In alternative universe described in the Jedi Infinities comic series, the event of the Rebellion unfold very differently. After the death of Luke Skywalker on Hoth, Leia Organa trained as a Jedi with Master Yoda on Dagobah. There she learned the ways of the Force, and the tragic history of her family. (Source: Star Wars: Infinities)
Required Details:
- Hair is either worn in long, high ponytail or pulled back and worn loose, framed by crown braid on the back of the head
- Free strands in front of the ears frame the face
- Hair is a natural color
- If a wig or extensions are used, they give the appearance of natural hair
Optional Details:
- Brown hair is recommended
- If ponytail is worn, hair tie can be black, brown, or pale blue/gray
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[/box] [box]TunicRequired Details:
- Tunic is pale beige or gray
- Sleeves are wrist length and belled
- Opening crosses left over right
- Neckline is a V which is low enough to partially expose the collar bone but not low enough to expose the bust.
- Skirt is full, approximately mid-thigh-length, and has no slits.
- No shoulder tucks or separate collar panel are present
Optional Details:
- An inner tunic in a matching color with tightly fitted sleeves may be worn. This inner tunic is not visible at the collar.
Additional Images:
[/box] [box]Vest TabardsRequired Details:
- Vest Tabard is worn over the tunic and under the obi and cord belt
- Color is a medium blue
- Surface has a geometric “pebble” pattern
- Pattern is made with embroidery, dye, weaving, or applique (painted patterns that are shiny or raised will not be approved)
- Back tabard extends to the hem of the tunic or just above it, and may either be flat or end in a shallow point.
- Front tabards extend to the hem of the tunic or just below it.
- Vest is collarless and not closed on the sides
- Collar of the tunic is not hidden by tabard
- Edges do not extend significantly beyond the shoulders.
Optional Details:
- The space between the “pebbles” make be darker and have additional texture or mottling.
- Smaller “pebbles” may be interspersed between the larger ones.
Additional Images:
[/box] [box]Obi
Required Details:
- Obi is pale warm brown
- No fasteners are visible
- No visible closure in front
- Width is approximately 4-5″/10-13 cm, or proportional to the wearer
- Obi is worn at the natural waist
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[/box] [box]BeltRequired Details:
- A cord belt is worn instead of a traditional Jedi belt
- Color is a medium to dark brown, darker than the obi
- Cord is looped twice around the waist and knotted in front
- Free ends of the cord hang down approximately to the hem of the tunic
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[/box] [box]PantsRequired Details:
- Pants are a pale gray/blue or white, more blue in tone than the tunic
- No visible pockets or ornamentation
- Fit is not skin tight
- Fabric is thick enough to create notable folds when bunched
- Pants are worn under tunic and tucked into boots.
Additional Images:
[/box] [box]BootsRequired Details:
- Boots are pale grey or tan, and have a leather-like appearance.
- Soles are flat
- Boots have an open shaft which is held together by three darker gray straps
- Straps have raised sections in front for Velcro or other fasteners.
Optional Details:
- Approved “Hoth Base” style booths from the Leia Organa (Hoth Gear) Costume Standard may be used.
- Boot soles match the boot uppers in color
Additional Images:
[/box] [box]LightsaberRequired Details:
- Saber has a silver hilt
Optional Details:
- Hilt is either graflex style (like Anakin and Episode 4-5 Luke) or matches Mace Windu’s hilt
- If a blade is used, blade/LED color is blue or purple
Additional Images:
Reference Photo Gallery – See below
Member Build Threads
Updated: March 19, 2023
PLEASE NOTE: The costume standards are a guide, yet are not an all inclusive outline of required elements. The judges will be looking for quality of workmanship, accurate execution and use of materials in addition to these general standards check lists. If you have a question about fabrics, colors, and parts choices for your build please contact the LCJs for your category about parts/materials you are considering before you start your build.