Mara Jade Skywalker was, during different times in her life, an Emperor’s Hand, a smuggler, and later a Jedi Master who sat upon the Jedi High Council. She was raised as a servant to Emperor Palpatine and became a high-level Force-using operative. After Palpatine’s death, she received his last command, which was to kill Luke Skywalker; however, the death of her Master caused her to go rogue. Eventually she joined smuggler chief Talon Karrde, becoming one of his best smugglers and his second-in-command. During the predations of Grand Admiral Thrawn, she was forced to work with Skywalker, and developed a grudging respect for him. During the Galactic Civil War, Mara Jade proved herself skilled in a variety of fields; she was a good pilot and mechanic and trained in the use of both a blaster and hand-to-hand combat even without relying on the Force.
Source Wookieepedia
[box]1. Dark green or grass green dress with a rounded neck line; mid-calf length, with a loose, flowing skirt. Sleeves should be gathered to a cuff.[/box] [box]2. Wrap around overskirt of the same fabric as the dress. Overskirt does not meet in the center, and has a hemline that is shorter on one side[/box] [box]3. Black leather or leather like belt, two (2) to two and half (2.5) inches wide, with a rectangular silver buckle approximately two (2) to two and half (2.5) inches wide.Belt and buckle width must match. The belt should be proportional to wearer.[/box]
[box]4. Brown, flat soled, mid-calf height boots. Boots should be completely wrapped with strips of fabric or leather in a medium to dark brown color.[/box] [box]5. A round, brown leather or leather like shoulder bag approximately 8-10 inches across, with appropriate patterns. Strap should be long enough to be worn across the body, and be approximately 2 inches wide. No beading, fringe, outside pockets, or other embellishments are permitted[/box] [box]6. Round silver brooch, approximately three (3) inches in diameter, with a raised, circular area in the center and a raised border.[/box] [box]7. Shoulder armor covered in a brown leather or leather like material, closely resembling what is shown in this illustration. Each piece is a different size, and is three dimensional.[/box] [box]8. Luke Skywalker ANH or ESB lightsaber hilt. (Anakin ROTS is also acceptable).[/box] [box]9. Long red hair, with a single, three-strand braid tugged over the right shoulder. A short, Padawan style braid may be worn on the left side of the head.[/box]MARA JADE – TUNIC AND PANTS (Vision of the Future Cover):
[box]1. Dark green tunic of mid-thigh length, with long fitted sleeves. Tunic bottom can be slightly pointy with a very soft/flat V shape.[/box] [box]2. Matching green, close fitting leggings.[/box] [box]3. Black leather or leather like belt, two (2) to two and half (2.5) inches wide, with a six-sided silver buckle approximately two (2) to two and half (2.5) inches wide; or a rectangular silver buckle approximately two (2) to two and half (2.5) inches wide.Belt and buckle width must match. Belt must be proportional to wearer.[/box] [box]4. Dark brown or black, flat soled, mid-calf height boots. Boots should be wrapped with strips of fabric or leather in a light to medium brown color so very little of the boot is visible.[/box]
[box]5. A brown leather or leather like rectangular shoulder bag approximately 10 inches across. Strap should be long enough to be worn across the body, and be approximately 2 inches wide. Bag must be sloped over one shoulder to opposite thigh, the strap of the bag being placed underneath the shoulder armor.No beading, fringe, outside pockets, or other embellishments are permitted.[/box]
[box]6. Round silver or bronze-brown brooch, approximately 3 inches in diameter, with a raised, circular area in the center and a raised border.[/box] [box]7. Shoulder armor covered in a dull silver metallic material or brown leather or similar material, closely resembling what is shown in this illustration. Each piece is a different size, and is three dimensional.[/box] [box]8. Luke Skywalker ANH or ESB lightsaber hilt. (Anakin ROTS is also acceptable).[/box] [box]9. Long, red hair, with a single, three-strand braid tugged over the right shoulder. A short, Padawan style braid may be worn on the left side of the head.[/box]COSTUME RESOURCES
KJO detachment page- Mara Jade
Standard reviewed by the Costume Standards Committee 15 June 2015
PLEASE NOTE: The costume standards are a guide, yet are not an all inclusive outline of required elements. The judges will be looking for quality of workmanship, accurate execution and use of materials in addition to these general standards check lists. If you have a question about fabrics, colors, and parts choices for your build please contact the LCJs for your category about parts/materials you are considering before you start your build. (LCJ listing here)