outposts, then the BCO/OCO of the plaintiff is in charge and holds a combined hearing with a tribunal consisting of the plaintiff’s BCO/OCO, the defendant’s BCO/OCO, and the LXO. A unanimous vote will determine responsibility and any restitution, reparations, or disciplinary action required.
Members are reminded that disciplinary action may not solve their own personal problems with another member, and should not be taken lightly.
See Article VII.1.: Misconduct Definitions.
VII.2.A. Litigation Involving Rebel Legion Officers
If one of the parties involved in a dispute is a:
[1] Base/Outpost Commanding Officer (BCO/OCO)
[2] Base/Outpost Executive Officer (BXO/OXO)
[3] Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO)
[4] Detachment Executive Officer (DXO)
[5] Legion Commanding Officer (LCO)
[6] Legion Executive Officer (LXO)
[7] Legion Membership Officer (LMO)
[8] Legion Costume Judge (LCJ)
[9] Legion Webmaster (LW)
[10] Merchandise Officer (MO)
[11] Legion Public Relations Officer (LPRO)
Then the party bringing forth the charges has 60 days from the date of the event (or discovery of a situation) to file a charge with the COG. If one of the involved parties is the COG, the same time limit applies, but the charges may be brought to the LXO instead. The hearing must be held at the Rebel Command Council level. During the dispute, the officer charged will have office permissions suspended, but member status shall be retained until the dispute is resolved.
For this type of disciplinary action, the LCO acts as judge while the Rebel Command Council (RCC) functions as the jury. If the LCO is an involved party then the LXO will be the judge. All proceedings will be overseen by the COG (or LXO if the COG is involved) for fairness, adherence to the Charter, and documentation. Any officers involved that are a part of the RCC, as defined in the Charter, must abstain from deciding the judgment, and should limit their input to presenting evidence. The LCC must authorize judgments that include removing Legion officers from office.
If the officer whose position required the hearing to be at the RCC level is the Defendant, the disciplinary action must be decided and voted upon by the RCC.
All judgments at this level are final. No appeals will be heard or given.
VII.3. Examples of Misconduct and Related Disciplinary Actions
Some disciplinary actions are applied for specific misconduct. However, it will be noted that if a member who commits an offense and sees fit to immediately atone for the offense and restitution is given, the member may face a lighter punishment than noted below. This is at the discretion of the LCC.
A minor offense brings formal censure, for which the charged member must provide the directed restitution. If the accused refuses to comply with the directives, permanent expulsion from the club will result. In cases of a major offense, a move directly to a vote for expulsion can occur.
VII.3.A. Unauthorized Loan of a Costume to a Non-Rebel Legion Member at an Event
Members are expected not to loan out their costumes to non-members, except in limited circumstances described in Section V.1.G. If it is discovered that a member has lent out a costume for someone to attend an event in a way that is not in compliance with section V.1.G., this offense will result in expulsion from the Rebel Legion. They may appeal to the LCC for reinstatement after one year has passed since their expulsion.
VII.3.B. Submitting False Membership Application and Qualification Information
All members are expected to submit honest and accurate applications and qualifications for membership. Misrepresentation of any of the following will result in disciplinary action.
[1] Misrepresentation of Age by a Minor: An applicant who is under 18 years old and/or legally a minor in their country of residence lies about their age/location. This offense will result in expulsion from the club and a suspension of their user account until they are old enough to join or for one year, whichever is longer.
[2] Misrepresentation of Costume Photos for Membership Application: It is discovered that a member manipulated their costume submission photo in any way (other than red-eye removal) to gain membership. This offense will result in expulsion from the Rebel Legion. They may appeal to the LCC for reinstatement after one year has passed since their expulsion.
[3] Misrepresentation of Costume Ownership for Membership Application: It is discovered that a member does not actually own a costume but borrowed or rented one in order to gain membership. Or it is discovered that a member has lent out a costume for a person to gain membership. These offenses will result in expulsion from the club. They may appeal to the LCC for reinstatement after one year has passed since their expulsion.
VII.3.C. Falsely Taking Credit for Another Person’s Work
A member is found to be “passing off” or claiming another member’s work as their own. This includes, but is not limited to: replicating patterns without permission and recasting props without permission for profit or other personal gain. Any member filling a complaint must be prepared to show proof of their original work. This offense will result in expulsion from the club and a suspension of their user account. They may appeal to the LCC for reinstatement after one year has passed since their expulsion.
VII.3.D. Personal Profit from Rebel Legion Activities or Costumes
Any member who personally profits from Rebel Legion activities or costume usage, either within or outside the RL, will be expelled from the Rebel Legion. If the member complies with cease and desist after trial, the sentence may be reduced to 1 year probation for first time offenders. They may appeal to the LCC for reinstatement after one year has passed since their expulsion.
Third Party Sales: If the member did not grant permission, unauthorized items sold by a third party do not constitute a personal profit violation (e.g. another person selling photos of you in costume, or a non-member selling RL merchandise that they were given as a gift).
VII.3.E. Selling Rebel Legion Merchandise Outside the Rebel Legion
If a member sells Rebel Legion merchandise outside the Rebel Legion and other designated parties, this will result in expulsion from the Rebel Legion. They may appeal to the LCC for reinstatement after one year has passed since their expulsion.
VII.3.F. Abuse of Rebel Legion Forum Merchandising Rules
If during the sale of any merchandise, a member fails to respond to communication initiated by the member running the sale or contact the seller regarding the merchandise they posted interest in, they will be reported to the Merchandise Officer (MO). If a member is reported a second time, their access to the Emporium Forum will be suspended for six months. If, after that time, they continue to post interest but not pay for items, they will be permanently banned from buying RL merchandise.
Also, the above penalty will be placed on the member, if while during any sale the member fails to communicate their desire not to purchase one item but makes other purchases on other sale items on the boards.
VII.3.G. Abuse of Rebel Legion Assets
Because assets donated to or paid for using Legion/Unit funds belong to that Unit, a member who holds any RL assets without reason will face disciplinary action.
VII.3.H. Misconduct Toward Other People: Discrimination and Harassment
Discrimination is defined as unfair treatment of people based on personal characteristics. The Rebel Legion will not tolerate discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, religion, creed, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity, age (beyond denying membership if the minimum age for membership has not been reached), body shape, or disability.
These personal characteristics are not a component of costume accuracy. Therefore, anyone can be approved in any Rebel Legion eligible costume and/or participate in RL approved events if their costume meets the standards; the costume components are judged, not the person wearing them. Likewise, makeup intended to make the costumer appear to be of a different human race (skin darkening or yellowing, “Asian” eye-liner, etc.) should not be used. Note that makeup used to look like a fictional race (e.g., painting one’s skin green to look like the Twi’lek Hera Syndulla) is acceptable and may be required in alien costume standards.
Discrimination will result in expulsion from the club and a suspension of their user account. The offender may appeal to the LCC for reinstatement after one year has passed since their expulsion. Any reinstatement will require a six-month probation period.
VII.3.H.i Discrimination
Discrimination is any inequitable treatment based on a person’s sex, race, religion, creed, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity, age (beyond denying membership if the minimum age has not been reached), body shape, and/or disability.
Discrimination may be an isolated event affecting one person or a group of persons.
VII.3.H.ii Harassment
Harassment is any improper and unwelcome conduct that may cause offense or humiliation to another person. Harassment may take the form of words, gestures or actions intended to annoy, alarm, abuse, demean, intimidate, belittle, humiliate, or embarrass another or which create an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment. Harassment normally implies a series of incidents.
VII.3.H.iii Sexual Harassment & Misconduct
Sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favor, verbal or physical conduct or gesture of a sexual nature, or any other behavior of a sexual nature that may humiliate another. Sexual harassment can be a single incident or a pattern of behavior. Sexual harassment may occur between persons of the opposite or same sex. People of any gender identity can be either the victims or the offenders.
Sexual harassment is illegal in many countries. Depending on the laws in the country, sexual harassment of a Legion member may also be reported to local law enforcement entities.
Sexual misconduct will be defined as direct unwelcome advances, requests for favors, and/or other physical and verbal conduct when such conduct explicitly or implied that affects a member’s ability to troop, unreasonably interferes with an individual’s performance at such troops, or creates an intimidating, hostile environment. This also encompasses unwelcome display or communication of sexually offensive materials directed towards that member, or retaliation for refusal of sexual/romantic advances.
Any member charged with a sexual-related crime in a court of law will be automatically suspended for 30 days using the LCO’s emergency power for suspension. Legion Command Council (LCC) will review the case within that 30 day period and determine if there is a need for a hearing or expulsion.
Any member convicted of a sexual-related crime in a court of law will be automatically suspended for 30 days using the LCO’s emergency power for suspension. Legion Command Council (LCC) will review the case within that 30 day period and expulsion will occur with a confirmation vote of the LCC.
VII.3.I. Pedophilia
Any member convicted of pedophilia or any other sexual crimes against children will face lifetime expulsion from the Rebel Legion and permanent banning from the forum.
VII.3.J. Criminal Acts
Acting in a threatening or violent manner (be it verbal or physical) towards Rebel Legion members and/or non-members, theft, and illegal substance abuse are all prohibited, as they are unacceptable behavior in a professional environment. Members who perpetrate criminal acts while representing the Rebel Legion are subject to disciplinary action.
VII.3.J.i Suspension due to criminal charges
Members who are formally charged by law enforcement/justice system with committing a serious crime (Defined as violent crimes, financial crimes, and crimes against children or mentally impaired persons) are to be placed on administrative suspension until the case and/or trial is resolved. During this time, they are not allowed to participate in any Rebel Legion activity, vote in elections, purchase merchandise, or any other items that would be available to an approved Rebel Legion member in good standing.
If convicted, disciplinary action may be taken by the LCC as specified in section VII.3.N. Misconduct Outside RL Activities.
VII.3.K. Abuse of Authority
The Rebel Legion points out the Abuse of Authority as one of the special cases of misconduct, and defines it as the improper use of a position of influence, power, or authority against another person. Abuse of authority may also include behavior that creates a hostile or offensive environment which includes, but is not limited to, the use of intimidation, threats, blackmail, or coercion. Discrimination and harassment, including sexual harassment, are particularly serious when accompanied by abuse of authority.
VII.3.L. Continuing Misconduct After Disciplinary Action
If a member refuses to cease and desist misconduct after disciplinary action has been initiated, they will be expelled from the Rebel Legion. They may appeal to the LCC for reinstatement after one year has passed since their expulsion.
If a member then discontinues misconduct, the disciplinary action may be reduced to a one-year probation for first time offenders.
VII.3.M. Misconduct at RL Events
Members may not use foul language, make obscene gestures, or consume/carry alcohol or tobacco while in costume and in view of the public, especially children. Members who behave inappropriately at RL events while representing the Rebel Legion may be subject to disciplinary action. However, any convention or gathering where adult content is prevalent and/or is not considered an official Rebel Legion event, these standards may be relaxed.
VII.3.N. Misconduct Outside RL Activities
It is generally outside the scope of this club’s jurisdiction to discipline members for their behavior outside of Rebel Legion activities. However, the LCC reserves the right to discipline members for their actions in accordance with the Rebel Legion’s Mission, Vision, and Values. The decision to discipline members for their actions outside the Rebel Legion is at the discretion of the LCC.
VII.3.O. Misconduct Online
No members may ever maliciously disparage or otherwise harass any fellow costumer, fellow member of the Rebel Legion, or other costume clubs or their members in public, on the Rebel Legion forums or on official club websites that are open to the public. No members may make disparaging/malicious attacks on fellow members about Legion business on our sister groups’ websites and/or official club social networking/blogging sites.
Members who use any Rebel Legion websites, forum, or mailing list will obey the rules and regulations set forth by the site administrators. Any abuse on the forum by a forum user will not be tolerated and a warning, suspension, or banning of their forum account will be decided by the LCC and the COG.
Any Forum User who violates the RL Registration Agreement and/or Privacy Policy will be subject to disciplinary action, which may include termination from the Rebel Legion and termination of their forum account.
See SOP S7: Rebel Legion Forums
VII.4. Reciprocity of Disciplinary Actions by Other Clubs Taken Against Dual Rebel Legion Members
In situations where a Rebel Legion member is also a member of another Star Wars costuming club (e.g. 501st Legion, Mandalorian Mercs, Saber Guild, The Dark Empire, Jedi Assembly, etc.), and that costuming club has taken disciplinary action (i.e. probation, suspension, or expulsion) against a member that is also a Rebel Legion member, that organization may request that the Rebel Legion also consider upholding and imposing the same action in this organization.
VII.4.A. Submission of Request from Another Costuming Club
The Commanding Officer, Executive Officer or Captain of the Guard (or equivalent) of the requesting organization can submit to the RL COG in writing the request for reciprocity of action. The request should describe what action was taken with a complete summary of the circumstances that led to the decision. The RL COG can then work with the requesting organization’s COG (or equivalent) for more information and investigate as necessary.
VII.4.B. COG Investigation and Notifications
The COG will bring the matter to the LCO and LCC to review and discuss implementing reciprocal action for the best interest of the Rebel Legion, its members, its reputation and our relationships with our sister organizations. In this situation, formal charges from a Rebel Legion member likely have not been filed and there has been no formal hearing conducted by the RL. The COG will also notify the accused member and the member’s BCO/OCO/DCO (whichever commanding officer(s) are applicable) of the request so that their input on the matter can be sent to the LCC for review before any action is taken.
VII.4.C. LCC Decision and Vote
The LCC will decide to support or deny the request by a simple majority vote. If suspension is considered, the LCC must also determine if it is to be imposed only at established known joint troops where the RL is participating or if it is to apply to all RL activities.
VII.4.D. Notification of Decision to Member
The COG will draft/send the notification of the LCC´s final decision to the RL member and get acknowledgement/understanding of the decision and any action. If the reciprocal action is ratified and approved, it will be implemented immediately upon notification.
VII.4.E. Notification of Decision to Others
The COG will notify the requesting organization in writing of the LCC´s final decision and when the member has been notified of any action taken by the RL. The COG will also ensure the member’s BCO/OCO/DCO (whichever is applicable) is/are also notified of the LCC´s decision and action. The COG will also notify the LMO and LCJs if the member is expelled. Unless the member successfully appeals the expulsion, any costume submission by that member would automatically be denied.
VII.5. Appeals
If either the plaintiff or defendant feels wronged by the decision of the tribunal, they may then appeal to the LCC. They must submit a written request for the appeal within 30 days from the date of the notification of the outcome of the Base level hearing to the COG. The COG is required to review the appeal for merit and submit it to the LCC along with their recommendation. If warranted, a hearing is called and both parties are invited to speak and submit evidence to the LCC. The LCO acts as judge while the LCC functions as the jury. This process must run for at least one week after the hearing is called, after which time the LCO has the right to close the proceedings. The LCC then decides if the charge is a minor offense, a major offense, or one without resolution. A majority vote rules and a course of action is laid down. The COG will oversee all proceedings for fairness, adherence to the Charter, and documentation. All judgments at this level are final.
SOP S1: Rebel Legion Bases and Outposts
The Rebel Legion is divided into regional groups called Outposts and Bases (hereafter referred to Units).
S1.A. Restrictions of Units
All official Unit membership rosters must list only registered members of the Rebel Legion. A person cannot become a member of a Unit without being a member of the entire Legion. People who are solely Forum Users are considered non-members and may not be listed on any Unit membership rosters.
A Unit may not bar, prevent, or otherwise deter or discourage members of other fan organizations from joining the Rebel Legion, or Legion members from joining other fan organizations.
A Unit must adhere to and enforce the Legion’s rules, policies, and regulations and uphold the family-friendly image of the Rebel Legion.
A Unit must remain independent of other organizations other than the Rebel Legion. They may share resources, knowledge, and members with other groups and are welcome and encouraged to work side-by-side with other groups at events, but the Unit itself may not become part of any organization other than the Rebel Legion.
If any individual member of a Unit is invited to, or notified of an event where Rebel member(s) are requested, the member needs to make their Unit Commanding Officer aware of the event, if it has not been posted to the appropriate forum.
S1.A.i. Restrictions of Bases
A Base must maintain minimum membership as outlined in Article I. If a region within an existing Base is splitting off to form its own Base, there must be at least that minimum number of members left in the old Base. Forum Users do not count as members. A Base Unit that drops below the minimum membership has a one-year grace period to acquire new members to reach the minimum. If a Base still does not meet the minimum after one year, it will be reduced from Base to Outpost at the next annual election.
S1.A.ii. Restrictions of Outposts
An Outpost must maintain minimum membership as outlined in Article I. If an Outpost does not meet minimum membership, it will be dissolved, and members absorbed into another Unit that is located nearby. Dissolution or absorption is at the discretion of the Legion Command Council.
S1.B. Privileges of Units
All Rebel Legion Units will have their own Command Officers to manage the activities of the Unit.
A Unit may appoint additional administrative staff and define additional rules so long as the Rebel Legion’s policies, rules, and regulations are not violated, and the duties of these additional staff do not encroach upon the duties reserved for global Rebel Legion staff.
Unit members may organize specific regional events and/or requested costume appearances within their Unit, provided they inform the unit Commanding Officer.
A Unit not on probation may create its own merchandise, provided it follows the Rebel Legion’s merchandising rules.
See SOP S1.G: Activation and Probation for new Bases and Outposts
S1.C. Unit Online Presence and Activities
All Units of the Rebel Legion must have a forum on the Rebel Legion global forum. When a new Unit is created, the Legion Webmaster will create a forum for the Unit’s members to post on. The Unit’s Commanding Officer and other designated staff will be the moderator(s) of that forum.
All Units are encouraged to create their own website to promote their organization and provide communication. All Rebel Legion websites must be family friendly.
Off-site websites and forums used for Unit operations are required to be submitted to the Legion Command Council (LCC) for inclusion on the Rebel Legion website’s Unit Listings page via a post in the Public Relations Headquarters sub-forum. Unit business refers to event and membership coordination as well as discussion of Unit-level decisions and activities. The person responsible for the off-site website or forum must also inform the LCC if the website is no longer in use.
The LCC and Captain of the Guard (COG) must be permitted “full view” access to offsite forums. The COG should be granted this access at the start of a new COG’s term. Access for the LCC must be given upon request.
A Unit may create its own mailing list, but it must be available to Rebel Legion members only. Any mailing list is subject to RL Privacy Policy
See Article II.3.B: Privacy Policy
S1.D. Base and Outpost Officers
Bases and Outposts must have at least a Commanding Officer and an Executive Officer. Requirements for other officers will vary depending on the size of the Unit. The BCO/OCO and any Unit administrative staff perform the Unit duties in a professional and level-headed manner befitting an officer. While all Unit administrative staff are appointed by the Commanding Officer by default, the BCO/OCO may allow these positions to be elected by simple majority/plurality vote if they so choose.
S1.D.i. Base/Outpost Commanding Officer (BCO/OCO)
Appointment: The Base/Outpost Commanding Officer is elected by the membership of their unit, in accordance with the election procedures See Article III: Elections and Voting
Requirements and Restrictions: The BCO/OCO must be an Active member in good standing, a resident of the respective Base/Outpost’s geographical boundaries, and have at least one full year of Active member status prior to election. The BCO/OCO must also be a member of the Unit which they command, and remain so for the duration of their term.
The requirement one-year of membership experience does not apply during the formation of a new Base or Outpost. Once a new Base or Outpost has completed their probation time, the BCO/OCO must meet this requirement.
Duties: The BCO/OCO is ultimately responsible for the organization of all official Rebel Legion events taking place within the geographical territory of their Unit proper, either directly or via coordination with Unit members to organize specific events. The have the following responsibilities, powers, and restrictions in regards to this duty:
[1] The BCO/OCO is responsible for making sure that events are appropriate for the Rebel Legion, that LFL guidelines are followed, and that the image and reputation of the RL will in no way be damaged.
[2] The BCO/OCO may reject or cancel an event if it is inappropriate.
[3] The BCO/OCO may delegate event planning to regional members of their Unit, as needed.
The BCO/OCO must keep in touch with all members of their Unit, either personally or through a designated Unit officer, and build good relations and good morale among all members. As a part of this duty, the BCO/OCO must do all of the following, either independently in coordination with the Base Membership Officer (BMO)/Outpost Membership Officer (OMO):
[1] Keep track of current personal contact information for all members in their Unit. Contact information should include the following: Member’s name, name on the RL site, city/state/province/country/zip, email address, and if the member permits telephone number.
[2] Administer an annual census in January to account for members in their Unit and update all contact information.
[3] Make sure that members who have moved into their Unit get their contact information transferred and updated.
[4] Keep all contact information kept strictly confidential and not give it out to anyone without permission of the member.
[5] Stay informed on the activities and interests of their Unit members. This includes communicating with Unit members, regularly posting and reading the Unit’s forum on the global RL forum, updating the News and Events section of the RL website, and acting as a moderator on the Unit forum.
The BCO/OCO may create and sell merchandise for their Unit, provided they follow the Rebel Legion’s guidelines for merchandise
See Article VI: Public Relations, Merchandising and Rebel Legion Support
The BCO/OCO resolves disputes internal to the Base and makes all potential problems known to the Captain of the Guard and Legion Command Council Any dispute resolution that goes beyond conflict mediation or involves charter violations, or which involves the BCO/OCO as a direct party, must be sent on to the COG.
The BCO/OCO is responsible for administering requests for removal from the Rebel Legion within their Unit and communicating such requests to the Legion Membership Officer (LMO), either directly or via the BXO/OXO or BMO/OMO.
The BCO/OCO may add additional rules and regulations as well as create new offices held by official members, so long as none of the Rebel Legion’s policies are violated and the duties given to new offices do not infringe upon those granted to existing Unit or Global positions.
Assistants: The BCO/OCO may organize their Unit by appointing an administrative staff to handle the Unit website, logo creation, public relations, communication, and enforcement of Rebel Legion policies, as well as any other Unit business with which they require assistance. The BCO/OCO may not give special titles to any non-members, with the exception of the Base/Outpost Webmaster and Base/Outpost Translator.
S1.D.ii. Base/Outpost Executive Officer (BXO/OXO)
Appointment: The Base/Outpost Executive Officer (BXO/OXO) is appointed by the BCO/OCO of their unit. No ratification is required. The BXO/OXO may be removed or replaced by the BCO/OCO as needed without having to wait for the annual election cycle.
Requirements and Restrictions: The BXO/OXO is subject to all of the same requirements and restrictions as the BCO/OCO. Each Unit must have exactly one Executive Officer. No additional BXO/OXO may be appointed while the previous one still holds the position.
Duties: The BCO/OCO appoints and defines the duties of an Executive Officer. In most cases an Executive Officer helps lighten the CO’s load by taking care of some of their duties and filling in for the BCO/OCO when they are unavailable. In the event that the Unit CO steps down, the BXO/OXO of that Unit assumes the role of BCO/OCO. The BXO/OXO may also serve as a Regional Captain, if no Regional Captain is available. A BXO/OXO may be put in charge of a specific aspect of running their Base/Outpost such as coordinating fundraisers, handling the development and sale of merchandise, and developing the website.
S1.D.iii. Base/Outpost Membership Officer (BMO/OMO)
Appointment: The BCO/OCO appoints the BMO/OMO for their Unit. BMO/OMOs are not required for Units and a Commanding Officer may appoint as many BMO/OMOs as needed to meet the needs of the geographical region. Additional BMO/OMOs may be appointed and existing BMO/OMOs replaced as needed, without having to wait for the annual election cycle.
Requirements and Restrictions: The BMO/OMO must be an active member in good standing of the Unit they are serving.
Duties: The Base/Outpost Membership Officer (BMO/OMO) may act as a costuming resource for members of their Base/Outpost. The BMO/OMO should have a working knowledge of the Rebel Legion forums, location of the Costuming Standards, and ability to find answers to questions that members may have about creating or finding costume parts. The BMO/OMO may also act as an intermediary with the Legion Costume Judges (LCJs) to assist in interpreting any costume issues that may arise, or assisting the costumer in finding the proper parts/materials to make their costume approvable according to the Rebel Legion Costuming Standards.
The BMO/OMO is also responsible, if designated by the BCO/OCO or along with the BCO/OCO, to have all contact information for all members in their Unit. Contact information should include the following: Member’s name, name on the RL site, address, current email, telephone number (if the member permits), and all current, approved costumes the member owns. All contact information is kept strictly confidential and is not to be given out to anyone without permission of the member.
If the BCO/OCO elects not to have a BMO/OMO, they or their BXO/OXO may take on these duties.
The Base/Outpost Membership Officer (BMO/OMO) may have other duties assigned by their BCO/OCO. These may include, but are not limited to assisting with Base/Outpost website maintenance, event coordination, member recruitment, coordination of group costuming builds, inspection of costume upgrades and event mods, and creation of Unit infrastructure for facilitating costume submissions.
S1.D.iv. Base/Outpost Webmaster
Appointment: The Base/Outpost Webmaster is appointed by the BCO/OCO. This position may be removed or replaced by the BCO/OCO at any time, and need not wait for the annual election cycle.
Requirements and Restrictions: If no Active member of the Unit is available or skilled enough to create and maintain a website for the Unit, the command may seek a Webmaster from other sources. The Webmaster may not be a former RL member who was removed from the Rebel Legion for disciplinary reasons. In the event that this position is held by a non-RL member, they must agree to abide by the Charter, SOPs, and all other relevant RL governing documents.
Duties: The Base/Outpost Webmaster is responsible for the design, content, and maintenance of a Units website, forum, or any other online Unit infrastructure. They must also work with the Legion Webmaster to ensure that content on both sites is kept up to date. It is strongly recommended that the Base/Outpost webmaster have knowledge and experience with current website formatting and coding practices.
S1.D.v. Base/Outpost Translator
Appointment: Translators are appointed by the BCO/OCO as needed.. A BCO/OCO may appoint as many Translators as needed to meet the needs of the geographical region. Additional Translators may be appointed and existing Translators replaced as needed, without having to wait for the annual election cycle.
Requirements and Restrictions: If no active member of the Unit is available or skilled enough, the BCO/OCO may seek a Translator from other sources. If people from outside the RL are selected, they must register with the global RL forum to be given access to the Translators sub-forum. The translator may not be a former RL member who was removed from the Rebel Legion for disciplinary reasons. In the event that this position is held by a non-RL member, they must agree to abide by the Charter, SOPs, and all other relevant RL governing documents.
Duties: The Base/Outpost Translator is responsible for helping the Unit’s command staff translate materials, announcements, emails and rules into locally spoken languages in units where members speak multiple languages. They will also serve on the Legion Translator Team to assist the Legion Officers. Regional Captains
Appointment: Regional Captains (RCs) are appointed by the BCO/OCO, or may be elected by simple majority/plurality vote if a Unit so chooses. RCs are not required for Units and a BCO/OCO may appoint as many RCs as needed to meet the needs of the geographical region. Additional RCs may be appointed/elected and existing RCs replaced as needed, without having to wait for the annual election cycle.
Requirements and Restrictions: RCs must be Active members in good standing of the Units they serve.
Duties: Regional Captains function as event coordinators for their state, province, or other geographic subdivisions within the Unit’s larger geographic boundaries. Regional Captains assist the BCO/OCO in the organization of events within their sub-region of their Unit. The RC will serve as the primary contact between the Host Representative and Rebel Legion, or act as a liaison between other members and the BCO/OCO for the events they organize within the region. Both RCs and other non-titled Active members can organize specific regional events and/or requested costume appearances within their Unit, provided they inform the BCO/OCO and the events conform to Legion regulations. RCs may be assigned additional duties by their BCO/OCO as needed.
S1.E. Formation of New Bases and Outposts
Members in a current Base wishing to form a new Unit must inform their current BCO, all members in the proposed new Unit, and the Legion Membership Officer (LMO) of their desire. All members in the proposed new Unit must be given an equal opportunity to be a part of the discussion to form a Unit and choose its name, logo, and officers. These discussions must take place on the Rebel Legion forum, in a discussion forum requested by the LMO.
Members of the Outer Rim wishing to form a new Unit must inform the Legion Membership Officer of their desire, and every potential member in the proposed new Unit. All members in the proposed new Unit must be given an equal opportunity to be a part of the discussion to form a Unit and choose its name, logo, and officers. These discussions must take place on the Rebel Legion forum, in a discussion forum requested by the LMO.
S1.E.i. New Base Formation
New Bases may be formed for any of the following reasons:
[1] When a sufficient number of RL members to form a Base are in a region in which no Base currently exists, those members may organize and apply to form a new Base.
[2] An existing Base may become too cumbersome for a single BCO and their Regional Captain(s) to organize, due to the large geographic area covered and long commute times to events. In this case a section of the Base can consider splitting from the main Base, to better address local activities.
[3] Other reasons for Base formation may also exist, but splitting from a Unit as a form of conflict resolution is discouraged.
S1.E.ii. New Outpost Formation
New Outposts may be formed for any of the following reasons:
[1] When a sufficient number of RL members live in a distinct region of the Outer Rim, an Outpost can be formed.
[2] From the pool of countries in the Outer Rim, it is recommended that new Outposts only cover a single Country. Multiple Outposts per Country can be considered if different regions of the country have different native language(s) or other strong cultural divides.
[3] New Outposts should not generally be formed within the borders of an existing Unit, but if three or more members are in a sub-region within an existing Unit which is extremely geographically isolated or speaks a different language, special exception for Outpost formation can requested by the BCO/OCO of the existing Unit and the members in the impacted region.
[4] Other reasons for Outpost formation may also exist, but splitting from another Unit as a form of conflict resolution is not encouraged.
S1.F. Application for New Bases and Outposts
Members wishing to form a new Unit must complete a Base/Outpost Application Form for activation. The application form will list their proposed new Base/Outpost name, roster of members from the Rebel Legion main membership roster, territorial boundaries, and a brief statement of purpose outlining the reasons for their Base/Outpost to be formed. The application form must also list the Base’s/Outpost’s chosen Commanding Officer and any administrative staff selected in accordance These officers and staff must match those chosen by the membership in the discussion forum on the Rebel Legion boards.
See SOP S1.D: Base and Outpost Officers
Each application for the formation of a Unit will be carefully weighed by the Legion Command Council, and the Command staff of the existing Base (if splitting from existing Base). The strength of the reasoning given in the application will be compared with the added bureaucracy of an additional Unit to determine the necessity of the new Unit.
S1.G. Activation and Probation for New Bases and Outposts
New Units will be placed on one-year probation. During this time, they may develop a logo and may form local Detachment sub-groups in accordance with Detachment Charters. However, no merchandise (patches, pins, coins, etc.) may be produced with logos of Units that are on probation. For the first 6 months, the new Units should use the Rebel Legion logo on their public relations (PR) material. After 6 months, new Units can create and/or purchase PR materials (banners, business cards, flyers, etc.) with their logo by approval of the LPRO in order to promote their local Unit and the Rebel Legion as a whole.
Factors that the LCC will consider when passing a Unit from probation include the following:
[1] Attendance at or creation of local events
[2] Growth in membership
[3] Established lines of communication between the Unit members themselves and with sister groups
If at the end of one year, the LCC determines that the new Unit is not functioning as a Unit, the Unit will be dissolved and members returned to the Base they split from, absorbed into another Unit that is located nearby, or returned to the Outer Rim. Dissolution or absorption is at the discretion of the Legion Command Council.
S1.H. Member Affiliation to Units
Member affiliation in a Base or Outpost is normally based upon geographical boundaries and the member’s primary residence. However, an exception to be Adopted or Retained by a different Unit can be requested by a member under unique/special circumstances only, and then approved by the Commanding Officers of each Unit. If the Commanding Officers of the impacted Units cannot come to agreement, the Captain of the Guard (COG) will provide binding arbitration. Once the Commanding Officers of each Unit approve the exemption, the Legion Membership Officer (LMO) and COG must sign off on the exception. If there is a disagreement on the sign-off between the LMO and COG, the Legion Commanding Officer (LCO) will determine the final ruling.
If an exemption is denied, the member may not apply for another exemption for a full year from the denial. A copy of the denial or approval with all relevant sign offs will be filled with LMO and COG. Exemptions cannot be requested by a block of members; each individual member must request an exemption separately and cite their own unique/special circumstances. If a Unit affiliation exception is approved and signed off, the member becomes a full voting member of the requested new Unit.
S1.H.i. Adoption
An Active member can request to be placed in a neighboring Unit if they have unique/special circumstances and it is more feasible to regularly attend events with that neighboring Unit. If approval for this exception is granted and sign-off is received, the member may then switch affiliations. This member must troop in a Rebel Legion approved costume that is listed in their own member profile at least one event per Census year in their adopted Unit’s territory. If the member does not have one troop in their adopted Unit’s territory per Census year, the member must return to their geographical Unit.
S1.H.ii. Inactive Member Affiliation
An inactive (Reserve or Archive) member must remain in their geographic Unit and cannot request adoption by a new Unit until they return to Active status by completing one troop in a Rebel Legion approved costume that is listed in the member’s profile, or another type of event at the discretion of the BCO/OCO, in the adopting Unit’s territory. An inactive member that changes primary residence must be transferred to their appropriate geographic Unit (if the new address is known) and the member cannot request return to the previous Unit until they return to Active status by completing one troop in a Rebel Legion approved costume listed in the member’s profile in the previous Unit’s territory.
See Article II.1.A.iii: Activity Requirements
S1.H.iii. Retaining Original Affiliation
If an Active Member changes primary residence, or if a Unit splits into two or more Units, the BCO/OCO or LMO should move the member’s profile to the appropriate geographical Unit. However, if an Active Member wishes to remain in their original Unit, they must receive approval and sign off from their original Unit Commanding Officer, the Commanding Officer of the new splitting Unit, and the LMO. This member must troop at least one event per Census year in their original Unit’s territory in a Rebel Legion approved costume that is listed in their member profile. If the member does not complete one troop in their original Unit’s territory per Census year, the member must be transferred to their appropriate geographical Unit.
S1.I. SOP Maintenance
This SOP may be terminated, changed, merged with other RL documents or otherwise modified by a majority vote of both the LCC and the RCC. Any Active Member of the Rebel Legion may also petition for changes to this SOP pending approval by submitting a request via their BCO/OCO or BXO/OXO.
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SOP S2: Rebel Legion Detachments
Detachments are formalized groups with the Rebel Legion that work to support and promote specific types of costumes. They are defined by the costume category that they champion. This SOP describes the purpose, organization, and operation of Detachments.
S2.A. Detachment Mission and Purpose
The mission and purpose of the Detachments include, but are not limited to, the following:
[1] To promote costumes and costume standards for their costume category throughout the Rebel Legion [2] To provide a network for sharing information and resources pertaining to their costume category and to assist costumers in completing their costumes [3] To advise and support the LCC, the LMO, and the BMOs/OMOs in the development and interpretation of costume standards within their costume category [4] To lead and participate in the creation and revision of costume standards [5] To provide the LCC and LMO with qualified candidates for Legion Costume Judges [6] To provide a pool of qualified candidates to be available for events that need costumes of a specific type [7] To promote the creation and continued existence of Base/Outpost-level sub-divisions within the Detachment [8] To promote camaraderie and enjoyment for the members of the DetachmentS2.B. Detachment Charters
All Detachments shall have a charter to govern their administration and operations. It shall include the following:
[1] Mission [2] Membership requirements [3] Officers [4] Election procedures [5] Detachment organizationThe LCC shall approve all initial Detachment Charters and any future amendments by a simple majority vote before implementation.
In the event of a contradiction between the Rebel Legion Charter and a Detachment Charter, the RL Charter takes precedence.
S2.B.i. Links to Current Detachment Charters
Detachment Charter can be found in their detachment subforum on the RL forums. See the following links to read the current Detachment Charters (forum login required to access):
[1] Rebel Legion Starfighter Command Detachment Charter [2] Knights of the Jedi Order Detachment Charter [3] Rebel Alliance Infantry Detachment Charter [4] Clones of the Republic Detachment Charter [5] Rebel Legion Galactic Senate Detachment Charter [6] Galactic Strategic Command Detachment Charter [7] Docking Bay 94 Detachment Charter [8] The Wretched Hive Detachment Charter [9] United Citizens of the Galactic Republic Charter [10] Rogue Detachment Charter [11] Droid Factory Detachment CharterS2.C. Formation of New Detachments
A new Detachment may be formed to establish a dedicated center of expertise, resources, and community for a distinct group of costumes.
To form a Detachment, applicants must first contact the LCC with their proposed detachment idea, why they think the new Detachment is needed, and a list of proposed costumes to be included in the Detachment. The LCC will approve or deny the proposal by a simple majority vote. If the proposed Detachment receives temporary approval from the LCC they can continue developing all required aspects of a Detachment. Final approval will come after the Detachment Application is complete.
S2.C.i. Detachment Application
Development of a new Detachment must be done in the costume area of the forums that the Detachment will serve and must involve all Active members wishing to be a part of the new Detachment. All prospective members of the proposed Detachment must be given an equal opportunity to participate in the discussion to form a Detachment.
The following information should be confirmed by open vote of all Active members wishing to be a part of the new Detachment:
[1] Detachment name [2] Detachment logo [3] Detachment Charter [4] Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO)To apply to form a detachment, the prospective DCO should submit the above items to the LAC, along with the following:
[5] Roster of at least 20 Active members from the Rebel Legion membership [6] Detachment Executive Officer (DXO), appointed by the DCOThe Legion Command Council will vote to approve or deny the application by a simple majority. The LCC will promptly notify the prospective DCO and DXO of their decision.
Changes can be made to the Detachment logo at any time by a majority vote by the Detachment members. Logo changes must be approved by the MO, LPRO, and LCC.
S2.D. Detachment Membership
Detachments are a strictly voluntary aspect of the Rebel Legion. Only Active Rebel Legion members may become a member of a Detachment. The member must have an approved costume that meets the membership requirements of the Detachment they wish to join (see the specific Detachment Charter’s membership section).
Rebel Legion members may join multiple Detachments, based on the approved costumes that member owns.
According to their Detachment Charter, Detachments may allow secondary membership of a costume that has already been approved in a different detachment.
S2.E. Detachment Organization
Detachments may further divide into sub-groups based on geographic region or area of interest.
S2.E.i. Local Detachment Sub-Groups
Members of a Detachment from the same Base/Outpost may form a local-level Detachment sub-group in their Base/Outpost to promote local community and construction of costumes from that Detachment. Members who wish to form a local Detachment sub-group should submit an application to the appropriate DCO in accordance with the procedures laid out in that Detachment’s Charter.
Each Detachment’s Charter shall define requirements for formation, administration, designations, logos, and membership of local subdivisions. Each Detachment shall also define the naming convention for local sub-groups of that Detachment (e.g., Squadron, Delegation, Squad, Temple) as well as appropriate titles for local sub-group leaders (e.g. Squadron Commander, Delegation Leader, Squad Leader, Temple Master). This terminology should fit in with the type of costumes that make up the Detachment and within the Star Wars universe.
Each Base/Outpost may have no more than one sub-group per each Detachment unless otherwise specified by the detachment. Local Detachment sub-groups are strictly voluntary and members are encouraged but not required to participate in base level Detachments.
As needed, Detachment Charters may define requirements and processes for the formation and administration of additional subdivisions of Detachment local sub-groups on regional or thematic lines within a single Base/Outpost.
S2.E.ii. Detachment Honorary Sub-Groups
Detachment members may create Honorary sub-groups at the Legion-level. Honorary sub-groups provide a digital space for individuals who share an interest in a particular type of costume to join together to celebrate that interest. These Honorary sub-groups have no Base/Outpost allegiance but report directly to the DCO and DXO. These Honorary sub-groups will have limited scope and will not interfere with the Detachment Operations, the Base/Outpost operations, or the formation of local sub-groups.
Detachment Members who wish to form an Honorary sub-group should submit an application to the appropriate DCO in accordance with procedures laid out in that Detachment’s charter.
S2.F. Detachment Officers
Detachment Officers provide leadership and administration for the specific Detachment they serve. These Officers serve under the Legion Command Council (LCC). Detachment Officers serve as an advisory body to the LCC, Legion Membership Officer (LMO), and other Administrative Officers with regard to their specific costume category. Detachments exist outside the rank and the voting hierarchy of RL Bases and Outposts.
All Detachment Officers support and act on the mission and purpose of the Detachment. Detachment officers will not receive any special powers or duties at the global Legion level. They will not be given access to the RL Command forums or form Rebel Legion-level policy outside of the Rebel Legion Membership and Costume Group (RLMCG) in their capacity as Detachment Officers. The DCO and DXO will be granted moderator’s status on their Detachment sub-forums and Base/Outpost sub-forums for local sub-groups under their Detachment.
Each Detachment shall have at minimum a Commanding Officer (DCO) and Executive Officer (DXO). Any other Detachment positions are optional and are appointed at the discretion of the Detachment Charter and the DCO.
S2.F.i. Detachment Commanding Officer (DCO)
Appointment: The DCO is elected annually by a simple majority/plurality vote of members of their Detachment
See Article III: Elections and Voting.
Requirements: The DCO must own at least one approved costume in the costume category of their Detachment and be a member of the Detachment. The DCO must be active RL members in good standing.
Duties: The DCO shall oversee operations of their Detachment, foster Detachment community, and advise Legion Commanders and Administrative Officers on matters relating to their Detachment. They will appoint Detachment staff in accordance with their Detachment Charter. The DCO shall supervise the writing and revisions of Costume Standards for their Detachment’s costume category. The DCO shall act as a moderator of their Detachment sub-forums. The DCO may recommend qualified candidates for the role of Legion Costume Judge (LCJ) to the LMO, as needed. The DCO will carry out any additional duties laid out by their Detachment Charter.
S2.F.ii.. Detachment Executive Officer (DXO)
Appointment: The DXO is appointed annually by the DCO of their Detachment. If a DXO steps down or is removed between elections, the DCO shall appoint a new DXO to serve until the next election.
Requirements: The DXO must own at least one approved costume in the costume category of their Detachment and be a member of the Detachment. The DXO must be an active RL member in good standing.
Duties: The DXO assists the DCO in the performance of their described duties. If the DCO steps down or is removed between elections, the DXO shall become the DCO until the next election and appoint a new DXO.
S2.F.iii. Detachment Administrative Officers
The DCO may choose to appoint additional Detachment Administrative Officers to assist with fulfillment of duties and the administration of the detachment as needed. All Detachment Administrative Officers should be appointed based on the needs of the Detachment in accordance with the Detachment Charter.
Detachment Administrative Officers should be members of that Detachment, but exceptions can be made in cases when a specific technical skill is needed that cannot be found among available Detachment members. No former member of the Rebel Legion who was removed for disciplinary reasons may serve as a Detachment Administrative Officer.
S2.G. SOP Maintenance
This SOP may be terminated, changed, merged with other RL documents, or otherwise modified by majority votes of both the LCC and the DCOs. Any Active Member of the Rebel Legion may also petition for changes to this SOP pending approval by a DCO.
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SOP S3: Rebel Legion Administrative Staff and Committees
Administrative officers fulfill duties required for the administration of the whole Rebel Legion, such as maintaining Costume Standards for membership acceptance, communication with the public, charity projects, web page/forum construction and maintenance, etc.
S3.A. Legion Commanding Officer (LCO)
The head of the Rebel Legion is the Legion Commanding Officer (LCO) who is elected from the membership. The LCO serves as the figurehead and spokesperson of the Rebel Legion and is the primary point of contact for Lucasfilm ltd., all Star Wars fan and costume organizations, and the public.
Appointment: The Legion Commanding Officer is elected directly by active membership in accordance with the election procedures.
See Article III: Elections and Voting
Requirements and Restrictions: The LCO must have the requisite experience to qualify for election to the Legion Command Council (LCC). The LCO may not hold any other elected or appointed Rebel Legion office at the global, local, or Detachment levels while serving as LCO, save for those offices which are part of the LCO position.
Duties: The LCO is responsible for the overall vision and direction of the RL. They look ahead towards the future of the RL while delegating the details to Administrative Staff, Command Staff, and Members. The LCO operates as the top policy maker and administrator for the RL.
Working with the Legion Executive Office (LXO) and Administrative staff, the LCO represents the RL as a whole; duties include, but are not limited to the following:
[1] Formulates policies to be reviewed and approved by the LCC
[2] Moderates the Rebel Command Council (RCC) and LCC
[3] Helps with the induction of new Units
[4] Helps with the induction of new bases, outposts, and detachments to the RL
[5] Reviews merchandising
[6] Organizes partnerships with outside organizations
[7] Acts with RCC in disciplinary actions, if necessary
[8] Appoints staff to assist in their duties in accordance with the Rebel Legion Charter and SOPs
Assistants: The LCO also appoints a Legion Executive Officer (LXO) and Administrative Staff to help with every aspect of running the RL. Appointed administrative staff may not supersede the authority of elected officers of the Rebel Legion without a majority vote of the RCC except in specific circumstances in which the charter or SOPs grant that power on a limited basis to their specific position.
The LCO may assign members of the LCC to other duties based on their areas of expertise. Such assignments do not affect the member’s other duties or position.
S3.B. Legion Executive Officer (LXO)
Appointment: The Legion Executive Officer (LXO) is appointed by the Legion Commanding Officer (LCO) and ratified by the Rebel Command Council (RCC).
Requirements and Restrictions: The LXO must have the requisite experience to qualify for election to the Legion Command Council (LCC). The LXO may not hold any other elected or appointed Rebel Legion office at the global, local, or Detachment levels while serving as LXO, save for those offices which are part of the LXO position.
Duties: The LXO is an adviser and assistant to the LCO. The LXO assumes the responsibility of the LCO when they are absent.
LXO duties include, but are not limited to the following:
[1] Reports directly to the LCO on all issues of consequence related to Legion operations
[2] Serves as a liaison for the LCO in various committees, meetings, and communications
[3] Acts as an adviser/observer to the LCC and the RCC, but has no voting privileges on these Councils
[4] Serve as interim Captain of the Guard (COG) during disciplinary actions where the COG is unavailable or finds themselves unable to be impartial, if necessary
[5] Serves as the Chairperson to the Charter Review Committee (CRC)
[6] Assumes temporary voting membership on the LCC in case of a position becoming Vacant, until a new election can be completed
See SOP S4: Absences and Vacancies for Elected or Appointed Administrative Officers and Positions
The LCO may also be granted the permissions of the COG to overrule elected officials in disciplinary matters when acting as the interim COG, and the full permissions of the voting members of the LCC to overrule various elected officials when acting as an interim member of the LCC during a Vacancy.
S3.C. Legion Command Council (LCC) Representatives
Appointment: Legion Command Council Representatives on the LCC are elected into office by simple majority/plurality vote of all Active members of the Rebel Legion.
Requirements and Restrictions: The LCC Representatives must have the requisite experience to qualify for election to the LCC. The LCC Representatives may not hold any other elected or appointed Rebel Legion office at the global, local, or Detachment levels while serving as LCC Representatives.
See Article I.3: Legion Command Council (LCC)
Duties: The five LCC Representatives serve as voting members of the LCC; they advise and assist the LCO in the administration of the Rebel Legion. The LCC also advises and assists Base/Outpost Command staff.
The LCC will be responsible for writing a quarterly summary of the Council’s private discussions and decisions and posting those for the membership to read.
Assistants: While the LCC Representatives do not have direct assistants, the majority of Legion administrative positions serve at the pleasure of the LCC as a whole.
S3.D. Regional Command Liaison (RCL)
Appointment: The Regional Command Liaison (RCLs are elected by the active membership of the region they serve during annual legion elections.
Requirements and Restrictions: The RCL must have the requisite experience to qualify for election to the Legion Command Council (LCC) and must reside in the region they wish to serve. Unlike the ‘at large’ members, RCLs are allowed to serve concurrently as a BCO/OCO and RCL.
See Article I.3.B.: Qualifications of the LCC
Duties: RCLs are voting members of the LCC, and shall not hold any other elected or appointed Rebel Legion office at the global, local, or Detachment levels while serving as RCL, other than BCO/OCO of their Base/Outpost.
The RCLs act as a link between the BCOs/OCOs from their regions and the LCC, as well as disseminate information in return from the LCC. Specific RCL tasks will include, but are not limited to:
[1] Oversees new Base/Outpost applications
[2] Acts as a first point of contact for any Base/Outpost issues
[3] Completes administrative tasks such as running annual elections for an allocated area
[4] Reminds Base/Outpost staff of annual tasks such as the census and elections
S3.E. Captain of the Guard (COG)
The Captain of the Guard (COG) serves to maintain justice and order in the Rebel Legion.
Appointment: The COG must be confirmed/re-confirmed each time a new Rebel Command Council (RCC) is seated. The standing COG will remain in office until the conclusion of the COG confirmation process.
The Legion Command Council (LCC) will seek candidate(s) for the office from the Active Rebel Legion membership, the search will remain open for a minimum of seven (7) days.
The LCO will oversee the COG confirmation process and any polls and email notices needed.
Candidates may not campaign for themselves for the post of COG in any way. Candidates may only respond to questions in the Question and Answer (Q&A) phases. Candidate(s) will have a seven (7) day Q&A session with the Legion Command Council. During this time a Confirmation forum will be temporarily set up for the Legion Command Council, standing COG, and COG candidate(s) only. At the end of the Q&A session the Legion Command Council will hold a simple majority/plurality vote to determine which candidate will be recommended to the RCC.
After the Legion Command Council’s Q&A session, the recommended candidate will have a seven (7) day Q&A session with the Rebel Command Council. During this time the Confirmation forum will be temporarily set up for the LCC, RCC, standing COG, and COG candidate only.
The Captain of the Guard must be confirmed by a majority/plurality vote of RCC. If the BCO/OCOs fail to confirm the nominee, the process will repeat until a COG is confirmed.
Requirements and Restrictions: The COG must have completed a full year of Active membership at the time of appointment. The COG may not hold any other elected or appointed Rebel Legion office at the global, local, or Detachment levels while serving as COG, save for those offices which are part of the COG position. Prior experience as an assistant or from a similar role is helpful but not required.
Duties: The COG is an expert and adviser on the Rebel Legion Charter and SOPs and is responsible for their interpretation and enforcement.
COG duties include, but are not limited to the following:
[1] Ensures that the Charter and SOPs are followed by all members and that all Legion Officers (Administrative and Command) do not abuse their authority
[2] Serves as an adviser/observer during disciplinary action hearings
[3] Oversees all Legion level elections (and Base and Outpost elections, upon request). This includes enforcing any campaigning policies prior to the elections, moderating Question and Answer sessions, setting up and monitoring election polls, and certifying the results
[3] Acts as an adviser/observer to the LCC and the RCC, but has no voting privileges on these Councils
[4] Assists Base and Outpost personnel with procedural issues related to disciplinary matters. This includes ensuring the accused has a fair trial and assessing the prescribed penalty for fairness and consistency with other Bases.
[5] Monitors the official Legion map for accuracy and completeness and arbitrates all territorial disputes. This includes maintaining a complete record of all existing Bases and Outposts and their geographic boundaries.
[6] Reviews all applications for new Bases and Outposts to ensure that the requirements are met and that the territory described is well defined and does not infringe on existing Base/Outpost boundaries
[7] Makes sure that any disciplinary hearing is properly documented, and files a transcript/summary of the disciplinary action hearing at the Legion level for the purpose of review and any subsequent appeals
The COG may overrule elected Base/Outpost, Detachment, and Legion officials in relation to enforcing rulings in disciplinary matters, within the scope of their authority outlined in the charter. This power should be exercised with great caution and only in consultation with the LCC.
Assistants: The COG may select other members to be Assistant Captain(s) of the Guard (ACOG) to assist them in their duties.
S3.F. Legion Membership Officer (LMO)
Appointment: The Legion Membership Officer (LMO) is appointed by the Legion Command Council (LCC). The LMO must be selected/re-appointed each time a new LCC is seated, by a simple majority/plurality vote of the LCC. The standing LMO will remain in office until the conclusion of the LMO selection process, with a one-week window to transfer responsibilities to the incoming LMO.
The Captain of the Guard (COG) will oversee the LMO selection process and any polls and emails needed.
The Legion Command Officer (LCO) will seek volunteers for LMO from the active Legion membership. The search will remain open for a minimum of seven (7) days. All candidate(s) will then have a one-week (7-day) Q&A session with the LCC and Legion Costuming Judges (LCJ).
In the event the LMO becomes unavailable for duty, the LCO will designate an interim LMO until the selection of a new LMO is completed.
Requirements and Restrictions: The LMO must have assembled more than one Rebel Legion approved costume.
It is recommended that the LMO have prior LCJ or LMO experience, and some type of leadership/management experience.
The LMO cannot hold the office of a LCJ for a particular costume category while serving as LMO.
Duties: The LMO oversees the Rebel Legion Costume Standards and LCJ, handles all appeals for denied costume/membership applications, and advises the LCC on membership issues and changes they feel are needed. The LMO is a non-voting adviser to the LCC.
LMO duties include but are not limited to the following:
[1] Serves as the head of the LCJ Team
[2] Maintains access to all costume applications
[3] Mediates disputes on rulings/decisions of costume applications that occur between Base/Outpost Command Units (BCO/OCO, BXO/OXO, BMO/,OMO) and the LCJs. The LMO will be forwarded copies of emails between the LCJs and applicants where the Rebel Legion email system is used.
[4] Review new and updated standards submitted by Detachments and finalize them to be uploaded on the RL website
See SOP S9: Standard Creation, Revision, and Approval Process
[5] Work with Detachments to identify qualified candidates for LCJ positions
[6] Work with Detachments to develop resources to aid in costume creation and the membership process
The LMO will only judge costumes for LCJs in costume categories where there is only one LCJ.
New costume submissions for the LMO will be judged by the LCJ for that costume category. If there is a dispute over the judgment, the COG will mediate a decision between the LCJ and LMO.
The LMO may overrule elected Base/Outpost and Detachment-Level officers in matters of costume approval and costume standards.
S3.G. Legion Costume Judges (LCJs)
Appointment: Legion Costume Judges (LCJs) are appointed by the LMO, and may be recommended by Detachment Commanding and Executive Officers. All LCJs must be approved by both the Legion Membership Officer (LMO) and the Legion Command Council (LCC).
In the event a LCJ becomes unavailable for duty, the LMO may appoint another LCJ to cover their responsibilities until the selection of a new LCJ is complete.
Requirements and Restrictions: A LCJ must have demonstrated expertise in the costume(s) or category(ies) of costume they judge, and must have assembled one or more approved costumes in each of these categories. Those costumes should be exceptional and exceed the minimum requirements.
It is recommended that LCJs have pictures, sources, tutorials, and web links associated with their costume category(ies), and that they have demonstrated experience in good interpersonal relations and in costume mentoring.
Duties: LCJ duties include, but are not limited to the following:
[1] Judge the accuracy, quality and appropriateness of costumes submitted to the Rebel Legion for approval to wear at costume events and (for non-RL members only) qualify for Rebel Legion membership
[2] Notify applicants of the approval or denial of their costume submission
[3] Notify the BCO/BXO, and BMO/OMO (when applicable for the Unit) of the status of costume applications processed for their Base/Outpost
[4] Following all judging procedures and restrictions
It is also recommended that LCJ:
[5] Assist the LMO and Detachments in writing and updating Costume Standards
[6] Assist the LMO and Detachments in collecting pictures, sources, tutorials, and other resources for their costume category
See SOP S10: Costume Approval Process
See Article IV: Rebel Legion Costumes
S3.H. Legion Webmaster (LW)
Appointment: The Legion Webmaster is appointed by a simple majority/plurality vote of the Legion Command Council (LCC).
The Legion Commanding Officer (LCO) will seek volunteers for the LW from the active Legion membership after the annual election cycle. The search will remain open for a minimum of seven (7) days. All candidate(s) will then have a one-week (7-day) Q&A session with the LCC.
In the event the LW becomes unavailable for duty, the LCO will designate an interim LW until the selection of a new LW is complete.
Requirements and Restrictions: The LW must have a strong working knowledge of up-to-date coding practices related to the Rebel Legion’s online infrastructure, including the website and the forums.
Duties: The LW is responsible for the development and maintenance of the RL’s website, including repairing bugs and implementing new features. They are also responsible for helping Base/Outpost Webmasters and Detachment Webmasters build their own websites and making sure that content on both the main site and Base/Outpost and Detachment websites is kept in sync.
Assistants: The LW may select other RL members to assist them in their duties. These assistants will be known as the Web Team. Service on the Web Team is not considered a formal office, and so does not preclude service in any other appointed or elected office in the Rebel Legion. The LW must notify the LCC of appointment(s) to the Web Team.
S3.I. Legion Public Relations Officer (LPRO)
Appointment: The Legion Public Relations Officer (LPRO) is appointed by the Legion Command Council (LCC). The LPRO must be selected/re-appointed each time a new LCC is seated, by a simple majority/plurality vote of the LCC. The standing LPRO will remain in office until the conclusion of the LPRO selection process.
The Captain of the Guard (COG) will oversee the LPRO selection process and any polls and emails needed. The Legion Commanding Officer (LCO) will seek volunteers for LPRO from the active Legion membership after the annual election cycle. The search will remain open for a minimum of seven (7) days. All candidate(s) will then have a one-week (7-day) Q&A session with the Legion Command Council (LCC) .
In the event the LPRO becomes unavailable for duty, the LCO will designate an interim LPRO until the selection of a new LPRO is completed.
Requirements and Restrictions: The LPRO must hold no other elected or appointed position in the Rebel Legion at the global level, in Bases/Outposts, or in Detachments for the duration of their term. It is recommended that the LPRO have a prior Base/Outpost Public Relations Representative experience and a minimum of one year of Active Membership.
Duties: The duties of the LPRO include, but are not limited to, the following:
[1] Prepares and catalogs public relations (PR) material for the Rebel Legion
[2] Oversees the Public Relation Team
[3] Approves new PR materials
[4] Answers questions from the public and the membership
[5] Performs any other duties assigned to them by the Legion Command Council
The LPRO may overrule elected Base/Outpost and Detachment-level officers in matters of public relations and branding.
Assistants: The LPRO may appoint other RL members to join the Legion PR team to assist them in their duties. Service on the PR team is not considered a formal office, and so does not preclude service in any other appointed or elected office in the Rebel Legion. The LPRO must notify the LCC of appointment(s) to the PR team.
S3.J. Legion Merchandise Officer (MO)
Appointment: The Legion Merchandise Officer (MO) is appointed by the Legion Command Council (LCC). The MO must be selected/re-appointed each time a new LCC is seated, by a simple majority/plurality vote of the LCC. The standing MO will remain in office until the conclusion of the MO selection process.
The Captain of the Guard (COG) will oversee the MO selection process and any polls and emails needed. The Legion Command Officer (LCO) will seek volunteers for MO from the active Legion membership. The search will remain open for a minimum of seven (7) days. All candidate(s) will then have a one-week (7-day) Q&A session with the LCC.
In the event the MO becomes unavailable for duty, the LCO will designate an interim MO until the selection of a new MO is completed.
Requirements and Restrictions: The MO must hold no other elected or appointed position in the Rebel Legion at the global level, in Bases/Outposts, or in Detachments for the duration of their term.
Duties: The MO oversees all Legion merchandise. MO duties include, but are not limited to the following:
[1] Records and monitors all merchandising and related fundraising done for the Rebel Legion
[2] Ensures that copyrights are not flagrantly violated and that merchandise-related funds are not misused
[3] Maintains a list of vendors and suppliers who can produce various items
[4] Moderates all merchandise forums on the RL website
[5] Brings violations of merchandise policies to the attention of the COG
[6] Maintains the physical merchandise archive and passes that to the MO who follows them
S3.K. Charter Review Committee (CRC)
Appointment: The non-chair members of the Charter Review Committee (CRC) are elected by a simple majority/plurality vote of the population of Active Rebel Legion members they represent. The CRC is elected annually after the main election cycle is complete; all CRC members seeking to serve another term must run for re-election. The standing CRC will remain in office until the conclusion of the CRC election.
The Captain of the Guard (COG) will oversee the CRC election and any polls and emails needed. The Legion Command Officer (LCO) will seek volunteers for the CRC from the active Legion membership after the annual election cycle. The search will remain open for a minimum of seven (7) days. All candidate(s) will then have a one-week (7-day) Q&A session with the population they seek to represent.
Requirements and Restrictions: The Charter Review Committee will consist of the following five members:
[1] The Legion Executive Officer (LXO) – who acts as chairperson
[2] One Active member in the United States (elected by Active Legion Membership)
[3] One Active member not in the United States (elected by Active Legion Membership)
[4] One representative from Base/Outpost Command (elected by Base/Outpost COs and XOs)
[5] One representative from Detachment COs and LCJs combined (elected by LCJs and Detachment COs and XOs)
All members of the Committee must be Active members in good standing, with at least a working proficiency of written English, as that is the language the Charter is written in.
Restrictions:No voting members of the Legion Command Council (LCC) may be on the Committee, except in the case of the LXO serving as an Interim Voting member of the LCC during a Vacancy.
Duties: The CRC reviews all proposed changes to the Rebel Legion Charter.
The LXO serves as Committee chairperson, moderates discussions, oversees all polls, and cast a tie-breaking vote if needed.
Assistants: The CRC has no assistants under their supervision. The COG and LCO act as advisors to the Committee as needed, but have no vote in Committee polls.
S3.L. Rebel Legion Membership and Costume Group (RLMCG)
The Rebel Legion Membership and Costume Group (RLMCG) serves to oversee operations and policy decisions regarding costumes in the Rebel Legion.
Requirements and Restrictions: The Rebel Legion Membership and Costume Group (RLMCG) will consist of the following voting members:
[1] Legion Membership Officer (LMO) – who acts as chairperson
[2] Assistant Legion Membership Officers (ALMOs) – Among other duties designated by the LMO they can be assigned to geographic regions in order to liaise with BMOs/OMOs and RCL of that region and bring regional concerns to the RLMCG. If the Base or Outpost has no BMO/OMO, the ALMO will work with Base/Outpost Command (BCO/BXO/OCO/OXO).
[3] Detachment Commanding Officers (DCOs) – DCOs represent the concerns and expertise of their respective Detachments to the RLMCG. If a DCO is unable to vote or discuss business concerning their detachment, their DXO may discuss or vote as the DCO’s proxy. This would take place only if LMO is notified by the DCO.
[4] Four (4) Costume Judge Representatives (CJRs) – Represent the voice of the LCJs on the RLMCG and aid in communication with the rest of the LCJs. CJRs may not be DCOs, as all DCOs are already on the RLMCG.
The RLMCG also includes the following non-voting advisory seats:
[1] Legion Command Council (LCC) Liaison – Reports to membership and facilitates coordination between the LCC and RLMCG. This person is appointed by the LCO from among the five elected LCC members.
[2] Captain of the Guard (COG) or designee – Advises the RLMCG on Charter related matters and mediates disagreements. The COG may appoint an ACOG to serve on the RLMCG in their stead.
[3] Legion Public Relations Officer (LPRO) – Facilitate communication with the RLMCG and Detachments on how costumes, standards, and Detachments are represented in public relations material.
The RLMCG includes the following individuals as non-voting observers:
[1] Detachment Executive Officers (DXOs) – Support DCOs in their duties and provide supplementary expertise.
Duties: The RLMCG serves as a committee for discussion and decision making on issues related to costumes. These functions include, but are not limited to:
The RLMCG oversees finalizing costume standards proposals and revisions, and forward these to the Web Team to be added to the Costume Standards Master List. The RLMCG also determines whether potential new costumes belong in the Rebel Legion and which Detachments these new costumes belong to.
Decisions are made by a simple/majority vote of voting members. The LMO acts as a tiebreaker in the case of a tie. Further, the LMO may veto any RLMCG vote that they feel would be damaging to the Rebel Legion. In the case of a veto, the LMO must provide a legitimate reason and supporting evidence for their decision. If members of the RLMCG have a legitimate disagreement with the LMO’s veto decision, the RLMCG may petition for an LCC hearing on the matter, to be facilitated by the COG.
LCJ Representative Appointment: Four (4) Costume Judge Representatives (CJR) are elected by a simple majority/plurality vote of all current LCJs. The CJRs are elected annually; immediately following the annual Rebel Legion elections. All CJRs seeking to serve another term must seek re-election. The standing CJRs will remain in office until the conclusion of the next year’s CJR election.
The Captain of the Guard (COG) will oversee the CJR election and any polls and emails needed. The Captain of the Guard (COG) will seek volunteers or nominations for the CJR from the current LCJs after the annual election cycle. The search will remain open for a minimum of seven (7) days. All candidate(s) will then have a one-week (7-day) Q&A session, followed by the selection by a one-week (7-day) voting period.
If a CJR resigns or is removed from their role as LCJ, the COG will initiate an immediate election for their replacement, as detailed above.
All other members of the RLMCG will serve in their capacity as their existing elected or appointed roles (LMO, ALMO, DCO, LCC, COG, ACOG, LPRO, DXO). If they resign or are removed from this position, they will also be removed from the RLMCG and their replacement will join the RLMCG.
S3. M. Legion Events Coordinator (LEC)
The office of the LEC serves as the Legion’s primary support for Unit Commanding Officers and their event teams. The LEC serves as a liaison for events that span multiple Legion Units. The LEC is also a liaison with Lucasfilm Ltd / Disney fan relations office.
The LEC manages documentation of Legion event activities and when necessary will work with the Legion Public Relations Team to publish and promote the Legion’s trooping efforts to the membership and general public. The LEC monitors the event requests that come into the main Rebel Legion event requests.
Appointment: The Legion Events Coordinator is appointed by a simple majority/plurality vote of the Legion Command Council (LCC).
The Legion Commanding Officer (LCO) will seek volunteers for the LEC from the active Legion membership after the annual election cycle. The search will remain open for a minimum of seven (7) days. All candidate(s) will then have a one-week (7-day) Q&A session with the Legion Administrative Council.
In the event the LEC becomes unavailable for duty, the LCO will designate an interim LEC until the selection of a new LEC is complete.
Requirements and Restrictions: The Legion Events Coordinator must have good communication skills, be able to respond promptly to emails, and have an understanding of the parameters of acceptable Rebel Legion events. The LEC must be an Active member in good standing in the Rebel Legion and must have completed at least one (1) full year of Active Membership status prior to the time of appointment. LEC candidates must also have served a minimum of one (1) full year in an elected Command staff position. They will also be asked to have a working knowledge of the territory delineation for all the Bases/Outposts.
Duties: The Legion Events Coordinator is responsible for vetting event requests that come in at the Legion level, and communicating with the appropriate parties for approved and declined events.
[1] Respond to event request inquiries within a timely manner and in a courteous tone that represents the Rebel Legion’s interests.
[2] After receiving and vetting event requests the LEC will then send events to the appropriate Base/Outpost
[3] Coordinates with LFL on high-profile Legion wide events. The LEC will assist local units with non-LFL requests for high-profile events to ensure they are LFL approved.
Assistants: The LEC may select other RL members to assist them in their duties. These assistants will be known as the Events Team.
S3.N. Legion Charity Liaison (LCL)
Appointment: The office of LCL is appointed by the Legion Command Council. The LCL must be selected/re-appointed each time a new Legion Command Council is seated, by a simple majority/plurality vote of the Legion Command Council. The standing LCL will remain in office until the conclusion of the LCL selection process.
The COG will oversee the LCL selection process and any polls and emails needed. The LCO will seek volunteers for LCL from the active Legion membership. The search will remain open for a minimum of seven (7) days. All candidate(s) will then have a one-week (7-day) Q&A session with the Legion Command Council.
In the event the LCL becomes unavailable for duty, the Legion Commanding Officer will designate an interim LCL until the selection of a new LCL is completed.
Requirements and Restrictions: The LCL must be an Active member in good standing in the Rebel Legion, and must have completed at least one full year of Active membership status prior to the time of appointment.
Duties: The Legion Charity Liaison oversees all Legion charity initiatives and Legion charity fundraising. LCL duties include, but are not limited to the following:
[1] Coordinate whole of Rebel Legion and multi-club charity efforts.
[2] Communicate Legion charity initiatives to membership.
[3] Ensure there is a working reporting system for all Base/Outpost’s to report charity fundraising totals.
[4] Compile reports of Legion Charity fundraising totals.
[5] Research and answer charity related questions for both Legion Command and the wider membership.
Assistants: The LCL may select other members to be Assistant Legion Charity Liaison’s (ALCL) to assist them in their duties.
S3.O. SOP Maintenance
This SOP may be terminated, changed, merged with other RL documents or otherwise modified by a majority vote of the LCC. Any Active Member of the Rebel Legion may also petition for changes to this SOP pending approval by a member of the LCC.
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SOP S4: Absences and Vacancies for Elected or Appointed Administrative Officers and Positions
In the case of any RL Officer or other person holding an elected or appointed position is unable to perform their duties the following procedures apply.
S4.A. Temporary Notification of Absence
Any elected or appointed person who anticipates not being able to fulfill their duties for a period of 15 consecutive days or more shall notify their ‘next in line’ and immediate superior of this and the needed duration of absence. In the case of BCOs, OCOs, and DCOs, the LCO shall be considered to be their immediate superior.
S4.B. Resignation
Any elected or appointed person may, for any reason, resign their position in the Rebel Legion before their term is completed. This person should notify their ‘next in line’ and immediate superior.
The Legion Command Council (LCC) shall be notified of any resignations from RL administrative positions, as well as Base, Outpost, and Detachment Commanding Officers and Executive Officers. Upon notification of an administrative or command position vacancy, the LCC shall declare that position “vacant.”
S4.C. Abandonments
Members holding any elected or appointed positions who are no longer performing the duties of that position are subject to review to determine if the member has “abandoned” the office or position and is now “vacant.”
Elected and appointed positions subject to an abandonment determination include, but are not limited to, the following:
[1] Legion, Detachment, Base, and Outpost Commanding Officers (LCO, DCO, BCO, and OCO)
[2] Legion, Detachment, Base, and Outpost Executive Officers (LXO, DXO, BXO, and OXO)
[3] Legion Command Council (LCC) Members
[4] Captain of the Guard and the Assistant Captains of the Guard (COG)
[5] Legion Costume Judges (LCJs)
[6] Legion Membership Officer (LMO)
[7] Legion-level Assistant Administrative Officers (e.g., ACOGs)
All other officers at the Base, Outpost, or Detachment level are not subject to this section, and are under the jurisdiction of their base or outpost.
If no notification of absence is given in cases where there is evidence of an extended absence, the LCC may conduct inquiries to determine if a member is no longer able or willing to continue serving in a position.
If an absent member holds several positions, one inquiry may be established to investigate all positions held by a member.
The LCC will review the information collected. No more than 30 days from the beginning of its inquiry, the LCC will either decide that the member will remain in the position(s) and no further action will be taken, or that the position(s) have been abandoned and is(are) vacant.
S4.D. Removal
An officer may be removed from their position if they have violated RL Charter policies or otherwise behaved in ways unbecoming of RL leadership.
The Legion Command Council shall authorize judgments that include removing Legion officers from office by a simple majority vote
The following elected and appointed positions are subject to this removal process:
[1] Commanding and Executive Officers at all levels (LCO, LXO, BCO/OCO, BXO/OXO, DCO, DXO)
[2] Legion Command Council Members (LCC)
[3] Captain of the Guard (COG)
[4] Other Legion Administrative Staff
[5] Charter Review Committee Members (CRC)
LCJs may be removed by the LMO, with approval of the LCC.
All other Base, Outpost, or Detachment officers may be removed at the discretion of their commanding officer.
Once removed, that position shall be declared “vacant.”
See Article VII: Misconduct, Responses to Misconduct, and Disciplinary Actions
See SOP S3: Rebel Legion Administrative Staff and Committees
S4.E. Replacement
Once a position is vacant, a replacement will be selected by the same method by which they were installed, if not otherwise specified.
All questions or ambiguities regarding resignations, abandonments, vacancies, or replacements, will fall under the jurisdiction of the LCC whose ruling will be final and not subject to appeal or review.
See Article VII: Misconduct, Responses to Misconduct, and Disciplinary Actions
See SOP S3: Rebel Legion Administrative Staff and Committees
S4.E.i. Special Elections for Base, Outpost, Detachment, and Detachment Sub-Group Commanding Officers
If any Commanding Officer in any Base, Outpost, Detachment, or local Detachment sub-group is unable to continue in their office, the Executive Officer will assume the role of Commanding Officer and appoint a new Executive Officer. If both the Commanding and Executive Officers resign, the Captain of the Guard will administer an election for a new Commanding Officer and will assume the role of commander for that Unit until the election is completed.
S4.E.ii. Special Elections for a Member of Legion Command Council
A member of the Legion Command Council is considered “unavailable” if they voluntarily resign or are unresponsive for a period of 30 days. If a member of the Legion Command Council becomes unavailable for duty, the Legion Executive Officer will temporarily take their office until the completion of an election of a replacement.
S4.E.iii. Special Elections for Legion Commanding Officer
The Legion Commanding Officer is considered “unavailable” if they voluntarily resign or are unresponsive for a period of 30 days. If the Legion Commanding Officer becomes unavailable for duty, the Legion Executive Officer is promoted to the role of LCO and appoints a new LXO. If both LCO and LXO are not in office, the COG is designated as acting LCO until the completion of an election for a new LCO.
S4.F. SOP Maintenance
This SOP may be terminated, changed, merged with other RL documents or otherwise modified by a majority vote of both the LCC and RCC. Any Active Member of the Rebel Legion may also petition for changes to this SOP, pending approval by a member of the LCC.
SOP S5: Proposal, Review, and Voting for Rebel Legion Policy and Procedure
Issues concerning the Rebel Legion policy and procedure may be voted upon by the Rebel Command Council unless otherwise specified by the charter. A call to vote will require any three Council members to request that vote. Following this, the Council members will have one week to cast their votes via online poll. Each member of the Council holds one vote. Calls to vote can be on any topic except removing or replacing office-holders or enacting changes to the Rebel Legion Charter or Detachment Charters.
Results will be announced to the Active membership on the RL forums.
S5.A. Charter Amendment Proposal Review Process
The chairperson of the Charter Review Committee will post all proposals to the Charter Amendment Review forum for the Charter Review Committee and the Rebel Command Council to discuss for 30 days.
At the conclusion of this discussion, the chairperson will move the discussion into the Charter Review Committee’s private forum for their review, edits, and vote. The Charter Review Committee is responsible for reviewing each proposal in a full and complete manner and deciding if the proposal is logical and is eligible to be reviewed by the Rebel Legion membership for inclusion in the Charter. The Charter Review Committee may deny proposals eligibility for any reason, including but not limited to the following:
[1] It does not improve or correct Legion operational issues.
[2] It violates the mission of the Club.
[3] It is not technologically/operationally feasible.
[4] It is similar to another proposal currently being discussed or voted on.
[5] It differs from other sections that pertain to the same subject.
[6] It alters a section that was changed within the last six months.
If the Committee denies a proposed amendment eligibility, the exact comments on the proposed amendment will be forwarded to the member who submitted it.
Denied proposals will be put into the Rebel Legion’s Charter Amendment forum, along with a generalized description as to why the amendment was denied, for a period of 14 days. During this time, any Active member can sign a petition requesting the proposal be brought before the Active membership for discussion and vote. A petition to have an amendment brought back requires 35 Active members signing it.
If the petition to bring a denied amendment proposal back does get the required number of signatures in the time allowed, and was not denied for any of the above listed reasons, then it will be brought before the general membership for discussion.
If the denied amendment proposal does not get the required number of members in the time allowed, then it goes into the Charter Review Committee’s Archive.
S5.B. Approved Charter Amendment Proposal Discussion
Amendment proposals approved by the CRC will be sent to the Rebel Legion membership for discussion.
The chairperson of the CRC will post all approved proposals in the Rebel Legion’s Charter Amendments forum for the Active membership to review and discuss for a minimum duration of two weeks (14 days). During this discussion period, Active Legion members may suggest edits and refinements to the text of the amendment.
At the conclusion of the discussion period the chairperson of the CRC will lock the discussion thread. In the Charter Review Committee’s private forum the Committee will review the discussion to make sure all issues brought by members were addressed, that suggested changes are not contradictory to the purpose of the amendment are incorporated where possible, that any changes to any other affected sections of the charter are added to the amendment, and that “clean-up” is done. The Committee will also write an unbiased summary of how the amendment will affect the members (e.g. list of pros and cons of the proposed change).
This final amendment wording will be posted in a new discussion thread for the Active membership to review and request any final changes for one week (seven days).
S5.C. Approved Charter Amendment Proposal Voting
At the conclusion of the second review period, the chairperson of the CRC will start a poll for the amendment, and send an email to the membership with notice that the poll is opening. Polls will be open for two weeks (14 days).
Charter amendments are passed by simple majority/plurality vote of the Active RL membership with no minimum voter numbers or percentage of total Active membership required.
Amendments that do not pass may not be voted on again until/unless a substantial change to the text is made.
No discussions for amendments can be held during the annual election cycle; however, polls for amendments may be in progress.
S5.D. SOP Maintenance
This SOP may be terminated, changed, merged with other RL documents or otherwise modified by a majority vote of each of the LCC, RCC, and CRC. Any Active Member of the Rebel Legion may also petition for changes to this SOP, pending approval by a member of the LCC.
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SOP S6: Rebel Legion Member Census
Census: All Base and Outpost Commanding Officers (BCOs/OCOs) must conduct an annual census from January 1st to February 1st to determine which members will maintain Active status for the following year.
See Article II.1.A: Active Legion Member
RL Members who wish to remain active, must fill out the census form on the RL Forums, providing the following updated information:
[1] Username
[2] Name
[3] Email address
[4] Base/Outpost of membership
[5] Most recent activity (month, year, event title, and event location)
[6] Whether or not they wish to remain a member of the Rebel Legion
[7] Whether or not they wish to remain an Active Member
S6.A. Additional Contact Information
During this census the BCO/OCO (or other designated Base/Outpost staff member) must produce a complete list of all Active members. In addition to the above information gathered from the census, all members must submit the following information to their BCO/OCO or designee:
[1] City, state/province, and country of residence
[2] Telephone number (if the member permits)
S6.B. Census Privacy Policy
All information is considered strictly confidential and may not be given out to anyone without a member’s permission The results of this census will determine a member’s current status for that calendar year.
See Article II.3.B: Privacy Policy
S6.C. Uncounted Members
Any members not accounted for by February 1st after the census will be moved to an inactive/Reserve status and their costume pictures will be moved to the Rebel Legion inactive/Reserve Database Area. If any member is not accounted for in two consecutive censuses they will be placed in the Rebel Legion Database Archive Area.
S6.D. SOP Maintenance
This SOP may be terminated, changed, merged with other RL documents or otherwise modified by majority vote of both the LCC and RCC. Any Active Member of the Rebel Legion may also petition for changes to this SOP pending approval by a member of the LCC.
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SOP S7: Rebel Legion Forums
Along with a public web page, the Rebel Legion maintains online forums for discussion of topics including building costumes, costume events, Rebel Legion business, social chat, and other related discussions.
Parts of the Rebel Legion Forums are public and viewable to anyone on the internet. However, visitors to the forums must register as Forum User to post or reply to any messages. Rebel Legion membership is not required before becoming a Forum User, but all forum users must be 13 years of age or older. People wishing to submit a costume for membership are encouraged to join the Forum prior to submitting a costume for approval in order to ask questions about their costume, discuss ideas, and post photos or anything else related to the costume making/assembly process for feedback.
Parts of the Rebel Legion Forum are only visible to Active and Reserve RL members and other parts are only visible to RL officers and staff. This includes segments that are only visible to members or staff of specific Bases/Outposts, specific Detachments, or specific Legion staff roles.
In compliance with the Federal Trade Commission’s Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA), you must be at least 13 years of age to use RL Forums.
S7.A. Forum Rules
Members who use any Rebel Legion Website, forum, or mailing list will obey the rules and regulations set forth by the site administrators.This includes, but is not limited to:
[1] Members must not post private emails, private messages, or other members personal information without their consent outside of disciplinary hearings.
[2] Members must not share passwords or login IDs.
[3] Members must not share information from private forums with users not in the closed group.
[4] Members must not use the Rebel Legion Website and/or forums for personal conflicts.
[5] The Rebel Legion website, forums, and mass email system are to be used for items of club business.
[6] Members with moderator privileges are expected to use those privileges courteously and only as needed to keep the website and forums family friendly, up to date, and organized.
[7] While separate and individual websites and social media spaces are allowed for sub units, they are not a venue for members to violate the Rebel Legion’s Charter or policies. This Charter in full or part, and all Legion policies must still be upheld in all separate and individual unit websites/spaces. Any members who violate the Rebel Legion Charter, Rebel Legion policies, or unit specific policies on individual websites will be subject to disciplinary action.
[8] Forum Users may not share personal information for a personal monetary gain (selling products, services, fan pages).
[9] Forum Users may not threaten, abuse, or harass other Forum Users on the forums or in private messages (PMs).
The Rebel Legion will not tolerate any form of harassment or online misconduct by any of its members and registered forum users. This includes unwelcome conduct that violates applicable local laws concerning sexual harassment and inappropriate conduct of a sexual nature. A warning, suspension, or banning of their forum account for Misconduct will be decided by the Legion Command Council (LCC) and the Captain of the Guard (COG).
See Article VII: Misconduct, Responses to Misconduct and Disciplinary Actions
S7.B. Forum Privacy Policy
The following is the privacy policy for the Rebel Legion Forums.
The Rebel Legion is committed to respecting the privacy of all visitors to our web site. This Privacy Policy explains the following things:
[1] What kind of information we collect from visitors and members
[2] What we use that information for
[3] Who has access to the information we collect
[4] Our policy on advertising
[5] What to do if you suspect your privacy has been compromised by someone in the Rebel Legion
S7.B.i. Information Collection and Usage
S7.B.i.a. All Site Visitors
If you visit the Rebel Legion’s website, the following information will be collected about you:
[1] What web browser software you use (e.g., Firefox, Internet Explorer, Konqueror, WebTV, Safari, etc.)
[2] What operating system your computer uses (e.g., Windows XP, Apple OS X, Linux, Solaris, etc.)
[3] How you got to our website (e.g., if you found a link to our site from another website, then we will know which website linked to us; if you came here from a search engine, such as Google, we will know what words you used in your search)
[4] The date, time, and length of your visit here
[5] Any website errors you may have encountered
This information is collected so that we can understand how people are reaching our site, what parts of the site are most popular, and how best to tailor the site to suit our visitors. This information is not made available to anyone except the Legion Webmaster, the LCC, and the BCOs/OCOs.
S7.B.i.b. Registered Forum Users
If you sign up to post on our discussion forums, the only information required from you is your email address. Your e-mail address is used for the following purposes:
[1] To send you your username and password so you can login and post on the forum
[2] To allow you to retrieve your username and password in case you forget it
[3] To alert you via email of any technical problems that may affect you, such as increases in security that require you to login again
[4] For the webmaster to contact you regarding technical problems with your account
[5] If you are banned due to misbehavior on our forums, you will receive an email detailing the length of punishment and reasons for it.
You can control who has access to your email address at any time by editing your profile.
You may also enter information about your location including country, zip/postal code and as well as what time zone you live in. This information is used to correctly display the local time on the forums and news pages. You may also enter your name and other personal information. This information is viewable to all but is not used for anything other than statistics.
S7.B.i.c. Legion Members
Members of the Rebel Legion are required to provide a great deal more information than ordinary users. Here is what is required:
[1] Your country and zip/postal code. This is required so that we know which Base or Outpost you belong to as a member.
[2] A photograph of you in your costume. Since this is a costume-oriented club, we must have a photo to verify that you have an appropriate costume and we will be posting this photo on the website under your profile.
[3] In addition to the optional information that you can enter as a forum user, you may enter your telephone number and/or mailing address. Like your e-mail address, you can choose to limit who has access to this information. If you want, everyone who views your profile can see this information, or you can restrict it to members only or staff only. The default setting is to restrict the information to Legion staff members only.
S7.B.ii. Advertising
The Rebel Legion does not use any form of advertising on the website beyond linking to relevant Star Wars and Science-Fiction websites in our Links page. We also do not permit users to use our forum, private message system, or other areas of our website for the purpose of advertising and/or SPAM.
S7.B.iii. Privacy Breaches
If you believe that someone within the Rebel Legion has access to your contact information, the first thing that you should do is check the privacy settings for your email address and other contact info. If it is set to “Everyone” or “Members only,” then you may want to restrict to staff members. Next you should gather all details and information you have and contact a RL officer. Here is some information to include in your message:
[1] Your username and/or real name
[2] If you have any idea who has violated your trust, please state who and why you think they did it
[3] When was your private information exposed and how or where did it happen
[4] What the privacy setting on your information was set to at the time your information was exposed
S7.C. Legal Disclaimer
The Rebel Legion has the right but not the obligation to monitor and/or moderate the Forums, and offers no assurances in this regard. The Rebel Legion and Forum Moderators are not responsible for messages posted on the Forums or the content therein. The accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any messages found on these boards is not vouched for by Rebel Legion Forum Moderators. Each message expresses the views of its originating user; this includes messages posted by RL moderators or RL officers, et al.
The Rebel Legion reserves the right to reveal the identity of and/or whatever information we know about any user in the event of a complaint or legal action arising from any message posted by said user. In order to contact a Forum Moderator who can help you with your questions, navigate to the forum home page and look under the area labeled “Staff Online Now” on the right side of the page.
Use of the Rebel Legion Forums is a privilege, not a right, and that the RL the LCC has the right to revoke this privilege, for loss of Membership privileges or Forum User misconduct. This Agreement in its entirety applies to both public and private messages.
S7.D. External Unit Forums
While separate and individual unit websites and social media spaces are allowed, they are not a venue for members to violate the Legion’s Charter or policies. This Charter in full or part, and all Legion policies must still be upheld in all separate and individual unit spaces online.
S7.E. SOP Maintenance
This SOP may be terminated, changed, merged with other RL documents or otherwise modified by vote of the RCC and LCC. Any Active Member of the Rebel Legion may also petition for changes to this SOP pending approval by a member of the LCC.
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SOP S8: Honorary Member and Friend of the Rebel Legion
The Rebel Legion Honorary Member and Friend of the Rebel Legion programs are governed by the Rebel Legion HM and FotL Guide. They are overseen by the Legion Commanding Officer (LCO) and the Rebel Legion Honorary Member Officer (LHMO). The current version of the HM Guide is linked from the Rebel forums, and it is recommended that members look for updates before submitting any presentation requests.
Rebel Legion Honorary Member (RLHM) or Friend of the Rebel Legion (FotRL) status may be awarded to individuals who have supported the Rebel Legion or contributed to the Star Wars fandom at large.
S8.A. Eligibility
S8.A.i. Rebel Legion Honorary Member
Persons eligible for Rebel Legion Honorary Membership include, but are not limited to the following:
[1] Star Wars celebrities (actors/actresses, live action, and voice)
[2] Employees of Lucasfilm, Disney, and other affiliated companies who have worked on a Star Wars Project, including but not limited to: puppeteers, model-makers, artists, directors, producers, etc.
[3] Authors, artists, and other professionals that contributed to Expanded Universe and Legends books, comics, video games, etc.
[4] Star Wars/Lucasfilm sanctioned artists
[5] Children of members or otherwise who have passed away from illness that we were working to raise money for or inspired people to join the Rebel Legion
[6] Costumers who passed away before their approval to join was completed
S8.A.ii. Friend of the Rebel Legion
Persons eligible for Friend of the Rebel Legion include, but are not limited to the following:
[1] Celebrities of media other than Star Wars who have helped the Rebel Legion in some aspect
[2] Event coordinators or business owner who has helped promote the Rebel Legion or donated to the Rebel Legion in some way
[3] Celebrities of media other than Star Wars who have promoted Star Wars in a way that has a connection to the Rebel Legion (e.g., promoting an event RL trooped at)
[4] Celebrities of media other than Star Wars who have promoted heroes in the face of the Empire (someone who has publicly aligned themselves as preferring good guys versus bad guys in the context of Star Wars)
[5] Family member of a Fallen Rebel or Honorary Member who has passed.
[6] Family members or handlers of Star Wars celebrities that the RL regularly comes in contact with
[7] Service animals that provide necessary or helpful assistance and accompany an active member’s handler
S8.B. SOP Maintenance
This SOP may be terminated, changed, merged with other RL documents or otherwise modified by majority vote of both the LCC and RCC. Any Active Member of the Rebel Legion may also petition for changes to this SOP pending approval by a member of the LCC.
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SOP S9: Costume Standard Creation, Revision, and Approval Process
In the Rebel Legion, Costume Standards are lists of costume pieces and accessories with detailed descriptions of each that are required and recommended for creating screen-accurate Star Wars costumes. These Costume Standards help members know what they have to include in their costume applications and also help the Legion Costume Judges (LCJs) judge whether or not members’ costumes are sufficiently screen accurate to be approved.
S9.A. Responsibilities
Any Forum Members can write a Costume Standard draft, whether a current or prospective Rebel Legion member. Additionally, several RL officers have specific responsibilities in the process:
- The DCO/DXO of the Primary Detachment the costume belongs to or designee is responsible for identifying which Costume Standards need to be revised or written. LCJs are also encouraged to support the Detachments in identifying these gaps.
- The DCO/DXO of the Primary Detachment the costume belongs to or a Detachment member thereof designated by the DCO/DXO is responsible for managing the Detachment discussion about the Costume Standard draft, ensuring that it is complete, and verifying that it is correctly formatted.
- Once the Standard is complete, formatted, and agreed upon by the detachment, the DCO/DXO is responsible for submitting the standard draft to the Rebel Legion Membership and Costume Group (RLMCG) for review.
- The RLMCG is responsible for performing a final review of the Costume Standard and voting on whether or not it is ready to be uploaded into the Costume Standards Library.
- The Rebel Legion Webmaster or designee is responsible for uploading the finalized Costume Standards to the Master Costume Standards List on the RL website.
- The Translation Team is responsible for translating the Costume Standards into additional languages.
Furthermore, Detachments are responsible for revising any costume standards currently published online that do not meet the guidelines below.
S9.B. Costume Standard Requirements
Costume Standards must follow a consistent, clear format to assist in easy uploading, and consistent interpretation by applicants and LJCs. Standards submitted to the RLMCG for finalization must adhere to the following:
- Front and back images of the costume
- A short description of the character
- Detailed descriptions of required and optional elements of each costume piece (including hair and shoes)
- When measurements are used, they must be in both metric and English measurements
- At least one reference image that clearly shows each costume piece
- Descriptions are written in simple, clear English
- Does not include typos or grammatical errors
Any items that are not always worn or carried with the costume shall be listed as optional. Small details that are rarely seen should also be listed as optional.
If the costume is worn in different ways between scenes by adding or taking away certain combinations of costume pieces (e.g., Leia’s Endor poncho and helmet over her briefing room outfit, Jyn Erso’s scarf and Jacket over her main outfit), this different way of wearing the costume is listed as an alternate configuration at the end of the standard. Alternate configurations are useful when the two configurations share at least 60% of the same costume pieces.
The LMO shall maintain the most up-to-date requirements for writing new/revised costume standards in the Costume Standards sub-forum on the RL forums.
S9.B.i. Reference Images in Costume Standards
High resolution screenshots, official PR photos, and comic scans are the best kind of photo to use in standards. These can be used without permission unless the person who originally scanned the image asks for credit. If the image is scanned from a book or comic, any text shall be erased.
Exhibit photos may be used, but they are not always accurately dressed like the costume on screen. Carefully look at all exhibit photos to decide if they can be used. If exhibit photos are used, members must ask for permission from the photographer and credit them if they would like credit. Members may request that their DCO/DXO or a member of the LMO team ask the photographer on their behalf.
If the photo is a photo, scan, or diagram from a fan, credit that person. You can also credit the source material (movie, book, comic, game, etc.) in the standard.
Secondary sources like official artwork, action figures, statues can only be used if they are accurate and there are insufficient references from the first two source types above.
Diagrams and costume bits created by fans can only be used if none of the above are available. If an image of this kind is used, the RL member must secure permission for the creator and credit them in the standard.
S9.C. Writing New and Revised Standards
While costumes can be approved in the Rebel Legion without a corresponding Costume Standard, the Rebel Legion aspires to have published Costume Standards for all costumes that members regularly apply with and have been approved in.
Additionally, starting in 2022, the Rebel Legion has begun publishing Costume Standards that include costume reference images and follow a standardized template. Any Costume Standards online that have not yet been updated into this format need to be revised to do so.
Furthermore, any standards that members determine to be inaccurate or insufficient descriptions of the costume should be revised to fix those problems.
Both new and revised Costume Standard drafts follow the same process:
- Someone writes a Costume Standard draft and posts it in its primary Detachment’s “Standards Development” sub-forum. (If the member is unsure which detachment it belongs to, they should contact a member of the RLMCG for advice.)
- The DCO/DXO or designated Detachment member will review the standard for completion, accuracy, appropriate balance of required and optional details, appropriate formatting, and assist in fixing any errors. Any other Forum Members may also post in the Costume Standard draft thread with any comments or suggestions. It is recommended that these discussions are open for comment for at least 2 weeks.
- Once the DCO/DXO or designee determines that the Costume Standard is as polished as it can be, the DCO or DXO will post the semi-final version of the Costume Standard to the “Costume Standards Review” subforum. If the Costume Standard is ready to be advanced to the next stage, no one has posted in the comments for at least the last 2 weeks, and the DCO/DXO are not available to move it along, any member of the Detachment may request the LMO to move it to the “Costume Standards Review” subforum.
- At least one voting member of the RLMCG (other than the DCO responsible for that standard) will review the Costume Standard draft for completion, formatting, and errors. If issues are found, this reviewer can fix those issues themself and/or request that the DCO and/or DXO correct the issues.
- Once any issues on the semi-final draft are addressed a member of the RLMCG will post the final draft of the Costume Standard to the RLMCG subforum as a poll for a yes/no vote on whether or not the Costume Standard is ready to be finalized and posted to the Costume Standards Master List. These polls will be held for at least 7 days, but may be extended for up to 14 days if needed. The decision is made by a simple majority vote by those who chose to vote in the poll. The LMO will cast the deciding vote in case of a tie. Only voting RLMCG members may vote in these polls. Small errors, corrections, or clarifications that do not affect the way a costume would be judged may be identified and fixed at this stage.
- If the vote results in a “no,” the Costume Standard will be sent back to the Detachment to address any concerns raised by the RLMCG. The revision process will return to Step 1 above and proceed as normal.
- If the vote results in a “yes,” the LMO team will pass the standard to the Webmaster or designee to upload it to the Costume Standards Master List. Additional, they will post it in the Translation Team subforum.
- When the additional translations are done, the Translation Team or designee will notify the Webmaster or designee to add the translation to the Costume Standard online.
The DCO or DXO may pull the Costume Standard draft from the above process and return to Step 1 at any time during the process, if they think that the Standard needs further work.
S9.D. Emergency Costume Standard Fixes
If an existing Standard that is online in the Costume Standards Master List is found to have a small error in it, an Emergency Fix process may be used to fix the error. To utilize this process instead of the full Costume Standard revision process listed above, it must meet the following condition:
[i] The error is either a word or statement that incorrectly describes the costume OR a typo or otherwise confusing wording that leads costumers to incorrectly interpret the standard.
[2] The error is contained in only one bulleted/numbered line item of only one costume piece.
If the error meets those two conditions, the error can be addressed through the following process:
- A member, LCJ, or Detachment Command submits the request to amend the currently posted standard by posting it in the Standards Development section of the corresponding Detachment with the title “Error: [standard name].” Detachment Command will notify the LMO team as soon as it is posted. The LMO team will assist the Detachment Command in notifying LCJs who judge that costume.
- The discussion will remain open for 10 days for comments by Detachment leadership, members, LCJs, and the LMO team.
- The DCO or DXO will review the comments and determine a finalized version of the Emergency Fix.
- The DCO/DXO will post the Emergency Fix proposal to the Rebel Legion Membership and Costume Group sub-forum as a poll. The RLMCG will have 5 days to vote. The decision is made by a simple majority yes/no vote by those who chose to vote in the poll. The LMO will cast the deciding vote in case of a tie.
- If the vote results in a “no,” the Costume Standard will be sent back to the Detachment to address any concerns raised by the RLMCG as a full Costume Standard revision, as detailed above in S9.C.
- If the vote results in a “yes,” the LMO team will pass the standard to the Webmaster or designee to upload it to the Costume Standards Master List. This Emergency Fix will take priority over any other Standards waiting to be uploaded. Additional, they will post it in the Translation Team subforum.
- When the additional translations are done, the Translation Team or designee will notify the Webmaster or designee to add the translated Emergency Fix to the Costume Standard online.
S9.E. SOP Maintenance
This SOP may be terminated, changed, merged with other RL documents or otherwise modified by a majority vote of the Legion Command Council (LCC) plus the LMO (the Legion Executive Officer (LXO) will cast a deciding vote in case of a tie) and a majority vote of Detachment Commanding Officers (DCOs). Any Active Member of the Rebel Legion may also petition for changes to this SOP pending approval by LCC.
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SOP S10: Costume Approval Process
All applications for costume approval are done on the RL global forums. To access the online RL application form, the applicant must first be registered on the RL forum, which requires a valid e-mail address.
See SOP 7: Rebel Legion Forums
S10.A. Photo Requirements for Membership Application
When applying for costume approval, the applicant must submit an adequate number of photos showing all aspects and components of their costume. Photo submissions should comply with the following requirements:
[1] Applicant’s photos for submission must be high resolution, clear, and adequately lit. The costumer should stand in front of a plain background, preferably of a different color than most of the costume.
[2] Applicants should submit at least five images of their costume (all head-to-toe): front, back, left, right, and one action pose to be used as the member gallery photo. Arms should be held away from the body to avoid obscuring any parts of the costume. Applicants with costumes that have masks, helmets, or substantial required makeup should include an additional image (or images) of themselves in costume without wearing the mask, helmet, or makeup. Additional photos of detailed components should also be included.
[3] The uploaded member gallery photo must be no larger than 1,000 pixels on a side. Larger images will be rejected by the system and will result in the application failing to be submitted. Action shots do not need to be head-to-toe and may mimic hero action poses.
[4] Images submitted for judging should be as large as possible and must be hosted on an external picture hosting/sharing site (Flickr, Imgur, and Google Photos, etc.). Applicants should use the “Test address…” option before submitting their application.
[5] If the applicant is submitting a costume that does not have a written costume standard, then the applicant must also submit reference images that costume is based on.
[6] Pictures will be considered unacceptable if the applicant is wearing or holding anything not appropriate for the costume, including but not limited to sunglasses, convention badges, drinks, etc.
[7] All photos submitted for membership must not be altered in subject, background, or lightsaber/blaster effects. When the costume is approved, the RL membership team will edit the action shot photo for the member gallery. Red-eye removal is allowed, but not required.
[8] Photos submitted with the costume application must have been taken in the past year.
[9] Images of costumes uploaded/linked to costume applications must be presentable, with properly arranged components and wrinkle free (unless the source references or costume standards specifically call for such).
S10.B. Costume Approval
An ALMO or other designee of the LMO will assign the application to an LCJ with expertise in that costume type to be head judge of the application. This LCJ will be the primary point of contact for the applicant during the judging process and will communicate requests for more images and modifications changes, as needed, as well as judging decisions. Other LCJs may assist the lead judge in making decisions, but will not communicate directly with the applicant unless directed to by the LMO or head judge.
If a costume is an alien character that belongs in a detachment other than the Wretched Hive, an LCJ with expertise in aliens must assist the lead judge in judging the alien parts of the costume (e.g., makeup, prosthetics).
A Costume Auditor will check the applicant’s submission photos for evidence of digital tampering. If the Costume Auditor finds evidence of editing, the head LCJ will contact the applicant and request unaltered photos.
If a costume submitted for judging meets the eligibility requirements laid out in Article IV and the relevant Costume Standard (or sufficiently resembles the reference images when there is no Costume Standard), the head LCJ managing the application will have the action shot photo edited into the appropriate roster frame for the Rebel Legion Member List.
Then, the head LCJ will approve the costume, thereby notifying the applicant of its approval.
10.B.i. New to the Legion Costumes
If an applicant is applying with a new to the Legion costume that does not yet have a Costume Standard published online in the Master Costume List, the judging team must also ask the opinion of the costume’s main Detachment’s DCO, to ensure that it aligns with the references collected by the Detachment.
10.B.ii. Respect during Judging
During the judging process, applicants and their supporters (base/outpost leadership, friends, family, etc.) must communicate respectfully with the LCJ(s) who judge their costumes. Likewise, the LJCs must communicate respectfully and patiently with the applicant.
If there is a disagreement between the applicant and the LCJ(s), the applicant and/or the LCJ(s) are encouraged to share evidence from the relevant costume standard or official reference images. The head LCJ has the final decision on approving, requesting changes, or denying the costume. If the applicant disagrees further, they may seek an appeal to the LMO (See 10.D.i below).
Inappropriate behaviors during or after judging include:
[1] Rude or belligerent language in judging related communications
[2] Posts defaming the LCJ(s), applicants, or otherwise related to the judging process in posts on the Rebel Legion forums or on social media.
[3] Other types of harassment related to costume judging
If an LCJ demonstrates belligerent or otherwise inappropriate behavior during judging, they will be given a warning and counseled by the LMO or designee. If the behavior persists, they will be removed from their role as an LCJ.
If an applicant or their supporter (base/outpost leadership, friends, family, etc.) engages in belligerent or otherwise inappropriate behavior around judging, they will be given a warning by the LMO or designee. If the behavior persists, all active costume applications of the applicant/member will be denied and they will be banned from submitting any costume applications until two (2) months after the problematic behavior ends.
If the member/applicant later demonstrates belligerent or otherwise inappropriate behavior towards judging again, their costume submission ban will be doubled. For example:
[A] A member whose application was denied because of belligerence towards judges resubmits their costume 2 months later, after their ban has ended. However, they are belligerent with their new judge as well. This application will be denied and they will be banned from new applications for 4 months.
[B] A Base Membership Officer (BMO) harasses an LCJ about an application from a member in their base. Any applications that that BMO currently has under review by LCJs will be denied, and they are banned from submitting any applications for 2 months. However, they then harass another judge about a different member’s application. Their ban is extended to 4 months from when the harassment stops.
If the behavior does not stop or is sufficiently severe, the members may seek mediation from the LCOG.
S10.C. Modifications Required for Approval
If the costume requires modification(s) before it can be approved, the head LCJ overseeing the judging of their costume will email the applicant. This email will give details of the requested modification(s). The head LCJ will give the applicant a deadline to work through the requested modification(s). The applicant should strive to complete requested modification(s) within two weeks of being informed that modification(s) are needed. This is an attempt to move our costume applications through the application queue in a timely manner. Extenuating circumstances may extend this deadline.
S10.D. Costume Submission Denial
If an applicant is unable to make the required modifications or resubmit unaltered photos before the deadline given by the head overseeing the costume LCJ, the LCJ may deny the costume application.
Costume denials are not final; the costume may be resubmitted for approval after making the requested modifications.
If a costume submission is denied membership with the Rebel Legion, their LCJ will send an email to the applicant. The denial email will contain reasons for the denial and a list of modifications that are required for costume approval when the applicant reapplies.
The denial must be written in the least offensive language possible. The email should:
[1] Praise what is done well on the costume
[2] List what items prevented the costume from passing the Costume Standard
[3] Include suggestions and tips on how to improve the costume
[4] Link RL costume standards, forums topics, tutorials, pictures, sources, and/or the profiles of members who have completed the costume.
Costume applications “denied” to give applicants more time to complete revisions or a lack of response to LCJ requests for modifications are not true denials. The costume will be assigned to the original Lead LCJ when the applicant reapplies, if the original lead LCJ is still an active judge. These costumes are not actually considered as officially denied and are not subject to appeals below.
10.D.i. Costume Judging Appeals
If an applicant wishes to appeal a request for modification(s) or a denial, they must request the lead LCJ on their application to deny it (if it is actively being judged) and resubmit their costume application with “APPEAL” in the costume description.
The ALMO assigning the costumes to the lead LCJ will notify the LMO that the applicant has requested an appeal. The LMO will either judge the appealed costume themself or select a non-biased LCJ or ALMO who was not part of the original decision to rejudge the costume. The judgment of this appeal is final.
The Legion Membership Officer has final say over approvals and appeals. If the applicant is belligerent or uncooperative during the application or appeal process, the LMO has the right to deny the appeal on the basis of applicant behavior, regardless of the quality of the costume.
All appeals must be acknowledged within 10 days and a ruling made within 10 days of the acknowledgement.
S10.E. Costume Judging Disputes
All disputes between applicants and LCJs (with respect to decisions made by the LCJ) are to be evaluated and handled by the LMO. In this respect, the LMO’s decision on judging should be considered final.
However, if an applicant questions the LMO’s decision, they can request a review of this decision by the Legion Command Council (LCC). Applicants must present evidence supporting their reason for the dispute. Photos of previously approved costumes in the Rebel Legion are not considered valid evidence. Decisions on Rebel Legion Membership by the LCC in such a dispute are final.
S10.F. Contested Costume Approval
Approved RL costumes may be contested if they are found to not meet costume requirements standards.
S10.F.i. Contesting Costume Approval by Unit CO
If a Base/Outpost Commanding Officer (BCO/OCO)believes an approved costume in their Base/Outpost does not meet the costume requirements under which it was originally judged, they may request that the LCJ or LMO re-judge the costume. BCO/OCO or designee should contact the member with costume concerns first. Any such request must include the specific concerns with the costume. Reasons that a costume may require re-judging include but are not limited to: disrepair, no longer fits member, the member no longer owns costume, fabric improperly represented by submission photos, and/or details relevant to the requirements improperly represented in submission photos.
S10.F.ii. Contesting Costume Approval by LMO
If the LMO believes a previously approved costume does not meet expectations, they may request that the costume be re-judged. The LMO must contact the members BCO and may also contact the member with specific concerns about the costume. Reasons that a costume may require rejudging include but are not limited to: disrepair, improper representation compared to the costume standards under which it was admitted, does not meet expected appearance, quality or workmanship concerns, no longer fits the member, the member no longer owns costume, fabric improperly represented by submission photos, and/or details relevant to standards improperly represented in submission photos.
S10.F.iii. Changes and Approval for Dis-Approved Costumes
If the LCJ/LMO judges the costume and finds that the costume no longer meets the standards under which it was previously approved, the member will have 3 months to make appropriate changes. If the member cannot make the changes within the allowed time frame, the costume will be removed from the member’s profile.
Until the changes are made the costume may not be eligible for some trooping events. If the member only has one Rebel Legion approved costume, their membership status may be changed to Reserve during the three-month grace period to make requested changes. If the member has other costumes that are not contested then the Rebel Legion member’s status would remain unchanged.
S10.G. Member Profile Costumes
When a costume is approved, changes are made to a member’s profile page. For new members, the profile page is created with the newly approved costume. For existing RL members, the new costume is added to the member’s existing profile page.
Members may submit updated photos of approved costumes to the RL web team to replace profile photos.
S10.G.i. Removing Costumes from Member Profiles
Members may request costumes be removed from their profile page. At least one costume must remain in the profile to maintain Active RL membership.
Costumes can be removed from the website under the following conditions:
[1] Member requests that costume be removed
[2] Member submits updated/new picture of costume and old picture is removed
[3] It is discovered that the member was a minor at the time of membership and lied about their age in order to gain membership
See Article VII: Disciplinary Actions
[4] It is discovered that the member manipulated the photo in any way (other than red-eye removal) in order to gain membership
[5] It is discovered that the member does not actually own a costume but borrowed or rented one in order to gain membership
S10.H. Informal Costumes (Discontinued)
The Informal Costume category is a defunct classification for costumes which the Rebel Legion ceased to use as of June 27, 2014. Active and Reserve Rebel Legion members who maintain an “informal” costume in their profile may continue to use the costume for select events Members are highly encouraged to re-submit their informal costumes for re-approval to full status.
See Article V: Costume Events
Members with only informal costumes will no longer be permitted to troop on behalf of Rebel Legion with these costumes until the upgrade/resubmission requirement has been met on that costume.
RL Members with only informal costumes that were approved before June 27, 2014 who did not meet the basic requirements for Rebel Legion membership by December 27, 2014 were changed to Archived Member status. Any of these members wishing to regain Active Member status need to submit a costume to be approved
See Article II: Membership
Active Rebel Legion members who had “informal” costumes prior to the discontinuation of “informal” costume approval will not have their membership status affected, as long as they maintain at least one Rebel Legion Approved costume (formerly referred to as “formal”). Rebel Legion Members are encouraged to submit their “informal” costume(s) for re-judging to remove the “informal” status.
SOP 10.H.i. Minimally Referenced Costumes Submission and Approval
Minimally Referenced Costume applications must contain the following:
1.) Officially licensed references (including written descriptions) that depict at least half of the costume (e.g., only front, only from the waist up of both front and back)
2.) A proposal thread documenting the costume research and references on the appropriate detachment sub forum related to said costume from the member submitting the MRC application. This also serves as a discussion area for the RLMCG/LMO to provide feedback
3.) Written reasoning within the proposal thread (referenced in step 2) providing a solution regarding the missing or poorly referenced parts to complete the costume to a fully wearable status
After the MRC proposal is submitted, the RLMCG/LMO will evaluate whether the information provided is sufficient to establish a costume standard. Once the proposal receives approval from the RLMCG/LMO, the member can begin constructing the costume. However, it is recommended that they wait until a standard for the MRC is fully established to ensure the costume construction aligns with the finalized guidelines. This helps minimize potential issues during the submission and judging process. While waiting for the final standard is encouraged, members are allowed to start working on the costume immediately after the MRC proposal is approved, as the standard approval process may take some time. The goal is to balance clarity and efficiency in the review process with flexibility, allowing members to proceed as they see fit in the meantime.
If the RLMCG/LMO decides the proposal lacks sufficient references or information, they will be required to provide feedback to the member as to why the proposal cannot move forward to the costume construction phase. The member has the right to gather additional references to dispute the feedback and resubmit the application for further review, which will restart the discussion phase.
S10.I. SOP Maintenance
This SOP may be terminated, changed, merged with other RL documents or otherwise modified by a majority vote of the Legion Command Council (LCC) plus the LMO (the Legion Executive Officer (LXO) will cast a deciding vote in case of a tie) and a majority vote of the LCJs. Any Active Member of the Rebel Legion may also petition for changes to this SOP pending approval by LCC.
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SOP S11: Merchandising and Public Relations Materials Requirements and Oversight
These standards include, but are not limited to the following: any item print or paraphernalia that bears the Rebel Legion logos, web address, or other LFL property such as fliers, banners, patches, pins, T-shirts, coins, clothing, trading cards, temporary tattoos, pens, key chains, or other miscellaneous merchandise.
S11.A. Rebel Legion Branding
The Rebel Legion brand is governed by the Rebel Legion Style Guide and is overseen by the Legion Public Relations Officer (LPRO). The current version of the Style Guide is linked from the Rebel Briefing forums, and it is recommended that members look for updates before starting new projects.
S11.B. Public Relations Materials Requirements
All Rebel Legion public relations materials such as fliers, banners, business cards, postcards, FAQ sheets, applications, etc., whether printed or digital should follow these guidelines:
[1] Have an approved logo
[2] Carry the full website Rebel Legion address:
[3] Utilize approved standardized font typefaces (Impact, Aurekbesh, Sofachrome Italic, and the Arial family)
[4] Carry the Rebel Legion mission statement or tagline
[5] Carry a Lucasfilm Ltd. disclaimer, as appropriate
Current Public Relations materials are available for download from the Public Relations forum. Local Base/Outpost contact information can be added on request from the LPRO.
All Units are encouraged to show creative and innovative ideas when promoting the Rebel Legion but should also endeavor to compliment the branding of the Rebel Legion.
S11.B.i. Public Relations Material Approval
All Legion public relations material must be approved by the LPRO.
S11.C. Merchandise Requirements
RL merchandise cannot contain any profanity, obscenity, or other features or statements that may be discriminatory or offensive. Merchandise must be family friendly.
RL merchandise cannot contain or incorporate any part or image of the U.S.A. Flag. The use of other local and/or national flags is dependent on local laws and codes.
RL merchandise must not be tied to any outside commercial entity or venture.
RL merchandise must not misrepresent or misidentify its user/wearer in any role other than as a member or supporter of the Rebel Legion fan club. Garments may not have the text “Security” or “Staff” (in English or any other language) unless created with the full permission of an event organizer and labeled specifically for that event only.
RL merchandise and public relations materials produced for Lucasfilm Ltd. sponsored events must have the approval of Lucasfilm Ltd. as well as have the copyright symbol, the title “LFL” or “Lucasfilm Limited,” and the current year.
S11.C.i. Approval
All club merchandise must be approved by the Merchandising Officer (MO) and/or the Legion Command Council (LCC).
S11.D. SOP Maintenance
This SOP may be terminated, changed, merged with other Rebel Legion documents or otherwise modified by a majority vote of both the LCC plus the LPRO and the MO. The Legion Executive Officer (LXO) will cast a deciding vote in case of a tie. All Active Members of the Rebel Legion may also petition for changes to this SOP pending approval by the LCC.