Senator Mon Mothma (Padme’s Apartments)

ALL, Dignitaries, Episode III (ROTS)


Working in secret as one of the founders of the Rebel Alliance, Senator Mon Mothma of Chandrila carefully navigates the dangerous shadows of Coruscant politics in her efforts to build a viable rebellion. Once a leader of the Galactic Senate’s Loyalist faction, Mon Mothma opposed Supreme Chancellor Palpatine’s policies during the final days of the Republic. After the rise of the Empire, Mothma continues to serve her constituents on Coruscant while working on her ultimate goal: the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Star Wars Databank




Required Details:

  1. Off-white floor-length A-line dress made of a fleecy medium-weight fabric with a circular patterned texture.
  2. The sleeves are bell-shaped and gathered into narrow matching binding at the wrist. Sleeves blouse slightly over the hands.

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[/box] [box]Tabard


Required Details:

  1. Off-white floor-length contoured tabard of a medium to heavy-weight fabric (wool recommended).
  2. Tabard is approximately as wide as the dress’s shoulder seams at the shoulder. In the front, it curves in towards the waist, where it flares out slightly towards the bottom. The tabard edges are relatively straight in the back.
  3. Tabard has a very tall standing collar. Collar is loosely fitting with an angled V-neck. The collar closes on both sides with three ball-shaped cream buttons (pearl textured buttons recommended).
  4. Tabard is decorated with vertical strips of a fine lace-like pattern. Three strips start at the top of the tabard, and one is added on each edge below the waist. Strips may be made of fine lace trim, painted or embossed on, or part of the original tabard fabric.
  5. No visible topstitching.

Optional Details:

  1. Tabard is self-lined with the same fabric.

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[/box] [box]Brooches


Required Details:

  1. Two silver Hana pendant brooches, mounted at the center of each shoulder
  2. Shoulder brooches are connected by two thick silver metallic cords draped between them. The top cord drapes down to below the busts and the other drapes down to just above waist height.
  3. A third, slightly larger silver Hana pendant hangs down between the shoulder brooches on a thinner silver cord. The distance between the larger Hana pendant and the first thicker cord is roughly the same as the distance between the two thicker cords.

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[/box] [box]Shoes


Required Details:

  1. White or off-white tailored flats or low-heeled pumps.
  2. Shoes have closed toes and do not have decorations.[/box]


Required Details:

  1. Short hair, cut above the collar, styled with an off-center part to the left of the head.
  2. If costumer has bangs, they are swept to the side.
  3. Naturally-occurring hair colors only (red-brown recommended)

Note: If a wig is used, it must be high quality and look like real hair.

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Reference Photo Gallery
Member Build Threads
Padawan’s Guide Episode III Mon Mothma Page


Updated: April 6, 2023

For Face Characters: Tattoos and body piercings – No tattoos or body piercings may be visible unless it is a tattoo/piercing the character has. They must be covered with makeup or by the costume.

PLEASE NOTE: The costume standards are a guide, yet are not an all inclusive outline of required elements. The judges will be looking for quality of workmanship, accurate execution and use of materials in addition to these general standards check lists. If you have a question about fabrics, colors, and parts choices for your build please contact the LCJs for your category about parts/materials you are considering before you start your build.