Visas Marr (KOTOR 2: The Sith Lords)

ALL, Expanded Universe, Jedi

Visas Marr was a Miraluka female from the Mid Rim world of Katarr who lived during the time of the Jedi Civil War and the period of unrest that followed in its wake. In 3952 BBY, Katarr had been chosen to host a secret Jedi conclave, which consequently drew the attention of the Sith. Darth Nihilus, one of the leaders of the Sith Triumvirate, brought devastation to the world, as well as the Jedi Order. He consumed all organic life on the planet, yet left Marr alive. She was taken aboard his flagship, the Ravager, and after she was made his apprentice, a Force bond was forged between the two. Afterward a servant of the dark side of the Force, she traveled with Nihilus beyond the Outer Rim. In 3951 BBY, Marr was dispatched into the galaxy to seek out a growing presence in the Force and bring its cause before Nihilus. Marr found the center of the phenomenon she sought: a former Jedi, exiled by the Order before Nihilus’s rise to power, who had returned to known space. She ambushed and challenged the exiled Jedi, Meetra Surik who defeated Marr. Impressed by Surik’s abilities and the destiny that she perceived about her, Marr allowed herself to be swayed to the light. Forsaking her master, Nihilus, she became an informal apprentice to Surik, teaching the elder ex-Jedi about the power of her Force-sensitive species.(Source Wookiepedia)



Required Details:

  1. Low to medium sheen dark burgundy light to mid-weight natural fabric.
  2. Skirt is ankle length.
  3. Sleeves are ¾ length and gathered at the forearm, cuffs recommended to keep sleeves tucked into the gloves.

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Alternate Underdress

Required Details:

  1. Low to medium sheen dark burgundy light to mid-weight natural fabric.
  2. Skirt is ankle length.
  3. ¾ length large bell sleeves with gold trim matching the veil around the hem. Sleeve cover the top of the gloves.


Required Details:

  1. Medium to heavy weight black fabric with low to medium sheen, leather or leather-like recommended.
  2. Cap sleeves.
  3. High collar with slight rounded V in the bottom front.
  4. Slit on front left side that ends just below the hip.
  5. Subtle pinwheel pattern in grey applied to fabric.

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Red Sash

Required Details:

  1. Sash wraps loosely at the waist twice.
  2. Both layers of the sash sits together on the right hand side and the lower left side hangs lower over the hip.
  3. Sash is slightly brighter red than the underdress.


Required Details:

  1. Low to medium sheen light to mid weight natural fabric to match underdress.
  2. Gold trim over t:he eyes and around the bottom of the veil.
  3. Veil is be shoulder length.

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Required Details:

  1. Gloves are matte black and end below the elbow.
  2. Gold trim matches the veil.
  3. Four evenly spaced silver lines.


Required Details:

  1. Black, plain with no decorations.
  2. Any height is acceptable as they should not be seen under the dress.


Required Details:

  1. Silver metallic lightsaber hilt. (No toy sabers, no Ultimate FX short saber). The lightsaber may be a static prop (hilt-only).

Optional Details:

  1. Attached blade(s), LED lights, and sound effects, are allowed but not required.
  2. If Lightsaber has a blade, blade may be blue, green, yellow, orange, white and violet. No red, pink or black blades.

Member Build Threads

Updated: July 20, 2022

PLEASE NOTE: The costume standards are a guide, yet are not an all inclusive outline of required elements. The judges will be looking for quality of workmanship, accurate execution and use of materials in addition to these general standards check lists. If you have a question about fabrics, colours, and parts choices for your build please contact the LCJs for your category about parts/materials you are considering before you start your build. (LCJ listing here)