New Republic Starfighter Command Dress Uniform

ALL, Expanded Universe, Pilots


The Rebel Alliance’s starfighter corps was one of its greatest assets. There were nearly as many stories as there were pilots: Rebel starfighters were flown by Imperial defectors, reformed mercenaries, adventure-seeking farmboys, and daredevils who only truly felt alive in a cockpit. Regardless of their backgrounds, Rebel pilots learned to work together, relying on their wingmen as well as their training in countless battles against the Empire. (Source: Star Wars Databank)



Required Details:

  1. Tunic is medium weight white matte suiting fabric with little to no sheen. Recommend twill, gabardine, or wool blend.
  2. Tunic is open-front and length falls between the hip and upper thigh, with the wearer’s left side slightly crossing over the right at the waist where it is tied over with an obi, reminiscent of a happi jacket.
  3. Sleeves are full length shoulder to wrist, shape and fit is similar to a suit jacket.
  4. Tunic is fitted to wearer.
  5. Tunic has a tidy appearance, void of excess wrinkles.
  6. Red lapel/sash is approximately 6 cm (2.5”) wide.
  7. Rank Bar is attached to the wearer’s red lapel/sash, at approximately heart height on the wearer.
  8. Tunic meets one of the Alternate Details options.

Alternate Details:

Option 1:

  1. The wearer’s red left side lapel extends the full length of the front of the tunic and continues as a red stripe over the wearer’s left shoulder and down the full length to the bottom of the back of the tunic.
  2. In the back, the stripe is at a slight angle towards the center extending to just left of the center at the bottom of the tunic.

Additional Images:

Option 2:

  1. The wearer’s left side lapel is red from the waist where the obi ties going upward and continuing as a red stripe over the wearer’s left shoulder to the back side of the tunic.
  2. In the back, the strip is at a slight angle towards the center extending to either the obi or all the way to the bottom of the tunic to the left of center.

Option 3:

  1. A red sash along the edge of the wearer’s left side of the tunic going over the wearer’s left shoulder to the back side to left of center.
  2. Sash is tucked under the obi in the front and back.
  3. Sash length is either to the obi or to the bottom of the tunic.

Additional Images:

Optional Detail:

  1. Right side lapel in all white, either identical or narrower than red left side lapel.
  2. White equal-width lapel on both sides of tunic when worn with red sash.
  3. Simple white epaulettes on both shoulders from neck seam to shoulder seam.

Additional Images:

Note: Additional variations than are described here will be approved if a source image and noted source of image are provided with application.[/box] [box]Rank Bar

Required Details:

  1. Rectangular bar is metallic gold in color.
  2. Width is approximately the same width as the lapel.
  3. Length is approximately 3 times the width.
  4. Top 1/4th is smooth and either blank or with 1-5 rank dots to match layout of source images. Rank dots color may be red, blue, or gold to match rank bar. Diameter of rank dots should be no larger than 1/6th the width of the rank bar.
  5. Bottom 1/4th is smooth like the top portion with either no markings or a centered Rebel Starbird detail. Starbird color is red or gold to match the rank bar.
  6. Center section has 3-6 equal distanced horizontal lines or ridges.
  7. Rank bar sits flush to the body, should not weigh down the tunic fabric. Recommend using a lightweight material.

Note: Additional variations than are described here will be approved if a source image and noted source of image are provided with application.

Optional Detail:

  1. Rank dots in the top 1/4th section of rank bar can match Rebel Alliance Ranks as listed here.

Additional Images:

[/box] [box] Obi

Required Details:

  1. Obi is a light to medium gray, medium to heavyweight matte fabric. Obi is either the same or slightly heavier fabric than the wearer uses for their tunic.
  2. Obi is slightly wider than the lapel of the tunic.
  3. Obi wraps around the waist of the tunic and is void of hanging ends.
  4. Obi has a tidy appearance, void of excess wrinkles.

Optional Detail:

  1. Obi can be fastened in the back using a visible seam and hidden closures such as hook/eye, snaps, or velcro in the back.

Additional Images:

[/box] [box] Under Layer

Option 1: Shirt


Required Details:

  1. Black turtleneck style shirt worn under the tunic, fitted to wearer.
  2. Fabric is smooth, not ribbed, and has little to no sheen.

Optional Details:

  1. For masked alien pilots – turtleneck is wide enough to tuck over edge of mask.

Additional Images:



Required Details:

  1. Medium weight matte suiting fabric with little to no sheen. Recommend twill, gabardine, or wool blend.
  2. Black dress slacks, fitted to wearer.

Additional Images:


Optional Details:

  1. A thin yellow stripe down the outer length of the pants.

Option 2: Bodysuit


Required Details:

  1. Fabric has little to no sheen.
  2. Black full body length turtleneck bodysuit, fitted to wearer.

Optional Details:

  1. For masked alien pilots – turtleneck is wide enough to tuck over edge of mask.[/box]
[box] Boots


Required Details:

  1. Leather or leather-like largely unadorned black boots.

Alternate Details:

Option 1:

  1. Mid-calf boots over leg coverings.
  2. Low heels, approximately 2.5 cm (1″) tall.
  3. Toe is more rounded than pointed.

Option 2:

  1. Ankle height or mid-calf boot with pants covering over the top of the boot/shoe.
  2. Low heels, approximately 2.5 cm (1″) tall.
  3. Toe is more rounded than pointed.

Optional Details:

  1. Shoes/boots may have a black zipper on the inside as long as it is not prominently visible.
  2. A high buckle on the shaft of mid-calf boots can be covered by slight pant blousing.

Additional Images:



[box] Face Character

Required Details:

  1. Hair, rank badge, and other unique features match face character.

Note: Provide face character reference photos with application. [/box]

Costume Resources:

Due to the nature of comic art, this costume has a wide number of variations. As such, variations on the options listed in this standard will be accepted when applicants provide the source image they use for their personal costume.

Updated: May 21, 2023

For Face Characters: Tattoos and body piercings – No tattoos or body piercings may be visible unless it is a tattoo/piercing the character has. They must be covered with makeup or by the costume.

PLEASE NOTE: The costume standards are a guide, yet are not an all inclusive outline of required elements. The judges will be looking for quality of workmanship, accurate execution and use of materials in addition to these general standards check lists. If you have a question about fabrics, colors, and parts choices for your build please contact the LCJs for your category about parts/materials you are considering before you start your build.