Senator Mon Mothma (Clone Wars)

ALL, Dignitaries, The Clone Wars

A leader of the Galactic Senate’s Loyalist faction, Mon Mothma opposed Supreme Chancellor Palpatine’s policies during the final days of the Republic. Mothma allied herself with like-minded Senators such as Alderaan’s Bail Organa, Rodia’s Onaconda Farr and Naboo’s Padmé Amidala. But their efforts to curb Palpatine’s powers proved largely in vain. After Palpatine declared himself Emperor, Mothma remained in the Senate, but worked in secret with Organa to unite rebellious movements into an Alliance to restore the Republic. Working in secret, she helped found the Rebel Alliance, and served as its civilian leader during the long struggle against the Empire. (Source Star Wars Databank)



Required Details:

  1. White or off-white floor-length A-line dress made of a medium-weight fabric with a circular pattern. Pattern may be printed, finely painted, or a raised texture as a part of the fabric.
  2. The sleeves are bell-shaped. Sleeves extend slightly over the hand on top of the arm.
  3. Dress has a waist seam.

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[/box] [box]Tabard

Required Details:

  1. Off-white floor-length contoured tabard of a medium to heavy-weight fabric.
  2. Tabard is approximately as wide as the dress’s shoulder seams at the shoulder. The tabard curves in towards the waist, where it flares out towards the bottom.
  3. Tabard has a very tall standing collar. Collar is loosely fitting with an angled V-neck. The collar closes on both sides with three ball-shaped cream buttons.
  4. Front of the tabard is decorated with three vertical strips of a fine geometric lace-like pattern. One strip starts just below the collar and the other two start at the shoulder seams, beneath the Hana pendants. Strips may be made of fine lace trim, finely painted or embossed on, or part of the original tabard fabric.
  5. No visible topstitching.

Optional Details:

  1. Vertical edges of the tabard are finished with narrow light gray trim or piping.
  2. Tabard is self-lined with the same fabric.
  3. Tabard is attached to the dress at the back of the waist by hidden snaps or other clasps.

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[/box] [box]Brooches

Required Details:

  1. Two silver Hana pendant brooches, mounted at the center of each shoulder.
  2. Shoulder brooches are connected by two thick silver metallic cords draped between them, hanging down to just below the bust.
  3. A third, slightly larger silver Hana pendant hangs down between the shoulder brooches on a thinner silver cord. The distance between the larger Hana pendant and the first thicker cord is roughly the same as the distance between the two thicker cords.

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[/box] [box]Shoes

Required Details:

  1. White or off-white tailored flats or low-heeled pumps.
  2. Shoes have closed toes and do not have decorations.
[/box] [box]Hair

Required Details:

  1. Short hair, cut above the collar, styled with an off-center part to the left of the head.
  2. If costumer has bangs, they are swept to the side.
  3. Naturally-occurring hair colors only (red-brown recommended)

Optional Details

  1. If a wig is used, it must be high quality and look like real hair.

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[box]Funeral Dress

Required Details:

  1. Brooches
  2. Hair
  3. Dress (black)
  4. Tabard (black)
  5. Shoes (black)

The dress, tabard, and shoes are entirely black. All shapes, patterns, and details remain otherwise the same as her senate dress.

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Updated: August 21, 2022