A'Sharad Hett

A’Sharad Hett (Before / After Order 66)

ALL, Expanded Universe, Jedi

Darth Krayt, born A’Sharad Hett, was a Human male who served as a Jedi Master in the waning days of the Galactic Republic.  The son of legendary Jedi Knight Sharad Hett and his wife K’Sheek, both of whom lived among the Tusken Raiders of Tatooine, he eventually became the Padawan of Jedi Masters Ki-Adi-Mundi, and later, An’ya Kuro.

aayla secura

Aayla Secura

Aliens, ALL, Episode II (AOTC), Episode III (ROTS), Jedi

Aayla Secura, born Aaylas’ecura, was a female Rutian Twi’lek Jedi Master in the later days of the Republic, who served with distinction as a General during the Clone Wars. She served as a Padawan under the tutelage of Quinlan Vos, and later, Vos’ own master Tholme. Both Secura and Vos survived a brush with the dark side early in their Jedi training, though she later proved herself worthy of knighthood.

ahsoka tano cargo of doom

Ahsoka Tano – The Clone Wars (Cargo of Doom)

Aliens, ALL, Jedi, The Clone Wars

Ahsoka Tano, nicknamed Snips by her master, was a Togruta female from the planet Shili who trained as a Jedi apprentice during the Clone Wars, the conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Tano was assigned to Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker by Jedi Grand Master Yoda, and she demonstrated an eagerness to prove herself worthy to be his apprentice. Tano was involved in the defeat of the Separatist army on the planet Christophsis and was important to Republic efforts during the Battle of Teth. Along with Skywalker, Tano was instrumental in acquiring the Republic’s safe passage through Hutt Space, due to her part in rescuing the son of Jabba the Hutt, which ensured an alliance between the Republic and the Hutt clans.

Ahsoka Tano Rebels

Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars Rebels)

Aliens, ALL, Jedi, Rebels

Ahsoka Tano, nicknamed Snips by her master, was a Togruta female from the planet Shili who trained as a Jedi apprentice during the Clone Wars, the conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Tano was assigned to Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker by Jedi Grand Master Yoda, and she demonstrated an eagerness to prove herself worthy to be his apprentice. Tano was involved in the defeat of the Separatist army on the planet Christophsis and was important to Republic efforts during the Battle of Teth. Along with Skywalker, Tano was instrumental in acquiring the Republic’s safe passage through Hutt Space, due to her part in rescuing the son of Jabba the Hutt, which ensured an alliance between the Republic and the Hutt clans.


Ahsoka Tano (The Clone Wars – Season 1-2)

Aliens, ALL, Jedi, The Clone Wars

Ahsoka Tano, nicknamed Snips by her master, was a Togruta female from the planet Shili who trained as a Jedi apprentice during the Clone Wars, the conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Tano was assigned to Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker by Jedi Grand Master Yoda, and she demonstrated an eagerness to prove herself worthy to be his apprentice. Tano was involved in the defeat of the Separatist army on the planet Christophsis and was important to Republic efforts during the Battle of Teth. Along with Skywalker, Tano was instrumental in acquiring the Republic’s safe passage through Hutt Space, due to her part in rescuing the son of Jabba the Hutt, which ensured an alliance between the Republic and the Hutt clans.

ahsoka tano the clone wars seasons 3-5

Ahsoka Tano (The Clone Wars Season 3-5)

Aliens, ALL, Jedi, The Clone Wars

Ahsoka Tano, nicknamed Snips by her master, was a Togruta female from the planet Shili who trained as a Jedi apprentice during the Clone Wars, the conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Tano was assigned to Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker by Jedi Grand Master Yoda, and she demonstrated an eagerness to prove herself worthy to be his apprentice. Tano was involved in the defeat of the Separatist army on the planet Christophsis and was important to Republic efforts during the Battle of Teth. Along with Skywalker, Tano was instrumental in acquiring the Republic’s safe passage through Hutt Space, due to her part in rescuing the son of Jabba the Hutt, which ensured an alliance between the Republic and the Hutt clans.

anakin skywalker ep2

Anakin Skywalker – (Episode II – Padawan)

ALL, Episode II (AOTC), Jedi

Anakin Skywalker was discovered as a slave on Tatooine by Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi. He had the potential to become one of the most powerful Jedi ever, and was believed by some to be the prophesied Chosen One who would bring balance to the Force. A hero of the Clone Wars, Anakin was caring and compassionate, but also had a fear of loss that would prove to be his downfall.

Anakin Skywalker Clone Wars Microseries

Anakin Skywalker (Clone Wars Microseries)

ALL, Clone Wars Microseries, Expanded Universe, Jedi

Anakin Skywalker – was a Force-sensitive Human male who served the Galactic Republic as a Jedi Knight and later served the Galactic Empire as the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Born to the slave Shmi Skywalker in 41.9 BBY, Anakin was conceived by midi-chlorians, the symbiotic organisms that allowed individuals to touch the Force, and he and his mother were brought to the desert planet of Tatooine to be the slaves of Gardulla the Hutt.

Anakin Skywalker (Endor Ghost)

ALL, Episode VI (ROTJ), Jedi

Anakin Skywalker – was a Force-sensitive Human male who served the Galactic Republic as a Jedi Knight and later served the Galactic Empire as the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Born to the slave Shmi Skywalker in 41.9 BBY, Anakin was conceived by midi-chlorians, the symbiotic organisms that allowed individuals to touch the Force, and he and his mother were brought to the desert planet of Tatooine to be the slaves of Gardulla the Hutt.

Anakin Skywalker Episode III

Anakin Skywalker (Episode III)

ALL, Episode III (ROTS), Jedi

Anakin Skywalker was a Force-sensitive Human male who served the Galactic Republic as a Jedi Knight and later served the Galactic Empire as the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Born to the slave Shmi Skywalker in 41.9 BBY, Anakin was conceived by midi-chlorians, the symbiotic organisms that allowed individuals to touch the Force, and he and his mother were brought to the desert planet of Tatooine to be the slaves of Gardulla the Hutt.

Anakin Skywalker (Outlander Peasant Disguise)

ALL, Episode II (AOTC), Jedi

Anakin Skywalker – was a Force-sensitive Human male who served the Galactic Republic as a Jedi Knight and later served the Galactic Empire as the Sith Lord Darth Vader. Born to the slave Shmi Skywalker in 41.9 BBY, Anakin was conceived by midi-chlorians, the symbiotic organisms that allowed individuals to touch the Force, and he and his mother were brought to the desert planet of Tatooine to be the slaves of Gardulla the Hutt.


ALL, Expanded Universe, Jedi

Atris was a Human female who served as a Jedi historian, and later as a Jedi Master and Jedi Council member during the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War. She was deeply committed to the Order and was a fierce adherent of the Jedi Code.

Barriss Offee

ALL, Episode II (AOTC), Episode III (ROTS), Jedi

Barriss Offee was a Mirialan Jedi Knight and General during the Clone Wars. A skilled Jedi Healer, Offee utilized her abilities at a Rimsoo on Drongar during the galactic conflict. Trained by Jedi Master Luminara Unduli in the years leading up to the Clone Wars, Offee fought in tandem with her master in skirmishes on Ansion and Ilum. She carried a blue lightsaber and was a practitioner of Soresu.

Barriss Offee (The Clone Wars)

ALL, Jedi, The Clone Wars

Barriss Offee was a Mirialan Jedi Knight and General during the Clone Wars. A skilled Jedi Healer, Offee utilized her abilities at a Rimsoo on Drongar during the galactic conflict.

Bastila Shan (Knights of the Old Republic)

ALL, Expanded Universe, Jedi

Bastila Shan was a Human female who served as a Jedi Padawan during the Jedi Civil War. Born on the planet Talravin to Helena Shan and a treasure hunter, her mother gave her up to the Jedi Order, believing that their lifestyle of travel and exertions was not suitable for her daughter. Shan was found to have an exceptional gift with a Force power known as battle meditation; which increased her allies’ morale while demoralizing her enemies.

Ben Solo - The Last Jedi

Ben Solo – TLJ Version

ALL, Episode VIII (TLJ), Jedi

Ben Solo was the son of General Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa, Ben was born on the Core World Chandrila, on the day the Galactic Empire surrendered to the New Republic in 5 ABY. Although he was given his father’s surname, the young Solo was a Skywalker on his mother’s side. He, therefore, inherited the raw strength of his maternal grandfather, Anakin Skywalker, the Chosen One of the Force. As his own powers manifested in the years following the Galactic Civil War, Solo became part of a new generation of Jedi Knights trained by his mother’s twin brother, Luke Skywalker. Disturbed by the rising darkness within Solo, Skywalker believed he had already lost him to Snoke and nearly struck down his nephew in a moment of instinct. As a result, Solo lashed out by slaughtering the other students and burning down the temple, effectively destroying his uncle’s plan to restore the Jedi Order to its former glory. (Source: Wookieepedia)

Bultar Swan

ALL, Episode II (AOTC), Jedi

Bultar Swan was a female Human who trained with and served the Jedi Order during the final decades of the Galactic Republic. As a Padawan of Jedi Master Micah Giiett, Swan excelled at martial arts, and she later complemented her fighting techniques with a strong lightsaber defense under the tutelage of Jedi Master Plo Koon. Dedicated to her beliefs, she was respected within the Order for her record of never having killed an opponent prior to the outbreak of the Clone Wars. After becoming a Jedi Knight, Swan was routinely sent on peace missions, including one to the Fondor system to investigate the alleged reappearance of an ancient starship and to mediate a dispute over salvage rights to the vessel. Swan became entwined in a plot by the shipbuilder Groodo the Hutt to destroy the Fondor Shipyards, and she aided in destroying Groodo’s Droid Control Army and thwarting his plan to take over Fondor Spaceport.

Cin Drallig (Episode III)

ALL, Episode III (ROTS), Jedi


Cin Drallig was a legendary Human male Jedi Master of the Jedi Order who served as battlemaster and head of security at the Coruscant Jedi Temple during the waning days of the Galactic Republic. He met his doom at the hands of Darth Vader during Operation: Knightfall, when the Order 66 go-ahead was given.

Corran Horn, Jedi Knight

ALL, Expanded Universe, Jedi

Corran Horn was a Force-sensitive Human male Corellian pilot who served as a Corellian Security Force investigator, a Rogue Squadron ace and New Republic hero, and later a Jedi Master of the New Jedi Order.


Ezra Bridger (Season 1)

ALL, Jedi, Rebels

Ezra Bridger was a human male Jedi Padawan who, as an orphan on the Outer Rim planet of Lothal, became a rebel fighter and revolutionary leader in the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire.


Ezra Bridger (Season 3)

ALL, Jedi, Rebels

Ezra Bridger was a human male Jedi Padawan who, as an orphan on the Outer Rim planet of Lothal, became a rebel fighter and revolutionary leader in the early rebellion against the Galactic Empire.

Galen Marek – Arena Standard, FU II

ALL, Expanded Universe, Jedi


Galen Marek, codenamed Starkiller, was a male Human apprentice of the Sith Lord Darth Vader. A powerful Force-user who lived during the era of the Galactic Empire, Marek originated from the Wookiee home planet of Kashyyyk as the sole offspring of two Jedi Knights—Mallie and Kento Marek—who deserted the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars. Following the death of his mother, the young Marek’s father was killed in battle by Darth Vader. Though only a child, Marek possessed an exceptionally strong connection to the Force that the Dark Lord of the Sith sought to exploit.

Galen Marek – Ceremonial Jedi Robes

ALL, Expanded Universe, Jedi


Galen Marek, codenamed Starkiller, was a male Human apprentice of the Sith Lord Darth Vader. A powerful Force-user who lived during the era of the Galactic Empire, Marek originated from the Wookiee home planet of Kashyyyk as the sole offspring of two Jedi Knights—Mallie and Kento Marek—who deserted the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars. Following the death of his mother, the young Marek’s father was killed in battle by Darth Vader. Though only a child, Marek possessed an exceptionally strong connection to the Force that the Dark Lord of the Sith sought to exploit.

Galen Marek (Death Star Duel)

ALL, Expanded Universe, Jedi


Galen Marek, codenamed Starkiller, was a male Human apprentice of the Sith Lord Darth Vader. A powerful Force-user who lived during the era of the Galactic Empire, Marek originated from the Wookiee home planet of Kashyyyk as the sole offspring of two Jedi Knights—Mallie and Kento Marek—who deserted the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars. Following the death of his mother, the young Marek’s father was killed in battle by Darth Vader. Though only a child, Marek possessed an exceptionally strong connection to the Force that the Dark Lord of the Sith sought to exploit.

Generic Jedi - The Clone Wars

Generic Jedi General (The Clone Wars)

ALL, Jedi, The Clone Wars

Jedi – A Jedi was a member of the Jedi Order, who studied, served and used the mystical energies of the Force; usually, the light side of the Force. The weapon of the Jedi was the lightsaber, a weapon with a blade made of pure energy. The Jedi fought for peace and justice in the Galactic Republic, usually against their mortal enemies, the Sith and Dark Jedi, who studied the dark side of the Force. Although the Order was almost destroyed five times, including once by the Sith Empire of Darth Revan, by the Sith Triumvirate under Darth Nihilus during the First Jedi Purge shortly after, 4,000 years after that, by the Great Jedi Purge of Darth Sidious, and a century afterwords by Darth Krayt’s Galactic Empire and it’s Third Jedi Purge, the order continued to live on, in part due to the Skywalker family who time and time again played important parts in the history of the Jedi.



Aliens, ALL, Jedi, The Clone Wars

Once a rare example of a Wookiee in the Jedi Order, Gungi is also among the few to survive Order 66.


High Republic Jedi (Informal Temple Attire)

ALL, High Republic, Jedi

The High Republic is during an era when the Galactic Republic and the Jedi Order are at their zenith, about 200 years before the events of the prequel trilogy. This was a golden age for the Jedi and a time of galactic expansion in the Outer Rim. It is a hopeful, optimistic time, when the Jedi are true guardians of peace and justice. This style of uniform is used during the High Republic era for everyday wear around Jedi Temples scattered across the ever-expanding known galaxy.

Imperial Knights

Imperial Knight

ALL, Expanded Universe, Jedi

The Imperial Knights, formally the Knights of the Empire, were an order of Force-practitioners loyal to the Emperor of the Fel Empire. They were fully trained in the ways of the Force and rejected the dark side of the Force, unlike previous Imperial Force-based organizations. Source: Wookieepedia

Jaina Solo, New Republic Jedi

ALL, Expanded Universe, Jedi

Jaina Solo Fel was a Human female Jedi Master of the New Jedi Order, member of the Jedi High Council, the wife of Jagged Fel, the twin sister of Jacen Solo and the older sister of Anakin Solo. Born to Han and Leia Organa Solo, she inherited her father’s mechanical aptitude and her mother’s Force sensitivity, resulting in her eventual training at the Jedi Praxeum. (Source Wookieepedia)

Jedi (Generic)

Jedi Costume Standards (Generic)

ALL, Episode I (TPM), Episode II (AOTC), Episode III (ROTS), Episode IV (ANH), Episode V (ESB), Episode VI (ROTJ), Expanded Universe, Jedi

A Jedi was a member of the Jedi Order, who studied, served and used the mystical energies of the Force; usually, the light side of the Force. The weapon of the Jedi was the lightsaber, a weapon with a blade made of pure energy. The Jedi fought for peace and justice in the Galactic Republic, usually against their mortal enemies, the Sith and Dark Jedi, who studied the dark side of the Force. (Source Wookieepedia)

Jocasta Nu

Jocasta Nu

ALL, Episode II (AOTC), Episode III (ROTS), Jedi

Jocasta Nu was a female Human who served as the Chief Librarian of the Jedi Archives during the final days of the Galactic Republic, with a penchant for being a bit overconfident in the completeness of her Archives.   During her career, Nu served as a member of the Jedi High Council and trained many Padawans, including the future Emperor’s Hand, Jerec, Olee Starstone, whom she tutored in the years prior to the Clone Wars, and Jin-Lo Rayce, founder of the Agents of Ossus.   Jocasta Nu died when the 501st Legion ransacked the Jedi Temple at the end of the Clone Wars.

Jocasta Nu (Star Wars comic)

ALL, Expanded Universe, Jedi

Jocasta Nu was a female Human who served as the Chief Librarian of the Jedi Archives during the final days of the Galactic Republic, with a penchant for being a bit overconfident in the completeness of her Archives.

Juhani (Knights of the Old Republic)

ALL, Expanded Universe, Jedi


Juhani was a Cathar female and a Knight in the Jedi Order during the Jedi Civil War. Juhani grew up on the planet Taris after her family escaped the assault on their homeworld during the Mandalorian Wars. In addition experiencing great hardship and xenophobic discrimination, Juhani was sold into slavery after the death of her parents in order to pay off their debts. Juhani was eventually discovered to be Force-sensitive by the Jedi Knight Revan, and freed from her servitude. She then made her way to the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine and was accepted for Jedi training by Jedi Master Quatra..

Kanan Jarrus

Kanan Jarrus

ALL, Jedi, Rebels

Kanan Jarrus, born Caleb Dume, was a Human male Jedi Padawan who survived Order 66.  Going into hiding, he forsook the Jedi ways for sometime, swapping his blue-bladed lightsaber for a blaster. Eventually, he would come to command the VCX-100 light freighter Ghost several years before the Battle of Yavin.  While cocky and often sarcastic, Jarrus was eager to help out and fight the Galactic Empire.  Five years before the Battle of Yavin, Jarrus met Ezra Bridger, a fourteen-year-old Force-sensitive Human, whom he decided to mentor.

KOTOR 1 - Knights of the Old Republic


ALL, Expanded Universe, Jedi

Jedi wore this style of Jedi robes during the time of Knights of the Old Republic. Jedi seen wearing this style of robes include Master Zhar Lestin, Master Dorak, Master Vrook Lamar, Belaya, Juhani, and Jolee Bindo. The player character of Knights of the Old Republic may also wear this style of robe in one of the three standard colors.

Kyle Katarn (Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II)

ALL, Expanded Universe, Jedi

Kyle Katarn was a famous Human male Rebel operative from Sulon and later a Jedi of the New Jedi Order. He was a former Imperial stormtrooper who defected to the Rebellion. Often paired with fellow Rebel agent and smuggler Jan Ors, he performed many covert missions for the Rebel Alliance and later the New Republic, including the sabotage of the Dark Trooper Project.

Kyle Katarn (Star Wars Tales)

ALL, Expanded Universe, Jedi

[magny image=”http://newsite.rebellegion.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/egcPeEO.jpg” title=”” description=”” align=”right” click=”1″ scroll_zoom=”1″ small_image=”http://newsite.rebellegion.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/egcPeEO-200×200.jpg” canvas_mode=”1″ maxwidth=”300px” zoom=”3″ dia=”250px” skin=”new-im-frame-simple,new-title-below,new-description-off,new-slider-below,new-im-magnifier-light new-im-magnifier-square” ]   CHARACTER DESCRIPTION Kyle Katarn was a famous Human male Rebel operative from Sulon and …

Luke Skywalker (Jedi-Bendu) from Dark Horse Comics

ALL, Expanded Universe, Jedi

[magny image=”http://newsite.rebellegion.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/source_23.jpg” title=”” description=”” align=”right” click=”1″ scroll_zoom=”1″ small_image=”http://newsite.rebellegion.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/source_23-200×200.jpg” canvas_mode=”1″ maxwidth=”300px” zoom=”3″ dia=”250px” skin=”new-im-frame-simple,new-title-below,new-description-off,new-slider-below,new-im-magnifier-light new-im-magnifier-square” ] CHARACTER DESCRIPTION Luke Skywalker was a Force-sensitive human male Jedi Master who was instrumental in …

Luminara Unduli

ALL, Episode II (AOTC), Episode III (ROTS), Jedi

Luminara Unduli was a female Mirialan who served as a Jedi Master and Jedi General in the fading years of the Galactic Republic. She was a valued adviser to the Jedi High Council, the Supreme Chancellor, and the Galactic Senate. During the Clone Wars, she fought with her last Padawan, Barriss Offee, and she was a common and formidable presence at points of crisis, on worlds such as Ilum, Nadiem, and Geonosis. She was killed during the Battle of Kashyyyk when Contingency Order 66 was enacted.

Luminara Unduli (The Clone Wars)

ALL, Jedi, The Clone Wars


Luminara Unduli – was a female Mirialan who served as a Jedi Master and Jedi General in the fading years of the Galactic Republic. She was a valued adviser to the Jedi High Council, the Supreme Chancellor, and the Galactic Senate. During the Clone Wars, she fought with her last Padawan, Barriss Offee, and she was a common and formidable presence at points of crisis, on worlds such as Ilum, Nadiem, and Geonosis. She was killed during the Battle of Kashyyyk when Contingency Order 66 was enacted.

Mace Windu Episode 1

Mace Windu (Episode I)

ALL, Episode I (TPM), Jedi

Mace Windu was a male Korun Jedi Master of legendary status who was the Master of the Order in the days leading up to the Battle of Geonosis, after which he gave the title to Grand Master Yoda. Hailing from the world of Haruun Kal, Mace Windu served as one of the last members of the Jedi High Council before the Great Jedi Purge. Serving on the Council, Windu was often regarded as second only to the Grand Master Yoda, though Windu was eight centuries Yoda’s junior. Windu’s wisdom and power were considered legendary by many, as were the weight of his words.

Mace Windu Episode II & III

Mace Windu (Episode II/III)

ALL, Episode II (AOTC), Episode III (ROTS), Jedi

Mace Windu was a male Korun Jedi Master of legendary status who was the Master of the Order in the days leading up to the Battle of Geonosis, after which he gave the title to Grand Master Yoda. Hailing from the world of Haruun Kal, Mace Windu served as one of the last members of the Jedi High Council before the Great Jedi Purge. Serving on the Council, Windu was often regarded as second only to the Grand Master Yoda, though Windu was eight centuries Yoda’s junior. Windu’s wisdom and power were considered legendary by many, as were the weight of his words.

Mara Jade (Green dress)

ALL, Expanded Universe, Jedi

Mara Jade Skywalker was, during different times in her life, an Emperor’s Hand, a smuggler, and later a Jedi Master who sat upon the Jedi High Council. She was raised as a servant to Emperor Palpatine and became a high-level Force-using operative. After Palpatine’s death, she received his last command, which was to kill Luke Skywalker; however, the death of her Master caused her to go rogue. Eventually she joined smuggler chief Talon Karrde, becoming one of his best smugglers and his second-in-command. During the predations of Grand Admiral Thrawn, she was forced to work with Skywalker, and developed a grudging respect for him. During the Galactic Civil War, Mara Jade proved herself skilled in a variety of fields; she was a good pilot and mechanic and trained in the use of both a blaster and hand-to-hand combat even without relying on the Force.

Obi Wan Kenobi (Mandalorian Super Commando Armour)

ALL, Jedi, Rebels in Disguise, The Clone Wars


Obi-Wan Kenobi was born in 57 BBY, the first son of a moderately wealthy family, and was taken to Coruscant to begin his Jedi training shortly thereafter.  His homeworld was Stewjon, from which Kenobi had vague, pleasant memories of playing with his brother, Owen, in a green, grassy area.  It is recorded that Kenobi might have occasionally visited Owen and the rest of the Kenobi family later in his life.

Obi-Wan "Ben" Kenobi - Episode IV - A New Hope

Obi-Wan “Ben” Kenobi

ALL, Episode IV (ANH), Jedi


Obi-Wan Kenobi was born in 57 BBY, the first son of a moderately wealthy family, and was taken to Coruscant to begin his Jedi training shortly thereafter. His homeworld was Stewjon, from which Kenobi had vague, pleasant memories of playing with his brother, Owen, in a green, grassy area. It is recorded that Kenobi might have occasionally visited Owen and the rest of the Kenobi family later in his life.

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Clone Wars V1, General)

ALL, Expanded Universe, Jedi


Obi-Wan Kenobi was born in 57 BBY, the first son of a moderately wealthy family, and was taken to Coruscant to begin his Jedi training shortly thereafter. His homeworld was Stewjon, from which Kenobi had vague, pleasant memories of playing with his brother, Owen, in a green, grassy area. It is recorded that Kenobi might have occasionally visited Owen and the rest of the Kenobi family later in his life.

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Clone Wars V2, General)

ALL, Expanded Universe, Jedi


Obi-Wan Kenobi was born in 57 BBY, the first son of a moderately wealthy family, and was taken to Coruscant to begin his Jedi training shortly thereafter. His homeworld was Stewjon, from which Kenobi had vague, pleasant memories of playing with his brother, Owen, in a green, grassy area. It is recorded that Kenobi might have occasionally visited Owen and the rest of the Kenobi family later in his life.

Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode I

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode I)

ALL, Episode I (TPM), Jedi

Obi-Wan Kenobi was born in 57 BBY, the first son of a moderately wealthy family, and was taken to Coruscant to begin his Jedi training shortly thereafter. His homeworld was Stewjon, from which Kenobi had vague, pleasant memories of playing with his brother, Owen, in a green, grassy area. It is recorded that Kenobi might have occasionally visited Owen and the rest of the Kenobi family later in his life.

Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode 2

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode II)

ALL, Episode II (AOTC), Jedi

Obi-Wan Kenobi was born in 57 BBY, the first son of a moderately wealthy family, and was taken to Coruscant to begin his Jedi training shortly thereafter. His homeworld was Stewjon, from which Kenobi had vague, pleasant memories of playing with his brother, Owen, in a green, grassy area. It is recorded that Kenobi might have occasionally visited Owen and the rest of the Kenobi family later in his life.

Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode III

Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III)

ALL, Episode III (ROTS), Jedi

Obi-Wan Kenobi was born in 57 BBY, the first son of a moderately wealthy family, and was taken to Coruscant to begin his Jedi training shortly thereafter. His homeworld was Stewjon, from which Kenobi had vague, pleasant memories of playing with his brother, Owen, in a green, grassy area. It is recorded that Kenobi might have occasionally visited Owen and the rest of the Kenobi family later in his life.

Obi-Wan Kenobi (The Clone Wars season I)

ALL, Jedi, The Clone Wars


Obi-Wan Kenobi was born in 57 BBY, the first son of a moderately wealthy family, and was taken to Coruscant to begin his Jedi training shortly thereafter. His homeworld was Stewjon, from which Kenobi had vague, pleasant memories of playing with his brother, Owen, in a green, grassy area. It is recorded that Kenobi might have occasionally visited Owen and the rest of the Kenobi family later in his life.

Plo Koon

Plo Koon (Episode I/II)

ALL, Episode I (TPM), Episode II (AOTC), Jedi

Plo Koon was a Kel Dor male from the planet Dorin who became a Jedi Master and a lifetime member of the Jedi High Council, holding the position from after the Stark Hyperspace War to the end of the Galactic Republic in 19 BBY. During the Clone Wars, Koon served as a Jedi General in the Grand Army of the Republic, leading soldiers in campaigns, fighting on Geonosis and at Kaliida Shoals amongst others. Koon was also an accomplished starfighter pilot.

Qui-Gon Jinn

Qui-Gon Jinn

ALL, Episode I (TPM), Jedi


Qui-Gon Jinn was a revered, yet maverick and unconventional Human male Jedi Master. He was the Padawan to Count Dooku, and the mentor to Obi-Wan Kenobi and briefly Anakin Skywalker. Jinn often placed himself in conflict with the Jedi High Council. He was deeply attuned to the Living Force, which contributed to him frequently taking side trips to help seemingly weak and useless life-forms. Despite his opposition to the council, he was regarded by many Jedi as sharp-witted and possessing great wisdom.

Quinlan Vos (Comic Book)

Quinlan Vos (Comic Book)

ALL, Expanded Universe, Jedi

Quinlan Vos was a male Kiffar Jedi Master in the Jedi Order and a General in the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He hailed from the planet Kiffu in the Inner Rim. With long, dreadlocked hair and a band of pale yellow across his upper face, Vos was gifted with psychometric powers which allowed him to “read memories” from inanimate objects through physical contact.

Rahm Kota – TIE Factory (Jedi)

ALL, Expanded Universe, Jedi


Rahm Kota was a Human male who served as a Jedi Master and General during the Clone Wars. Born on a war-torn world, Kota fought in the trenches during the planet’s internal conflicts from the age of ten.

Rey (TLJ Battle Outfit)

ALL, Episode VIII (TLJ), Jedi

Rey was a human female scavenger who discovered her latent Force-sensitivity while on a quest to find the legendary Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and bring a new hope to a galaxy on the brink of war.

Satele Shan

ALL, Expanded Universe, Jedi


Satele Shan was a human female who served as the Jedi Order’s Grand Master during the Cold War and the Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire.  The daughter of Jedi Knight Tasiele Shan, who was herself a descendant of the legendary Jedi Knights Revan and Bastila Shan, Satele was born on the planet Brentaal IV in the year 3699 BBY.  Inheriting her family’s Force-sensitivity, she was inducted into the Jedi Order and became the Padawan of Jedi Master Ngani Zho, though she later traveled to the Sith homeworld of Korriban to study under the Zabrak Battlemaster Kao Cen Darach.

Shaak Ti

ALL, Episode II (AOTC), Episode III (ROTS), Jedi

Shaak Ti was a female Togruta Jedi Master, hailing from the planet Shili, serving the Galactic Republic as a member of the Jedi Order in the final decades of the Republic Classic era. Joining the Jedi High Council in the years before the Clone Wars, she took up the ranks of General within the Grand Army of the Republic and was tasked with the oversight of clone trooper training on the ocean world Kamino.

Star Forge Revan robes (KOTOR)

ALL, Expanded Universe, Jedi

[magny image=”http://newsite.rebellegion.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/mh0cckX-300×275.jpg” title=”” description=”” align=”right” click=”1″ scroll_zoom=”1″ small_image=”http://newsite.rebellegion.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/mh0cckX-200×200.jpg” canvas_mode=”1″ maxwidth=”300px” zoom=”3″ dia=”250px” skin=”new-im-frame-simple,new-title-below,new-description-off,new-slider-below,new-im-magnifier-light new-im-magnifier-square” ] CHARACTER DESCRIPTION The Star Forge robes were special Jedi robes that were made in an …


SWTOR Humble Hero style Jedi Robes

ALL, Expanded Universe, Jedi

The Jedi Order is the ancient peacekeeping organization of those sensitive to the Force, mainly the light side, dedicated to protecting the Galactic Republic. Its philosophies and objectives are considered the direct opposite to that of the Sith Order.

SWTOR Relnex style Jedi Robes

ALL, Expanded Universe, Jedi


The Jedi Order, later known as the Old Jedi Order and referred to as the Holy Order of the Jedi Knights, was an ancient monastic peacekeeping organization unified by its belief and observance of the Force, specifically the light side.

The Old Republic Armored Jedi

The Old Republic Armored Jedi

ALL, Expanded Universe, Jedi

A Jedi was a member of the Jedi Order, who studied, served and used the mystical energies of the Force; usually, the light side of the Force. The weapon of the Jedi was the lightsaber, a weapon with a blade made of pure energy. The Jedi fought for peace and justice in the Galactic Republic, usually against their mortal enemies, the Sith and Dark Jedi, who studied the dark side of the Force.

Visas Marr (KOTOR 2: The Sith Lords)

ALL, Expanded Universe, Jedi

Visas Marr was a Miraluka female from the Mid Rim world of Katarr who lived during the time of the Jedi Civil War and the period of unrest that followed in its wake. In 3952 BBY, Katarr had been chosen to host a secret Jedi conclave, which consequently drew the attention of the Sith.

Visas Marr (Unseen, Unheard)

Visas Marr (Unseen, Unheard)

ALL, Expanded Universe, Jedi

Visas Marr was a Miraluka female from the Mid Rim world of Katarr who lived during the time of the Jedi Civil War and the period of unrest that followed in its wake. In 3952 BBY, Katarr had been chosen to host a secret Jedi conclave, which consequently drew the attention of the Sith.